OT: Chit Chat 10/31/07 | Arthritis Information


HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!  Well we got Kelsays costume yesterday.  I know, gotta do it at the last minute eh? LOL well we wernt sure if we were going to be home for halloween or driving back from Ohio so we waited.  So she is going to be Tinkerbell.  All I have to do to it "winterize" it.  They have a halloween party today at school too.  Well Im going to share a few things that happened this weekend.  My grandfather started a new thing after my grandma got really sick.  He would say to her and to anybody else when he or they would leave "Dont say goodbye, say goodnight" cause he was so afraid that he would say goodbye to my grandma when hed leave and that would be the last time.  Ok a little background on my grandfather.....He, untill my grandma got sick, never showed affection.  Hes 85(ish), was in WWII etc...we all knew that he loved us and my grandmother but he was never the type to show it.  But after she got sick, it was amazing to see him w/ her.  It is the kind of marriage that everyone wants to have.  He would sit next to her while she was in the hosptial and just hold her hand and the one nurse told us that one night he was there my grandfather was sitting next to her where he was facing the door and he had his hand down resting and his hand was right next to my grandmas but not holding her hand for maybe he didnt want to wake her and the nurse was just watching them for a few mins and my grandfathers hand would move and hed pick his head up and make sure that his hand was touching my grandmothers at all times.  My grandparents are "hardcore" Catholics but I have NEVER in my life seen my grandfather pray the rosary.  He had his rosary w/ him the whole time at the hosptial, and when I came up while she was still there I had brought up my great-grandmothers (her mom) rosary that I had kept w/ me wherever I went. Just looking at them together you knew that they were still, after 62 years were just as in love as they were when they had first met.  Ok next story (sorry im in this mood i appoligize).  So, Sunday was the wake and my great-uncle, Kelsay, my brother and some of my cousins were all siting in the kitchen of the funeral home.  Well there were some of my cousins that hadnt seen Kelsay in a while so my uncle goes "Kelsay, why dont you stand up and sing a song for us" Well Kelsay being the perfomer that she is took that opportunity. Well then my brother thought it would be a good idea for her to have a tip cup.  So she took it and started choosing people to give her a dollar so then shed sing a song for them.  SHe wouldnt sing untill they put a dollar in her cup.  So so made her rounds around the room picking people then came back to my uncle and he didnt have any bills left so he put change in and she looks down and goes "thats it?".  Everyone just thought it was the funniest thing.  She made out w/ , but gave each to my 2 little cousins that are 5 and 3.  It was really sweet.  So last story.  OK my second cousin Linda is HUGE Steelers fan.  Well everyone (for the most part) in that part of my family are Browns fans.  Well on her SUV she has the license plate holder that has the Steelers on it, well my cousins husband took them off and put Browns licence  plate holders on them.  Well it wasnt untill yesterday that my cousin saw it cause she was staying at my grandparents house so she didnt need to drive anywhere.  My dad said it was the funniest thing when Linda saw what had happened....And nobody had anything to take em off either so she had to drive back up to PA w/ them on....oK so it is kinda funnier to me.

So emotionally I was doing pretty well on Sunday untill we had brought Kelsay up to say a prayer for GG and she just lost it and started crying saying that she'd going to miss GG.  Thats when I did as well.  But w/ everything going on this weekend and as many people that were there she did really good.  I was really impressed.
Well I hope eveyrone had a great day...sorry for my storys

< =text/>_popupControl(); (((hugs)))  Even in the midst of sorrow God always seems to provide us with good memories.  That is how much He loves us.  Keep telling us those stories they are great!!  You and Kelsay will make it through the rough times and the good times together!! 

Infusion at 9am!! Bleargh.  I hope to not be a pin cushion today!  I am still swollen, gimping around, and in pain.  I am ready for this infusion!!  I even had Arielle wash my infusion blanket last night. 

Gotta run and start the long process of waking Danny and get into the shower.

Everyone have a good day!!

Sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope your grandpa is O.K.
I cant imagine losing Michael. We are always together.

I hope it's not too cold for Halloween. You and Kelsay have a good time.
Shannon,  I'm so sorry for the loss of GG.  I'm sure she will be missed terribly by all.  Children somehow help make the grief a little more bearable.  When my mother passed away last year, Isabel was just a year old and had started walking a couple of months earlier.  She was the joy of my mother's life.  My mother talked about her to anyone that would listen and displayed pictures of Isabel at different stages all over her office at work.  Well, we had Isabel at the wake because I was waiting for my babysitter to show up.  Before the babysitter got there, Isabel was walking around the funeral home, saying hello to everyone, asking to be picked up and giving each person a hug and kiss.  She didn't miss a one.  A lot of people afterwards said that it almost made the wake less sad seeing her toddling around to everyone.  My brothers and I think it was our mom leading her to show her off.  What was even more amazing about that whole thing was that Isabel had just started her fear of strangers so her affection with strangers was out of character for her.  But on that day and at the funeral she was little miss outgoing and very pleased to give hugs to everyone.


