New here and looking for help please. | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone. I am a stay at home mom of 4 children. About 3 years ago, I started having some pains in my shoulder. I had been having pains in my knees and buckling for some time. I have been to orthopedists and I have seen our family doctor. They have taken X-rays of my knees and my shoulders. I didn't think, and this is my mistake, to tell them about my hands giving me some problems. I have asked about the possibility of being arthritis, but the orthopedist didn't see any evidence of arthritis in the X-ray and the ONE MRI that I have had on my right knee didn't show anything but "wear and tear". My sister says it is in my head, the doctors tell me that it is from picking up my kids. Basically that nothing is really wrong with me. I have popping and grinding in my shoulders and my knees. I have been to PT for both, being told that I need strengthening for my knees and shoulders that I am weak in my shoulders and knees. And the doctors do say it, but kind of suggest that since I can walk and lift and other things, and that it isn't a constant pain, that it is just little bit of some wear that just strengthening everything will help. Lately I have developed pain in my pointer finger, where the finger meets the hand. and in my thumbs and pinky finger. I get headaches, I get tired out of no where. I figure, well, if anyone can help me decide what to do, it would be people that know what I am talking about. I am really beginning to feel like that I am just making this all up and that there is nothing really wrong. Or more so that I am taking the little pain I am having and making it bigger than it really is. Just the way I get treated makes me think that I am exaggerating because 2 orthopedists and our family doctor didn't find anything on the X-ray. Hope to talk to you all soon.
Welcome Heidi.  You know there is something wrong.  Never give up, keep going, changing doctors, and then finally finding your answers.  It's never easy.  Recently someone posted in here that it takes an average of 9 years for a woman to get diagnosed with RA and men on the first appointment.  And women get it like 3 out of 4.  Good luck, keep asking, keep posting, hold on tight, and will see you around on the board.  There are alot of us in here pulling for you.  CathyAnd the funny thing is about the doctors not listening, is that my Physical Therapist is the one that suggested that I talk to the orthopedist about it being arthritis. I brought it up to the orthopedist, and he was very quick to blow it off.
Don't give up changing doctors. My old rheum. told me I had a toximia problem after my daughter was born, when really my body crashed! My OB/GYN got her told and I waited 6 months to see someone new. Good LUCK!!