new here | Arthritis Information


I'm new here, but not to arthritis.  I've had degenerative disc disease since I was in my early 30s and was diagnosed with RA ten years ago.  I also suffer from fibromyalgia and hypothyroid, just to make things interesting.  Presently, I take Methotrexate, Arava, Synthroid, amitrityline, folic acid, leucovorin and ibuprofen for the arthiritis and hypothyroid and a couple of other meds for hypertension caused by the above list and allergies.

My husband and I have a small dairy farm in western New York State USA.  I used to be half of the workforce, but now contribute only in very small ways.  I am a fiber artist and photographer.  I have a Masters degree in Poetry and have been sparingly published and involved in arts administration and teaching more off than on over the last 20 years.

We have two grown daughters, the eldest a fourth grade teacher married to a junior high math teacher who live nearby with their two children.  Our younger daughter is a physician's assistant and lives with her husband who is a machine designer and machinist in south western Kentucky with their two children.

As for my attitude toward my health problems, I try very hard to take care of myself while ignoring them.  I intended to be actively farming into my 60s, but it's not happening so I garden and work on my art and writing.  Not quite the same thing but it keeps me busy.

Welcome Kathleen - glad you found us.

The board seems to be pretty quiet today, everyone must be sleeping in, but I'm sure people will pop in to say hello later on.

Sounds like you have a great positive attitude about things.  I look forward to getting to know you Kathleen.



Hi Kathleen , it sounds like you have a very busy life and a wonderful family. Like you my daughter ,her partner and kids live close by so i get to see the grandkids regularly. They are my life. Five years ago I suffered a major asthma attack and was put in an induced coma for 10 days. Once I came to I had to learn to walk etc all over again. The trauma of the attack bought on psoriatic arthritis.I am on dissability but keep busy by running a pain management support group plus I have trained to be a leader for the wellness courses with the arthritis foundation. Plus I go to tai chi for arthritis once a week . I also have two sons, one lives in the next town from me and the other is 15.

Welcome Kathleen.  I'm glad you found this board too.

I have to ask...  What's a fiber artist?

Hi Kathleen, and welcome

I'm glad you found us and I know you'll find information and humor and of course, wisdom among the people here.

Hi Kathleen, what an inspiration you are, congrats on your attitude and your goals that you have obviously reached, look forward to your posts.  Hugs Janie.


As for my attitude toward my health problems, I try very hard to take care of myself while ignoring them. 



You have exactly the same attitude as I do Kathleen.  It seems to be the way I cope best. 

Welcome to the board.

Hi Kathleen and welcome!Hi Katleen, welcome aboard.

Con brio, Happ

Welcome, Kathleen!

I hope you'll share some of your poetry and art (post pictures) with us some time.  It sounds like you have a wonderful family.  I'm a physicist by trade and an amateur writer (unpublished) and mandolin player.  We have one son who just turned 21 and is living in the Philippines.


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Hi Kathleen and welcome to the board!  You will find a ton of support here and many wonderful caring people.


Look forward to hearing more from you!

Hi Kathleen,



Hi Kathleen, WElcome! to this great group of people. So much fun to hear of your 'busy' life. It seems most of our members live busy lives, and have been more active in the past then currently. It varies from person to person. I'm struggling back from a very large, unplesant flare and have discovered that Remicade (a super drug), has helped me sooo much.

I know you will enjoy hearing from the people here, enjoy sharing your life experiences, and get to know us. I'm so glad you found this board.

Be 'talking' to ya, Lynda

Wow!  You guys are a wonderful group!

kweenb, a fiber artist, in my case, is a quilter who opted out of the perfect points and tiny stitches to have a little more fun with the fabric.  I paint my own fabric, print photos on it, cut things up and sew them back together and come up with some strange and wonderful things.  Well, I think they are wonderful and I guess that's ok.  I'm not sure how to post a pic, as I don't have a website, but I'll work on it.

I've just yesterday started on Arava to go with the mtx (injections), and I'm trying not to be too hopeful.  I just want my week back.  The mtx wears me down.  I get the shots on Sunday and am almost up to normal again by Friday - doesn't leave much time to work on things.

I once told my rheumatologist that I thought I must have a very mild cast of RA and she laughed at me.  She told me that farmers make the worse patients because they work through the pain - no sick days, no days off.  So I'm trying to be realistic about what I do and not hurt
myself, but sometimes it's hard to say "I can't do that."  Cows are the bane of my existence - they just don't get it!  LOL, contented?  Happy?  COWS???  Mostly they are big scary critters who move too fast and don't say," pardon me," when they step on you.

Hello and welcome Kathleen! Here's a link to an article with a picture of one of my pieces.
Welcome Kathleen.  What an inspiration you are.  I can't wait to see and hear more about your interesting life.   Hi Kathleen, welcome to the forum. Welcome Kathleen!

Hi Kathleen

Popped onto your site, you've love the leaves I've got building up in my garden at the moment. I love the dragonfly picture and I love the black and white picture of the little girl with the sunhat... is that you?


Hi Kathleen.  I am so glad to meet you. You sound like an incredible person who has lived a lot.  Take care of yourself and there are a lot of people that will help you through on this board. 

Welcome your family sounds wonderful. I am sorry you have such a mix going on. There are people here that will help you cope and people that share your problem of multiple deseases. Glad you found this board. Lots of wonderful people here.