Stumped by the Sausages | Arthritis Information


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Yes, I am stumped by the sausages that are really called fingers.  I can not for the life of me, figure out why all of a sudden my fingers would swell so much that the skin is taut and shiny.  They are also very stiff and it feels like my skin would tear if I tried to close my hand into a fist.  Not that I could in the first place lol.  I only get about a quarter of a fist.  My fingers are also red from the knuckles on my hand to the tip of my fingers.  I really thought ok…Thursday I know I am going to have a bad day but Friday I will be ok since I chopped up veggies and such for dinner Thursday night.  This has not held true.  I am still in misery with these fingers.  It is bi-lateral although my right hand is worse than my left.  But that could be because I am right hand dominant.  I have even adapted the way I type to the problem I am having with these fingers.


Anyone have *any* thoughts, ideas, suggestions about my fingers???  When Danny wakes up this morning we are going to talk once more about this and try to make a decision on what to do…which doc to call.  It is Friday so that means RD out of office and must be paged.  Do I skip that and just go right for PCP?  Argh.  I really appreciate any input on this.   

have you tried some kind of hand cream to soften and moisturise the hands so they don't dry out and crack. Maybe even something with anti inflamm in it like neurofen gel (if you can use it).


Yep, I know, I know!!!

It's that new kind of fast spreading scleroderma - comes on overnight I hear!

grammaskittles....have you taken Prednisone for a long time/ If so you may want to ck your adrenal grand function. Cushings or Addisons are diseases that can give symptoms you talk aboutHi Liz, shiny, sausage like fingers are sometimes the first sign of psoriatic arthritis.  In fact, that's how I was diagnosed and then had the diagnosis confirmed by xray.  They also are much more painful than the pain and inflammation from RA.  Please call your doctor and ask for an appt. so the doctor can see them, not just prescribe over the phone.  Lindy [QUOTE=grammaskittles] ...It is Friday so that means RD out of office and must be paged.Do I skip that and just go right for PCP?[/QUOTE] When confronted with such a choice, pick both and then insist they confer with one another.

Best wishes, Happ


I think that you answered your own question on the flu shot thread. When i have an infection in my body, the very first things to swell and inflame is my fingers, especially the fingers on my right hand and the very tightest is my middle finger on my right hand. Somewhere in your body, i can almost positively unprofessionally say, "You have an infection or bug somewhere in your body and your immune system has been kicked up a notch to knock out the bug or infection."



Liz...Lindy is right that is the sign of Psoriatic Arthritis.  I have had sausage fingers for about six months now, and they hurt just like you say.  The tendons and ligaments in your fingers are inflamed, and you need to be careful and just do some stretching with them instead of trying to grip and hold things of substanance.  I think the fact that you have been sick has started the cycle, and I always get worse in my hands  when I am sick with anything.  Sorry, but you may have to wait this one out.  I would talk to the RD and take pictures of how they look today to show him/her on Monday. 

Keep them warm and know that you are loved. 

Liz, if you can't get in till Mon. like Shel said, take some pictures.  These symptoms can be an important diagnostic tool.  LindyWhen my fingers are hot and fat I soak them in cold water (not too cold), just to cool them down. The cooling down helps with the swelling. Just wounds horrid, hope you get it sorted. < =text/>_popupControl();

Thank you to everyone for responding with your great thoughts and ideas.  I never really thought it could be PsA.  But now that everyone has described it…it has me and Danny wondering.  I will have him take pics of my hands before he leaves for work today.  I do go for a Remicade infusion on Monday at 1:30 pm.  I think I will call the office in the morning and explain to them what is going on and that I really need for the doc to see my hands.  I have been sick lately so it could be that too.  Since I am not sure…we feel more comfortable to have the rheumy check out my hands. 


Oh Karen…I have no new suggestions to offer... but when I first saw the title of the thread I thought it had something to do with actual sausages, seeing as how you're from the land of beer, cheese and brats. I have 3 "sausage" digits.  I was diagnosed with PA last week.  My right middle finger is bothering me most.  Do these things improve?


Sorry to say I have not had any improvement in nine months of treatment, but I know that for some the swelling goes down when the PA becomes a little more controlled.  The thing about the sausage swelling is that is when the damage is being done, because PA involves tendons and ligaments, and can rupture the tendons and ligaments if you are not careful. 

Sometimes I have to alternate cold and hot stuff.  Cold stuff seems to make the joints hurt worse. 

Take care and try not to use the hands much, except to do mild stretches and trying to clinch, but not tightly. 
