methotrexate question | Arthritis Information


Good Day Everyone

I was diagosed with RA in June of this year after having palindromic rhuematism for 2 years previously.  My rhuematologist has put me on methotrexate to start and I have been taking that for approx. 5 weeks now.  I usually take my medication on a Sunday but after reading some forums here, I realize I should have started them on a Friday or Saturday as I usually don't feel the effects until the next day (nothing too serious though, just more tired than usual) but I didn't know that at the time how I was going to react to this medication. However, it's done so I'll continue with the Sunday.

Over the 10 years I've been on methotrexate, I've never stopped taking it when I've had a cold.

Where in Canada are you?  I'm in Ontario.


As for MTX; I've been on it over three years. I never went off of it; but over the last year I've also been taking Humira along with the MTX. This last month I've been off my medication more than on due to bronchitis and a sinus infection. It all started out simple enough; but it got progressively worse as the days went by. No doubt due to my medication.

Just keep an eye on your symptoms and stay in close contact with your GP. A slight cough and cold can develop into something more serious when your system is weak. If you seem to be getting worse verses better get your GP to take a look at you just to be safe.

Hope you're feeling better soon. And again; Welcome to the group. We're glad you're here.


Welcome aboard Jem....This is my 7th week on the MTX(I took it this morning)& I appreciate your questions as I wondered the same thing myself!  This board & all of those on it it have been extremely valuable to me & I am sure they will be to you too!


welcome jem.....i just started mtx 3 wks ago also. i
am on prednisone too. my pain is gone after
suffering for a good 2 mo. rheumy said the mtx
would take 6-8 wks to start working. i'm glad i was dx
quickly and have started fighting back. this message
board is great. thanks all for the support. i need it.

Nanny that's fantastic results. How many mg are you taking?

K...I'm slightly confused by some of your post Nanny. I read one where you weren't getting good results from treatment after 15 years. Also where you're doctor advised against OTC NSAIDS.

I guess you've just started the MTX and it's finally paying off?

I'm sure you're wondering why on earth they waited so long, huh? I was simular...although other treatments did work for a while for me I wasn't offered MTX for about 8 years into it.

Lots of Newbies are offered that right away now. Their the lucky ones. (If it works for them?)

K...I'm a total airhead; that wasn't you Nanny that's had this for 15 years with little results; it's RLS2.


I'll try my hardest to keep my foot out of my mouth; but I can't promise anything


If you really want to switch the day you take your meds on, my doctor says it is not a big deal at all.  It will just be like taking them a day early.  Then after that, always remember to take them on your new day.