Jaw pain | Arthritis Information


Anybody here get Jaw pain. Been in a Flare for a while now and this AM woke up with my left Jaw killing me....Ooh that's gotta hurt. I have never had pain in my jaw, but in my neck. Is it TMJ maybe?

Hope you feel better soon.

Yeah... hate it in my jaw.   Makes it difficult to even get a toothbrush in to brush my teeth.

Hope it doesn't last too long for you.


I've had that pain. Not for some time. You know it seems that i only flare when i get sick. I have come to the conclusion that flare equals sick, equals immune system kicking into higher gear, equals flare


Lev, Funny you should say that.My last set of blood work showed my white blood count slightly elevated ???

Yes, I have it most of the time. It has been so troublesome the past few months, that it is difficult to eat. Mine is at a point that it pops really big if I open my mouth. EVERY TIME I open my mouth! Has yours caused pain in your ear,on that side,too? 

I asked my RD and PCP, both, if it could be arthritis in my jaw and they said, yes, it could. But we haven't persued it any further, as I've had so many other health problem lately. But the pop is visible to others.

Does anyone know if there is any treatment for it?

I have this as well, used to be much worse to the point that i couldnt open my mouth very wide at all. I have a retainer for it which helps a lot, i wear it to sleep and for exams. it helps lately its been worse again but its still an improvement


Yep, have jaw pain most days.  Sorry about this addition.

No, not up to this time, but I'm only twelve months into this RA stuff.

have PA, but yes... lots of jaw pain! also affects my ears, am dizzy a lot of the day.


sallyak x

Yup, jaw pain here too and it does cause dizzyness.  Geez, what next!!?
Doc says it is RA and my dentist confirmed it.


I have a lot of jaw pain too and something that helps me is a night guard and sometimes muscle relaxers. My docs name is Dr. Kevorkian!!!!!


Thanks i am not alone. I have an abcess and infection on right side of check bone. Left side of face is swollen today. I am lop sided face today. My teeth are well one is a little loose on left side. I think an eye tooth is a bit lower and this is the area i have pain not the old root canal which has turned blue at this point from the abcess in the check bone. Well i always have the ear pain and dizzyness i get alot. But i do get actual ear infections that make me sick. Yes my jaw hurts. Hurts often. I am not mad or depressed about it just is obvious that it is RA or AI. You do not swell up on the other side of your face than the infection on your 11th day of antibiotics. I am not in any pain right now just cold. My knees and jaw hurt a bit this morning took the pred and it did a pretty good job. Almost took a pain pill but don't need to. I did have my teeth cleaned and had no decay last visit to dentist before flare. If i didn't have jaw pain and face pain from RA i would have caught this infection sooner. But my face has hurt for years and root canals don't have any nerves in them, so i thought it was my usually old pain. Plus was on pred and vicoden for flare. Guess i will go see dentist at start of every flare now. Anyway tuesday i go back to dentist. I am sure my face will look just fine when swelling goes down. But first thing i thought when i looked in the mirror is this is the RA not the infection. And that i am used to that so not to worried.

I get it too.  Seems that the RA in my jaw caused nerve damage and now the only relief I get is with Neurontin.  Before neurontin., theleft side of my face would go numb up to the hairline and pain would shoot through my jaw up into my ear.

Since taking this drug the jaw/ear pain has lessened immensely and I am not on a large dosage, just 300 mgs. in the afternoon and at bedtime.

Hope you getting some relief.

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