O T_ what makes you smile? | Arthritis Information


We each know that nearly every day is a challenge, however as has been said time-‘n-again laughter can be the best medicine available. It has been my experience that a smile serves much the same niche.

Some of the things that make me smile—in no particular order:

My canine companions, I have six; two Australian Shepherds who are my pride and joy , who keep me active and mobile with their needs and four—yup count ‘em four—pocket dogs, yappers, mini-clowns AKA Chihuahuas. Each of them seems to know instinctively when I need a cuddle, a kiss, or a nice warm companion, just as they know when to be rowdy to stimulate a smile, and not infrequently a laugh and just as often a giggle, they also know when it is time to be quiescent and at ease.

My partner, Flash, even with his unease at my dis-ease he is attentive and entertaining. He is my procurement officer and makes sure that I have whatever it takes to make me comfortable (recently it was a computer system in the bedroom to make keeping connected with the world easier), whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. He has a knack for saying the oddest things at just the right moment to give me pause: within that pause is usually found a source of amusement. He is my heart.

My verandah garden. We have planted a selection of plants that attract birds. Right now we have visitors who are on their way South for the winter, amongst those visitors are a flock of very small yellowish birds that are acrobats and whose antics make me smile each morning as I watch them scurry and hurry to collect the biggest and the best cosmos seeds. A permanent resident is a family of road runners who have fished out my miniscule pond and a family of cactus wrens who we call our rowdy neighbors…there is more, but I must rest my hands. What makes you smile?

My daughter.  She is the light of our life - even tho she is 6 going on 16 and we're starting a foot stomping stage! 


LOL - footstomping The Kids !!!! having great children can make anybody smileMy family makes me smile.  All around my livingroom I have photos of family and I love sitting on the couch and looking at each one.  Some are no longer with us so it is nice to remember them.

My friends I have online make me smile and a lot of the time they make me laugh, which is so very nice.

My chickens (live on a farm) are very funny.  They are an interesting creature to watch!!  They are soooooooooooo funny!

My 14 yr old daughter is still in the foot stomping phase! Puppy kisses!!!!!!

My youngest daughter, she is light of my life.  She is almost 3.


hi, seeing lovely wildthings, especially birds. some are so beautiful, I just looked out my garden window and there....was an Audubon's warbler drinking water at my bird bath!

My husbands everyday jokes. He's very funny and thinks up 'everyday' funny things for me to laugh at. I love that guy.

The beautiful ocean, especially evening sunsets on the west coast of Calif.

A good hair day. My hair is wash/ware so it can be pretty funny sometimes.

My son riding his motorcycles wearing the jacket I bought him. Expensive, but bright , cheerful, and very visable. I love that guy.

My granddaughter, just 17 yesterday, she is so pretty , we are so glad she looks like her mother! Adorable.

My speedy, silver ford focus, I have so much fun driving it.

My art work, I do such zanny, unusual, charcoal, watercolor pictures. Where do they come from? inside of my head or jsut appear out of no where?.

My new, lately, knock on wood, better health. Can I hope for improvement? Will I get back to normal?

My golf game in disarray, but I make sOME , amazing shots.

You all who are so funny, sometimes, through all our pain someone here comes up with something sooooo amusing. Some of you smile through your pain. I admire that. even the sarcasim makes me smile.

Great thread, thanks Lynda

Try to find a little something to laugh at today.



My puppy makes me smile. Well she will be 2 in January. But I just love her. I have never seen a dog with such a personality, I crack up at her just about every other minute.

Good food makes me smile too! Love my food!

When my girls tell me how great life is going for them. I love jokes, especially when DH is laughing at his own jokes. Comedies on tv or the movies. When the lilac and tulips are blooming at the back door. When my handmade gifts are working perfectly.

Paychecks biweekly and really hot showers.
Car starters working and beautiful flowers.
Glorious sunsets that melt in the sky.
Laughing so hard that I finally cry...