Oh to see the world again through childlike innocence.  I so wish I could be back there where I know that life will be good and all will be taken care of by a loving parent/s. 

Shannon, please share on, because it is the memories that Kelsay is building for the next generation...her generation in your family.  She is an incredible girl, and I have said before...she is a picture of her momma's beauty! 

Yes!!! Infusion at noon my time today!  Can't wait...I am more swollen than yesterday...actually my hands match the Michilan mans hands perfectly!  I have to go and get the next book in the series...I read my way through this book a little faster than I had planned.  It also did not end like I wanted it too.  I am also going to try to work on my mom's quilted pillow today.  I am SO glad that it is infusion day!  Of course, I have all of these plans....but I usually am so tired after the infusion that I come home and sleep. 

Have a great day...and Liz have a great infusion!

Dear Shannon, lovely story. WE all need to hug our loved one today. My husband never left my side for 3 months when I had my heart operation. I needed him every minute. Your kelsey is a darling. I feel for the GP, as men just don't get on as well as women after they lose the spouse. He will be lost for awhile. (we have friends who are very lonely). thank you for sharing.

Liz hope the infusion goes well.

Shelly, my gosh girl, I am so sorry you are in that much pain, swelling. The infusion will help. We use our fingers/toes so much! and the 'fatigue' is so familiar.

It is my gd's 17th bday today. She's such a delight. We played with her all summer for 12 years in Carson City. We miss those 'old' days when she was little.....before text messaging (h

I'm feeling the 'best' every since I can't remember?? The methotrexate fog has lifted.

Have a good day everyone, Lynda








Karen...you have fun...but be nice to the little ones.

Lynda...glad you are feeling good today.  I hope it stays that way for a while.  Thank you for mentoring and encouraging me all the way. 

Just paid bills.  Gosh, it is such a move this, adjust this, and Oh, let's see how much we're gonna owe on this in the middle of the month juggle.  I am ready to go back to bed.  Gotta take a shower and run to the book store first. 


Happy Halloween everyone, hope the Pirate Ship is a big hit Hillhoney. I don't know if we're going to the local carnival, DD17 is kind of a party pooper and we only ever have one car load of trick or treaters at the house. At least there's no snow on the ground.Greetings from the Sonoran Abode! Allhollowsmass, Hallowe'en, Samhain, Día de los Muertos, All Saint’s Day is here. According to legend, the veil between _the worlds_ is at its most transparent as the trees shed their leaves, the days darken, and night comes earlier, lasts far into the morning, and shadows remain long since the stranger passed the stile and the turnstile.

I bid you all peace, comfort, and a sense of magic. May your roads be smooth and your skies blue.

Agape, HappOK! midmorning food topic time. Being served at the Abode right now---hot spiced cider, baked apples, pumpkin bread with hot carmel sauce, apple & pumpkin fritters, and just ready to be removed from the steamer are three quart-sized fruit puddings and the hard sauce is ready for a finished drizzle of clarified butter and a good whisking.

Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Blessed Be, Lindy

nicoles pumpkins

ghostly image of my son

michael going to his party



( posted by mr pin cushion- Barry) Lisa isnt feeling too good at the moment, she will be back on the board hopefully soon, she is suffering with bad headaches and blurred vision.

Have a great halloween

Oh, I thought of another story..This one made me laugh when my great-aunt (grandmas older sister) told us.  So my great-grandmother was married twice.  My great-aunt and my grandmother both have the same father (he died after getting hurt in the mines).  So not long after he had passed away, this man who would then later become her husband came to her door, and when she had answered it the man said.  Im looking for a wife and I know you need a husband, do you want to get married.  Just like that....gosh, could you think what would happen if something like that were to happen now.  Well they got married and had kids....

Happy Halloween everybody! My 2 youngest, Ally and Dallas are all ready for trick or treating tonite!!!! My ex is coming to take them cause I am not walking so well today.....

So sorry I haven't been posting I have felt like crapola for days now and I feel like I need a different anti-depressant or maybe up my dosage or something. Any suggestions???

Shannon, Your family is my prayers. Kelsay sounds like a blessing.

Lisa, I love Michaels costume!!!

Happ, your food sounds scrumptious!!!!!

