Humira...?? | Arthritis Information


So I have now had 3 injections-6 weeks.  Was feeling a little better, but this last week prior to injection was really bad, really stiff most of the day and sore fingers, wrists, knees, feet, etc.  Gave myself the injection last night and really don't feel much different.

Have had a constant cold and an 'almost bladder infection' feeling, but I know lots of illness is going around right now. Am I expecting too much too soon do you think? 

My last RD visit he seemed a little frustrated with my complaints, and said my last blood test did not show much swelling, so I hate to go back again with 'it's not working' so soon.  Does it takes a few months to really kick in?  < =text/>_popupControl(); The down side to all these biologics is that it takes time for them to build up in your system.  Yes, it *can* take a few months for them to kick in.  I have had 2 remicade infusions and still waiting for it to kick in.  The only difference I have noticed so far is that I am not *as* stiff in the mornings.  It is a small difference, but a difference none the less.  My labs from when I was in the hospital were not as bad as they could be so we know the remicade is doing *something*. 

Try to give it 6 months before calling it quits and the humira failed for you unless you can't get rid of that constant cold.  And watch that constant cold so that it doesn't turn into anything else.  What does your rd say about the constant cold and the bladder infection feeling?  Have you been tested for a UTI?  There is someone else here who had constant UTI's from the humira and had to stop it and switch to something else.  He can get sick of you calling all he wants.  He works for *you* and should answer each and every question you have. 

Good Morning Tara, I was just switched from Remicade to Humira and my RD told me that I could expect to see changes as early as a month or as late as six months. 

If you've been developing infections you need to call your RD or make an appt.  Like Liz said, your doctor works for you.  If you think you might be developing a UTI you should have a urninalysis and culture if need be.  I had 2 UTI's and both are the result of being on biologics.  Prior to biologics I had one UTI and that was 30 years ago.  Both UTI's were asymptomatic and I didn't know that I had them.  My RD  does a routine urinalysis every 6 months on his biologics patients.  For him it's part of the routine exam. It's much more common for us.  Lindy 

I've been taking Humira over a year and a half now.  It did take about 6 months for it to become consistent so I could really tell that it was working.  Now, the effect can be very dramatic.  I still get flares, though less severe than before, usually right before an injection since it seems to fade about before two weeks have passed.  Last week I had a fairly intense flair in my legs and shoulder.  24 hrs after the injection it was all gone and I've felt pretty good since.  My advice is to try to be patient for a while longer before drawing any conclusions.


Thanks so much you guys.  Really helps to get your feedback.  I haven't been able to post much because just haven't been feeling well.  It's good to hear what others have experienced.Tara, I too have switched from Remicade to Humira and for me it kicked in fast, but I was on humira last year and the doc took me off to put me on Remicade because I was flaring alot. Now I look back and realize we probably didnt give it enough time then. If you think you are getting an infection of any sort you HAVE TO get that taken care of immediatly. If the doctor isnt hearing you, make yourself heard or find another doctor. Dont let them make you feel guilty about going to them with your medical complaints...that is what they are getting paid for!Hi Tara.

I've been on Humira for about 6 years and I remember it taking a little while for it to start working.  Well worth the wait!!!