Oh I could go on and on. I have way too much stuff that makes me smile.Cold Coke, warm bed, good book, and a lazy, purring cat

New places and spaces

Husband kisses

Sunrises and sunsets in the desert

Writing my articles and my newest creation:  The Traveling Kitchen Goddess

Losing myself while make a piece of silver jewelry

Getting up at sunrise, drinking my coffee looking at the Kofa mountains and knowing that I have nothing to do for the day, except what I want to do.

Kittie kisses

Talking geology with my son  and when he describes the newest gem that he's found....going antiquing with my son.  Just our time.

Seeing my friends and talking, talking, talking


My cats are clowns.


First of all...what a great thread. 

My hubby...who seems to keep me occupied, and laughing. 

My two kids and being so involved in their lives...DS is especially funny.  DD tries to be serious, but ends up funnier than snot!

My puppies, who are showing their age, but know exactly when I need them to love me. 

A good comedy!  Or listening to Karen, Gale and Mona relate at night!

My 4 beautiful children!!!!! They are what makes me get out of bed every day! Chassidy(15) with her grown up ways and strong will. Grace(14) with her unguarded truthfullness, Ally (10) so loving and caring that a day never goes by without her asking me if there is anything she can do for me, and Dallas (8) Quiet and brave but always here if I need him.

My doggies, Tana and Tucker, they are corgi's and so adorable!!!!

My best friend in the world......Diane, she always makes me smile!

And you guys.....I love you all.

The 2-year old grand-daughter  is another reason to smile...She asks her Mommy for something and if told "no" says "I said "pleeze"! Last night she told me about going "trick or treating" and told me "I almost fell on my butt" and started to giggle uncontrollably!! Sweet little 2-year old giggles...that makes me smile! And tiny arms around my neck, and preciousl little girl kisses!

I see from all the beautiful posts on this thread, that we all still have wonderful things to make us smile!... and that makes me smile

Keep them coming, my friends.....



Almost everything.  I look at my life and the things in it with a twisted point of view and can find so much that makes me smile, giggle or laugh.  I love watching people, especially children and listening to the funny little things they say and do.

I must admit, I have found humor at funerals, including my father's whom I was very close to!  There's some funny stuff that happens at funerals, if you can pull back at look at things from a different point of view!  And that's what I do best!

Doing things with my family brings me incredible joy.  The idea of a spa weekend away from my kids and family holds absolutely no interest for me.  I want them all with me, sharing in whatever I am doing.  If hubby and I go somewhere alone on vacation, I end up saying "We have to come back here with the kids."

My dog Joey:


I saw a momma duck crossing the street this summer with 5 babies trailing
behind her. I love seeing things like that. Baby animals make me smile.   I
love beautiful weather days. I love the pictures people post on here. My
grandkids make me smile too. There is nothing quite as special as them.
Seeing patients so sick and then walk out of the hospital well, a few days
later makes me smile.

My kids . Samantha is 19 and she is kind, caring, witty, messy, loud and funny.

Michael is 16 and he is a clown, he will do anything to help me, he always says the nicest things and has the biggest heart

Nicole is 13 and she is outspoken without being horrible, helpful, always smiling, never cross, very messy, has hordes of friends who keep the phone line busy but she always makes time for someone who needs her.

MY HUSBAND- He is the reason I get out of bed everyday. He smiles all the time, he has the patience of  saint, nothing is ever too much trouble for him.

I love my family deeply and would be lost without them, I am with you Karen and i would rather have time with them than go to a spa weekend............oh hell i am dreading empty nest. These are the people close to me who make me smile and of course all of you on here who have me in stitchesMy niece and nephew make me happy. All it takes is my nephew to say " Auntie, pleese duce" and my heart melts. No matter how I feel, that gets me up and moving and off to get him juice. I also love when my niece tells my sister that she better be good or she will "tell Auntie on you!".This is the the greatest idea for a thread. Reading all the posts reminds me that I have so much to smile about that I couldnt fit it all on a page. All I can say is what makes me smile is - all of the above. I think this disease is what has made us all slow down and respect the good things in life so much more knowing that life is so precious. Luv you all. Don't worry be happy .............. < =text/>_popupControl();

What makes me smile…and these are in no particular order. 


