OT Another use for Hydrogen Peroxide | Arthritis Information


I love HP and it's many useful applications.

I am prone to superfical skin cancer due to chemo and heavy duty use of IV antibotics to treat staph infections from PICC line.

In my 101 Forbidden Cures book, it said HP is great for age spots on the skin.  I took that one step further and dipped Q-tip in HP and applied on one of those skin cancer spots that the dermotologist zaps every three months or so. (Not sun exposure, virus related). (To Pip, aka Master of Bugology, hehe,no virus inside but when skin layers are damaged and thinned it leaves you prone to all kind of bacteria and virus entry via the skin)

Not only did the skin spot in question on my face disappear but you could see exactly where I rubbed the Q-tip.  It bleaches the liver spots and/or age spots away.

Thought you guys would be interested in this little procedure that worked for me.

:) L

RA FREE 20 months and counting StemCell4Me, have I mentioned lately you're one of my heroes? Proof that miracle cures happen all the time, and a pioneer going bravely where none of us have gone before. Stay RA and med free! And thanks for keeping in touch, oh yeah!

Oh, LuAnn -

How positively fabulous!  You are truly a pioneer!

So, will this make you safe from skin cancer? 



Hey Pip & GoGo,

Thanks for the good wishes :)

As to curing skin cancer, Pip, I don't know.

I have to be watchful for next couple of years until my body has repaired skin and such. But skin cancer is mostly from damaged skin from sun and add CHEMO (I hate the stuff but provided a means to the end.  A quick train wreck and done instead of prolonged treatment).  From what I understand the skin cancer starts on the damaged layer from UV and/or virus, then skin grows tenacles(SP) and when it reaches blood stream, very bad.

It would be just another study for research, NOT.  Too cheap!!

Have a great evening,


Hi LuAnn, am glad to find another HP user and believer.  I use it as a mouth rinse.  I dilute the HP and use daily.  I started using HP when I began MXT.  I have yet to have a mouth ulcer from MXT.  I believe in it and will start to use it on some places on my face.  The age spots will be first.  Thanks for posting.  I've posted before about the mouth rinse and like you I know HP works.  Lindy

Just an idea Stem, but I also have been prescribed Cortisporin, which is a pepped up ointment for healing sores with cortisone.  Perhaps you might want to follow up your treatment with OTC neosporin or A&D ointment and a bandaid.  Just another unsolicited suggestion :)

I was raised on rinsing your mouth out with HP when you got something like a canker sore, etc., so its great that its still such a nice, cheap, available, OTC product for now. 

And I am thinking about contacting the makers of HP and Epsom Salts as I am on another one of my ridiculous brainstorms for them to do a TV ad with maybe GoGo and Joonie in it :)  Heard commercials are great ways to make money!  LOL j/k

I did another bath in it on Sunday, and I CANNOT believe just how GREAT of a bath it is, and leave all the AP and disease part out of the equation.  Its just a durn good bath. 

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