New Girl | Arthritis Information


New to this forum as well - looks amazing and friendly.  I'm undiagnosed, but pretty certain I have RA.  I've gone from being at the gym 3 times a week and playing hockey to struggling with my toothbrush in the mornings.  I've been referred to a rheumatologist, but that appointment's scheduled in March 2008!

One unusual symptom that I've had for over a month now is that my limbs continuously fall asleep; mostly my arms and hands.  My left arm and hand and my right hand are asleep almost all the time (numb and tingling - pins and needles).  Has anyone else experienced this?

Hey Kara -

Welcome -

I did.  It was one of the 'unusual' aspects of my PRA.  I got some wrist braces and they kind of helped (didn't like them so didn't want to wear them :-) but others here (GS?) use them and like them.  I donated mine when I moved so I don't remember what kind they were. 

You're in Canada; anything you can do to get your appointment pushed up?


Hi Kara and welcome!!!!

I have had my arms fall asleep too.  Means my elbows are swollen and the nerve is getting pinched.  My rheumy says to quit putting my elbows on things ..... tables, arms of chairs, car console or window (depending on if I'm the one doing the driving) ......etc.  I've done that and it seems to be helping.  As for the appt.  Sometimes it takes a while to get in because they are in such high demand.  Well worth the wait though.  My rheumy is originally from Canada and he tells me that rheumy's in Canada are few and far between and medical students aren't going into the field making it harder to find one.

You'll find a lot of great people here who love to listen and give shoulders and advise too!  Good luck!
[QUOTE=Kara] My left arm and hand and my right hand are asleep almost all the time (numb and tingling - pins and needles).  Has anyone else experienced this?[/QUOTE]

Hi Kara, yes, especially when my shoulders are uncomfortable and/or my elbows are flaring.

Welcome to the board, I have found this a good place to be!

Con brio, Happ

Welcome Kara!!!!

Glad you found us!!!!!

Yes, I've often woken during the night with my arms and/or hands numb.  I never knew if it was RA related or not, although it never happened in my younger days.

It really worries me that your appointment is so far away.  If it is RA you REALLY need to get started on treatment ASAP.  Isn't there anything you can do to move your appointment up?  There are a few other Canadians on these boards.  Maybe one of them can advise you.

Kara which city are you in? you should try booking appointments with other doctors as well and if you get an early one, you can cancel the other one. Besides, I believe there are too many mediocre doctors and you should see the best you can find. I am not sure if I am allowed to post link here but if you need, pm me and I will tell you a good way to find good doctor in Canada

< =text/>_popupControl(); Hi Kara and welcome to the board!  Sorry you did have to find us, but you will find a lot of support here as well as very caring and wonderful people.

I use the braces Pip! was talking about mainly at night when I go to bed.  I do wear them during the day if my hands and wrists are bothering me.  I got my braces from my rhemy tho.  You can get braces over the counter here in the States at most pharmacies.  I am not sure if you can up in Canada or not.  The ones from the pharmacy probably aren't as nice as the ones from the rheumy, but it is better than nothing at all.  I type with mine...cook with name it I do it with my braces on if my hands are bothering me. 

Hello and welcome!  I really hope you can move that appt up a bit thats a long time to wait.  Has anyone ever mention neuropathy, with the tingling feeling, that could also be a possibility!   Howdy Kara and welcome!  This forum is a great community and resource.  I got diagnosed a year ago, so I'm fairly new too, but there are so many people on here with experience and advice!  Good luck with moving your appointment up...I know waiting can be the toughest part.  Hang in there! :-)  

Hi Kara...welcome!

I've had the numbness/tingling in my hand and wrist.  In fact, I had this for 3 months straight...couldn't feel anything it was so numb.  I went to my doctor who had me have tests and found out it was carpal tunnel syndrome caused by my RA.  I was told I needed surgery to fix this (before the tests, my doctor advised me  to wear my wrist splints)  I decided to keep wearing the wrist splints...only took them off to wash  dishes or shower.  I really didn't think it would help but after 3 months of numbness/tingling, it's gone and back to normal.  Every once in a while, I'll start feeling the tingling coming on and as soon as I do, I get the wrist splints back on.

I've had wrist splints made by a physical therapist, but the ones  bought from a drug store  were much better for me...they felt better because they gave a bit but still were firm...if that makes sense.  The others that were made for me were way too stiff and actually made my wrists hurt more.  I think the ones I bought were about 15.00 each. 

You should give thew wrist splints a try  while waiting for your app't.

Good luck!


Hi Kara Welcome!Thank you so much for the warm welcome.  I'm located just north of Toronto in Barrie, Ontario.  I couldn't believe the length of time I'd have to wait - made me cry to think of having to suffer for so long.

Thanks for the suggestions about wrist support.  The numbness and tingling involves my whole left arm and hand and my right hand not so much - but it never goes away.  It's worse at night when my legs join the party.

I'm taking the little one out for halloween tonight - I usually take some special coffee (grand marnier and coffee without the coffee) in a travel mug. Hmmm ... grand marnier and percocet - maybe not such a good mix.  Hope everyone has a great night, and thanks again for the support.
Kara...I was  thinking...maybe you should let your family doctor know about this problem you're having with the numbness/tngling.  He/she can then set up an app't to maybe have an emg/nerve conduction test done.  Instead of waiting to so see a rheumatologist and THEN setting up an app't  for testing.  Just a thought.March 08 is to long to wait in my book, this disease needs to be jumped on ASAP...
Get the necessary tests done now..

Welcome Kara,

I have a lot of trouble with numbness and tingling in my hands, arms, & legs. You might try taking a good anti-inflammatory such as naprosyn to see if that helps. It will probably take a week or so to have an effect. Also vitamin B6 used to work for me. Just take the recommended dose. I find the braces help too, and I have actually learned to sleep with my elbows straight (kinda odd, but it works). It is probably from inflammation of the nerves and/or joints. I hope you can get in to a dr. earlier, then no doubt some testing will be done and you can get some meds to help with this.

Take care,