My CHILDREN!!!!!  Every single day they bring a smile to my face, happiness, and joy to my world.  I can turn to my children on a bad day and just look at their faces and say to myself…it is worth all of the crap we have been through lately.  Just look at the love in those faces.  I love to hear about their day at school…all their girly drama…and yes, there are times I even find their fighting over the stupid petty stuff hilarious and I can’t help but to smile.  I love how they came from me and Danny and yet they are their own individual independent person. Without my children in my life I don’t think I would know the true meaning of happiness.  I can still see the joy on my husbands face and the joy I felt the day each of my children were born. 


My HUSBAND!!!  Oh where do I start with him.  The man has more patience than I ever thought a person could have.  He busts his behind at work to support us in a very physically demanding job when he has a chronic illness he has to deal with himself.  A chronic illness that can be exacerbated by what he does for his career.  He puts his family before himself all the time.  He is kind, loving, takes the time to really listen to what we have to say.  I still after almost 20 years love the way his eyes twinkle when he smiles.  I love his smile.  I love the way he rubs my head to put me to sleep on a bad day.  I love how he stays up with me when I can’t sleep and comforts me back to sleep when I can not comfort myself back to sleep.  How cute he looks when he is sleeping.  I am going to stop now because like with my kids, I can go on and on about him.


My dog.  My constant companion and buddy.  My foot warmer.  My snuggle buddy on a bad RA day.  His good morning time to wake up mommy kisses.  How he is happy to see me even if I have been gone for five minutes.  He still acts like it was forever.  His feel better mommy kisses that he gives my hands. 


A newborn baby always brings a smile to my face. 


A cool summer shower on a hot summer afternoon and the rainbow that follows that.


Little kids running thru piles of autumn leaves just being little kids. 


The innocence of childhood. 


A Sunday morning in Spring after a long winter sitting on my balcony with a cup of coffee listening to the birds sing to each other and the world announcing that indeed spring has arrived. 


When good things happen to my friends.


When my friends have a good RA day. 


Going thru the kids baby books and their papers they used to bring home from when they first started school.


There are so many things in life that make me smile I can’t list them all here.  But these are a few of my favorite ones. 

We all have blessings in our lives that make life worth living.

Mine is my family.  My hubby is the BEST and my kids are great (most of the time

In addition to my family, and my beloved quiet time, I have another little fetish: new computer hardware.  I love the smell of it; I love the poorly-translated manuals and the mangled English they contain; I love cracking open my computer case to install the new stuff; I love firing it up for the first time after an overhaul/part swap, to see just how much improvement my changes have gotten me... or if I just fried my system . All of you make me smile. Thank you!

Joyfully, Happ


A few chicadees in the willows along the path to the beach. Very social, cherping away to one another. Just an average everyday walk here.

My husband pulled a muscle in his leg and so is just now able to get out for a walk with me. We've been sorta homebound, except for walmart.

Love your pictures, and what makes you smile.Cold beer, hot lunch, fresh newspaper, and armchair politicians down at the local bar.  It's usually an eclectic mix of Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, and plain-old KOOKS.  I decline to say which group I fall into.  It often depends on whether I've had 1 beer or 2 beers. This little man...Noah, my 3 yr old.

I think what makes me happy the most, is my family, and my dogs and exoctic birds.  God knows that I'm in a lot of pain, and don't know half the time if it's the Fibro or RA.  My dogs love to give kisses.  I think God was around when they were born, to me they are the perfect thing to get me out of the dumps. Dotti51It made me happy to see Lisa's beautiful little boys picture!  What a cutie! DH, DS and my black toy poodle! [QUOTE=maryblooms]It made me happy to see Lisa's beautiful little boys picture!  What a cutie! [/QUOTE]

Ahh...thanks Mary. The perfume of an unexpected and surprising gift of flowers.
The smell of freshly ground coffee beans.
Dust motes in early morning sunlight.
The quiet of Moonless midnights and the glory of full Moons.
The taste of honey fresh from the comb.
A sip of newly decanted herbed vinegar and the promise of other pleasures from the nectar.
My granddaughter makes me smile big time. Well Think, that little cutie made me smile!
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