OT - Mother Lion | Arthritis Information


I've not been on for a few days things gong on that make me want to comit murder.

Kelsay, your little girl is so cute you could eat her whole! I was however looking forward to the bat costume pics

We didnt have any kids round this year so there's a big bowl of sweets that have been put away... I'm easily tempted by sweets and chocolate, hubby says I have the will power of a soggy kitkat?

Anyway my son works at a very well known furniture store. He does the back shift 6.30pm to 10.30pm. He's a big, gentle giant. He was stood at a work station and this man (another employee) came up to him and said 'i dont like you, never liked you, will never like you'. Will doesnt know the guy, he's only been in this new Dept for about a month. Luckily for Will there are witnesses. This man then goes and brags to another dept. about what he's been saying and is balled out by one of the girls there (who just happens to have gone through school with Will). She tells him that if she hears him talking like that about anyone again she'll report him.

A week later when my son is getting a kitchen ready for a customer to take to the check out, this man comes up to Will and says, if I wasnt in work now I'd smash your face in. Will tells him 'I dont think so', they get interrupted by a customer and the man goes away.

Will is used to being bullied, all the way through school he was smaller than average in height and had an english accent. We have lived all over the world with the forces and unfortunately Scotland has turned out to be the most racist country we've ever lived in. My hubbie is scottish and he's amazed by the feelings of scottish people against the English. Well I wont go on but when the football/rugby seasons are in full swing my son used to switch to his Scottish accent just to keep safe, now he's a big lad he doesnt bother. So he didnt tell us about what was going on at work, he knows how to keep situations calm with bullies.

However, last sunday he came home, clearly upset and aggitated, high colour etc. He hadnt even changed before he said that a chap at work had been verbally threatening him but today, it worried him because the guy had come up to him and said that Will had better watch it because 'he was going to slash him'.

I dont know about you guys, but there are things in life you just have to deal with but this put me on alert and I was all for going up and giving the chap a piece of 'bat', I mean mind.. honest! Hubby and I sat with Will and told him he had to report this man. So Will wrote a letter and handed it in, the chap has been suspended pending investigation. Hubby drove me up to Wills' work place to drop me off at Wills' car and I drove it home and Hubby collected son just in case the guy turned up. But Will comes out with a big group of lads and they all walk together to their cars, so he's safe and had promised to keep alert.

I've had quiet word with neighbour and it turns out the guy is already under investigation for harassing 2 girls in another dept. so I doubt he'll be around long. I'm so angry that certain people in society think its OK to be like this towards others. I want to charge up there and give him a bloody piece of my mind. My work colleagues said that I'm like a lioness, they dont have children so dont understand that parents are exactly like that when someone threatens their babies.

Will says he's OK, he is just angry that someone he doesnt know has given him the need to make (in his words) a fuss. Me, well my blood pressure is through the roof... big breaths, big breaths

Kelsay wasnt a bat, by the time we got back tues from Ohio i had no energy to make a costume so she was Tinkerbell instead, and she was fine w/ that.  I'll post pics of her today.

I hate bullies more than anything and have recently figured out it doesn't go away with High School.


Big Breaths -


I am so sorry your son has had to endure this and am filled with admiration for you, your husband, and your son for handling it so honourably.

Well done! HappSarah,
This guy sounds mentally ill, it goes beyond bullying, especially if he's harrassed other people. I hope it doesn't escalate and Will's employers do something, like fire the guy. But that only solves Will's problem while he is on the job. This is so scarey.


I hope this resolves itself and no one gets hurt. It sounds just horrible to have to deal with. My heart goes out to you and your family.


That is just not right!!!  How terrible for you and your family!!  Your son sounds like a standup guy though!  That is something to be proud of!  I never knew Scotland didn't like us.  bummer!  I hope things will go well and you'll be safe!  


Oh, Sarah....I am so sorry and would feel just like you are at the moment.  I hope this gets resolved without violence. 

I hate how some people in this world act toward others...it really gets me.  I have faced a lot of prejudice being Native American.  You would not believe the comments that I have received...especially about a lack of intelligence!

Thanks guys for your support.
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