middle of the night blues | Arthritis Information


I took my mtx Sat. night.  Felt exhausted and achey all day Sunday.  I have had like hot flashes all evening.  I slept for a couple hours but woke feeling "sick".  Headache, muscle aches.  I am wondering if this is a reaction to mtx or ra.  It is so depressing.  I go to the gp today.  I don't feel optimistic.  I want to be tested for Lyme disease as it seems I have those symptoms and definitely I am at risk for tick bites.  I spend the majority of time outdoors.  I have to tell gp I got off the zocor because of muscle aches.  That is a concern as I have very high cholesterol (genetic)  I don't know where to go for help.  I am so confused.  I don't know which symptoms are caused by what and I feel like the gp is not going to get me anywhere.  I feel terrible and I am sick of feeling this way.  All these symptoms can have so many causes and the sad truth is - I am getting sicker.  I go back to work Sept. 1 and I am so worried I will not be able to do my job.  I would better be able to deal with this if I could see the steps it takes to improve.  Instead, I keep getting reactions to the drugs which scares me that I will not tolerate Humira and it has such scary side effects.  I AM SO SICK OF BEING SICK.  I know my friends on this board cannot diagnose me or have a magic wand for me either.  So this is my middle of the night vent.  I hope you all are having a better night.  Lack of sleep definitely makes matters worse. 

I hope by now you have been able to ge some rest.Lack of sleep does make things worse.

I know it is hard for you especially with the stress of having to go back to work.I wish I could come over and give you a gentle hug and help you out.

Maybe today you will get some help from the gp.


Rox~I too hope you finally got some rest. Lack of sleep makes everything so much worse.

Let us hear from you as soon a you get back from the GP. I'll be praying all morning for some answers today. Don't give up sweetie; I know how hard this has been on you.

We love you,


Hi Roxy,

I feel like that every week after mtx shot. I take zofran 1/2 hour before the shot and again when I wake up if it's more than 8 hrs later. That has stopped the nausea. Other anti nausea meds made me sleep for a couple of days. Folic acid also reduces the reaction. I don't want to stop the mtx because I know it really makes a difference. I hope you feel better.

BTW At first I hated that shot so much that everytime I drove into the parking lot at the drs office I felt nauseated. I give the shot to myself now and don't feel too bad except tired the next day. I do the shot fri afternoon about 4 so that I am usually sleeping for most of the side effects - with a half of an ambien if necessary - and don't plan too much for the next day. It sure puts a crimp on your qual of life though.

Roxy, I hope you get the help you need with your GP.  I know with all the variables with your meds, it's hard to figure out what is causing what.  Try to stress your concerns and if necessary, bring someone with you to advocate.  I know from past experience that when you feel like sh....t, you can't fight for yourself.  It seemed like I always left the doc's office in tears and never got anything I wanted.  Take Brett or someone who is feeling good and strong and have them put their foot down, right on the doc's head if necessary.  Keep me posted.  I want you to feel better too because I can't wait to meet you.

Thanks you guys.  I have to get in the shower to go to gp.  I got three hours sleep which is better than nothing.  This illness is putting a lot of stress on my relationship with Brett.  We are having a hard time finding common ground or being able to relate to each other.  I can feel him distance himself.  I printed out some of the info about Lyme disease that Lovie shared.  Problem is, when I looked up the websites it increased my doubts that gp will listen.  You can tell by reading them that most doctors will not do the tests needed or treatment because it seems to be "alternative" medicine.  My gp does not think out of the box. 

I think the presentation might be a good distraction for you right now Roxy. None of this is "All in your head" but often a distraction will at least help distract your mind...even a little will brighten your spirits.

Keep your chin up.

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