I hope everyone that is not feeling well gets to feeling better and has a better rest of day!

Love you guys

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Well, NO infusion today.  Sigh.  When I went in to the office they took my vitals yada yada and guess what?  FEVER!!!  Sigh.  I just broke down and cried.  I'm so swollen, so stiff, in pain (it's controlled tho) that I just wanted my infusion.  They called my PCP and I was the winner of a shot of antibiotics.  My infusion is rescheduled for Monday the 5th so it is really not that far away.  I should have shaken whatever it is I have by then.  My blood pressure was up a little bit too.  But I am not surprised at that considering I am sick.  I came home and crawled into bed, buried myself under my heated blankie, and took a 3 hour nap lol.  Today I get to drive the new car!!!  Ok so it’s only to the high school back.  But I get to drive it!!!  OMG the butt warmers this morning were just so nice.  Ahhhhhhhhh.  Have you ever noticed its those little things in life that give us so much pleasure??  Something as simple as a heated seat made my day lol. 


Hi Steph…where ya been lately?  You feeling ok?  What a wonderful story about your daughter! 


Happ…you are such a flower child I just love it!!!  I always wanted to be a flower child back in the 60’s!!  I was born just a little too late lol.  I am coming to your house to eat lol.  I had ummm a grilled cheese sandwich and some spaghetti noodles I heated up in the microwave with some Italian dressing and Parmesan cheese on them lol. 


Shelly…hope your infusion went well.  It sucks your hands matches the Michelin’s Man’s hands, but in a way it is good that the RD and nurse see that.  


Lynda…glad you are feeling better and happy birthday to your granddaughter.  They sure grow up fast don’t they. 


Karen…yes, it is your fav holiday today!!  WOOOHOOO!!!  May your Haunted Pirate Ship scare the breeches off of everyone!!!  Don’t forget to post pics!! 


Mr. Pinnie…thank you so much for posting those pics and the update on Lisa.  I was wondering where she has been.  Please tell her I miss her and love her and hope she feels better soon.  Has she been to the doc for the headaches and blurred vision?  Is the blurred vision from the headaches?  I worry about her soooo much. 


Shannon…that 2nd story you told…I love it.  I can’t imagine anything like that happening in these days.  All I can really say is that the true and abiding love your grandparents have for each other is very rare these days.  I wish we could see it more often.  I can only hope that the love Danny and I have for each other lasts as long.  So far so good!! 


Angy ((((hugs)))) for you dahlin.  Feel better soon!  Have you called your RD recently to let them know you are not doing well?  Or is this just a flare you have to let pass? 

Well... I called RD's office to check on status of my Prior Authorization. And yeah nothing. They have not heard anything back.

So, I called BC/BS to check the status of it. They received it, but it is going to take 7-14 business days before a decision will be made.

So... yeah... will probably have to cancel my Remicade infusion.

I asked the lady at BC/BS if there was a way to speed up the decision making and she said no.

I told her well... looks like I will be making a few more trips to the ER, probably to get rid of my pain. She said well ok then... have a nice day.

Nice day my ass!!! My leg is starting to go back to the way it was, and I have been taking my maximum allots 3 muscle relaxers in a day. At least my hip is not hurtin anymore. I am already missing the 2 shots I got in the butt yesterday. I felt so good and everything. Today I feel like the way i was before the 2 shots. CRUMMY!!

Oh well, seems I always get the sh*t end of the stick.


I HATE IT.... when my knees get the hard swell. It is sooo painful and annoying. I like soft swelling better.

I am just tired of crying. I do not want to cry anymore. So... I am not going to cry.

Ok off to take a shower as i be musty

we are taking son, up the road to a church that is doing Trunk or Treat.

Daughter is going with the nice neighbor girl to her church for their halloween party. They are not going to get to dress up, but at least she will get some candy and spend time with her friend.

[QUOTE=grammaskittles]   Happ…you are such a flower child I just love it!!I always wanted to be a flower child back in the 60’s!![/QUOTE]

Once a flower child, now ageing hippie! As the daughter of a fay jazz baby i come by it quite honestly!

Candles? Incense? Sitar music? I have 'em all at hand! Brromstick skirts and tie dyed t-shirts are my everyday wear...or is it ware?!

Peace...wear a flower in your hair...

well we just got home from trick-or-treating only went about 3 blocks and went to about 20 houses and she got alot of candy.  She got a king-size Hersheys bar!!! Those were the best houses to go to.

How is everyones night going so far?  Have yall had a lot of trick-or-treaters?  We live on a pretty busy street so we dont get a lot if any kids...thats ok, more candy for mom!!!

