Rule That Out | Arthritis Information


Hello, everyone. I have posted only a few messages over a period of the last two months. Initially I was inquiring if folks thought I might have PMR since I had so many of the reported symptoms. My primary care physician had me on prednisone, assuming that I had that or some other auto-immune disorder. Earlier this week I saw a rheumotologis for the first time, reffered to by my primary. The rheumy took a thourough medical history, went over each of my symptoms one-by-one, and gave me a comprehensive physical exam. She also had access to all the prior blood tests that had been taken. Her assessment is that I do not have PMR, fibromyalgia, drug induced lupus (which had been under suspicion), or any oither auto-immune disorder. In fact, my problem, a complex of symptoms familiar to people woth PMR, does not even fall into the domain of rheumotology, according to her best assessment.

And so it is that I now face a new round of redirected tests including a chest x-ray, more blood work, an endoscopy, amd more to come if these do not reveal anything, although hopefully something will surface.

So, as it turn out, at this stage I'm just an interloper on the Forum. Without a complling reason I won't be posting anything further, and I will have little purpose in visiting. However, I want to express my gratitude for the Forum's existence and all the good people who raise excellent topics and to those who provide such dear moral support to all the readers' who visit it. Despite learning that I do not have PMR, visiting the Forum has been a real bonanza -- a true comfort and source of enlightenment -- for me over the last few months.

Incidentally, my sister has had been treated for PMR over a year ago and continues to be treated for it. The Forum has helped me to understand her situation to a much greater extent than I ever had before -- not to mention my own symptoms, even though they don't dervie from PMR.

Thank you all and best wishes to you.


Hugh - sorry to hear you are leaving us, but even more sorry you still don't have any answers.  Good luck, CathyHugh, I am so sorry that you don't yet have answers. Please keep us
informed of what you learn. Best of luck to you for answers & a speedy

It's really good to know that you don't have any of the autoimmune diseases nor fibromyalgia. It's always good to know what you don't have, although I know it would be far better to know what you DO have so that you could start treatment.
Will keep you in my prayers for fast answers and relief. Best wishes, and take care.

It was nice knowing you Hugh, here's wishing you a speedy diagnosis and all the best for your future good health. Hugh,  Wishing you the best  and hope they can figure out what is wrong with you.  Did you think of going to Mayo and see if they can figure it out?  Let us know what happens.  Geri

Hello and thank you for the well-wishes. I know you all understand what it's like to be dangling out there without a diagnosis. Since my primary care physician does seem to be actively continuing the pursuit of a diagnosis I think I'll stay with her for the duration and see what, if anything, surfaces. There's got to be an explanation somewhere along the line. If and when I know something I will come back and let folks know. After all, it might even be the case that knowing what is wrong with me may be of help to someone else who reads the Forum. Wishing you all the best of health, as you strive to manage and transcend PMR or whatever has beset you.


Hugh, it is kind and generous of you to continue to post whatever may be
helpful even though it seems you do not have PMR. I am in much the same
"boat" without a diagnosis but still in a state of "unwellness". The forum
has been a great help, so many caring and thoughtful people! I am grateful
for all of you. I have decided not to try another rheumy, I seem to be
steadily, but sloooowly improving, and with the experience of 'ol Pred do
not want to try another medication with all the side effects. I have an
appointment with my PCP to assess where I am. If anything comes of it that
would be helpful I will let you know. Although I am feeling better, the
misery of where I have been and where many of you still are, is strongly
with me, as is a concern and caring for all of you.

When that happens you'd be a good candidate for the show on Discovery Health "mistery diagnoses."