Trick or Treat officially ends at 8:00 in our neighborhood.  I had more candy than kids so at the end I was giving it away in handfuls!!  The last little girl thought she hit the jackpot when I told her to open her bag up wide and emptied my candy bowl in it

And now I'm just glad the dog's have stopped barkingMy son made it back to texas in time to go trick or treating with the kids. All is quiet at my house. I am trying to enjoy that time. I will hear from the kids all about it by phone later. I did hear that there is one lovely snow white in a pink dress her moma put make up on her and took pictures before school this morning. I will call later to find out what the other three dressed as. And enjoy my temporary solitude. An epsonsalts bath and tv. I took my self out to buffet for dinner and came home exhausted. Have been mobile for three days. It made my muscle a bit sore but was good for me. Just very sleepy today and vision is blurry. Going to lay back down.It's 6:30 here and we haven't had any trick-or-treaters yet, good thing I didn't buy too much candy.

I was looking through DD17's babybook to find the picture I want to put in her senior yearbook, all those adorable Halloween costumes and how much she loved her pumpkins. I miss those years. Guess I'll go have some candy. Yes, I'm an emotional eater and a peanut butter cup will hit the spot. Had to return some movies my son had rented. Stoped at the convient store. Grabbed my veggie juice. Saw a big box of peanut brittle. Did not buy it. I wanted it but did not know the brand or how fresh, didn't want to be dissapointed. Final answer left with a payday candy bar. It must be Halloween.I went to my sister's and we had 96 trick or treaters. We keep count every year. Last year was 103. We write the number and year on the bottom of this skull decor she has. Small fortune in candy but we have such a good time. We always order pizza and usually raid the candy bowl. LOL < =text/>_popupControl();

LOL Happ…you are not an aging hippie..you are a well preserved hippie lol.  Either way…you are a bright ray of sun on the board. 


Oh Shannon…what a wonderful trick or treat time you guys had!!  I just love how kids Kelsays age see Halloween.  OMG…those candy eyeballs are a blast.  Me and the girls still squinch up our eyes and stick those in our squinched up eyes and walk around making mummy and monster noises lol.  Halloween isn’t just for kids ya know.  It’s for us big kids too lol. 


Deidre…they grow up so fast don’t they.  Sigh.  I am betting this was the last year for me and the girls dressing up.  I do miss those years sometimes too.  But I have friends with little ones that I can live vicariously through. 


Well…I was successful at driving!!  I love driving the new car.  Nice smooth shift…and that little car for having a 4 cylinder 2.2 liter engine has some get up and gooooooooo to it!!!  WOOOHOO!!  LOL!!  No, I have not lost my need for speed lol.  Danny really needs to put my radio in it tho.  It has a nice radio with a nice sound to it, but it does not have a CD player.  So out with the factory cassette and in with my rocking sound system lol.  I was exhausted after cleaning up the kitchen, running to the high school, and making dinner that I took another nap!!  This time..hour and a half.  LOL.  Geeeze…one of these days I will be able to do the normal things that everyone else does without having to nap twice in one day lol.  And my day was a slow day compared to what most people do in a day!  It *did* feel good to be doing *normal* things again.  My landlord hired some guy to come and replace the dry rot in our garage.  Thanks, we appreciate that as we do not want the garage falling down on our car!  These guys that were working here today…left the inside of the garage a total disaster area.  When the guy downstairs came home from work, he had to move everything *back* that these guys moved before he could pull in.  He knocked on my door to let me know the garage is a mess and he didn’t do it.  I told him yeah I know…and that I would call our landlord and leave a message.  Danielle was a sweetie and went and cleaned up our part of the garage we park in.  They left paint cans, painting supplies, AND their lunch garbage in the way.  Nice, eh?  Arielle had a blast at the Haunted House they made at the high school today.  She said the little ones were really cute and some of them were scared.  Awww poor things!  Well, I’m outtie for right now.  I still have to put the car in the garage and Danny will be home any minute to open the garage door for me.  That sucker is HEAVY!

Mr Pin Cushion, thank you for the update. Please tell Lisa that I'm thinking of her and wishing her well! I hope she feels better very soon.

Also, The pictures were great! Please tell Lisa that I have a hummingbird EXACTLY like the carved one on your window-sill!! How cool is that? My daughters got it for me for Christmas either last  year or the year before, along with a beautiful carved sea turtle.

Hummingbirds are my animal of "good fortune". I have many, many of them; carved, ceramic, tiffany glass, stuffed (toy, not taxidermy

Give her my love. Hugs to you both, and the kids, as well.


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