Face Ache? | Arthritis Information


OK, I finished 18 days of 2 different types of antibiotics last saturday. I've had a good week this week. No face ache, no hurting jaw, no sore light sensitive eyes, no ear ache. On Tuesday I had my flu shot. Yesterday at Pilates when stretching on the ball, I fell off (much to the amusement of the class

Is it possible that the flu virus has found its way to my face? I cant bear the thought of getting more antibiotics. I am still steaming to keep the sinuses soft (as opposed to feeling like concrete). I wish I'd not had the flu injection now. Ibuprofen, sudafed (decongestive), paracetamol not working. Any suggestions welcome.

Flu shots are not live virus.  It is possible that your antibiotics did not completely eradicate the bacteria, and the infection is coming back.  Sinus infections are very hard to get rid of.  Have your doctor do a culture if he/she hasn't already. JasmineRain39388.4841087963Dizziness is probably a side effect of taking ABX.

Light sensitivity could be a herxheimer reaction (what kind of ABX were you on?).

Other stuff, could be a herxheimer reaction or unknown.

I hope you feel better soon.

Actually, since you finished the ABX Saturday, I am probably flailing in the dark with my last post.

Jasmine - you are probably right in that the original infection's not gone, I hadnt thought about that. Its such a bugger I just felt so much better and now dont. I've been referred to the ENT for an operation so I dont think they'll bother doing cultures... you know anything to save a few pence.

Gimpy you make me laugh, I love the world flailing. All thoughts, flailing or not are welcome.


Hi Sarah. Thanks for the pm. sorry you are having problems with the sinus's. That is so sore. My CT Scan came back clear on my sinus and I was put on gabapentin for pain, be very careful if you are ever prescribed it. I was completly out of it and was saying and doing strange things. I went back to see my doc today and they think I have TMJ..........i CANT SPELL IT. It affects the jaw and can cause pain in the head, neck face, etc and blurred vision. I think im off to have an MRI Scan next week. I hope you get some relief soon, I had my sinus washed a few years back, it wasnt too bad but i had black eyes for a while

Glad that you are feeling a little better, your symptoms sound horribly like mine. I think I'm going to have to go back to the Dr's, its like everything else, if you werent in any pain you could cope with it! My sinuses arent going to be washed, all the infected tissue is going to be cut out... apparently, it all sounds rather gruesome.

I'll be getting my just deserts though.. hubby had an operation on his nose a few years ago and when I went in to see him his nose was packed and he looked 'pig like'... I laughed my socks off... of course telling him it would all go down and he neednt worry

I hope you're MRI goes OK and that they dont find anything untoward. What are they looking for with an MRI?

"NOSE Packed like a pig"

The MRI will be to see if there is something wrong with my jaw I think. Even my hair hurts to touch and this can be a sign of TMJ.

Sorry to hear about your son. I hate bullys. Is he ok now. I have a son about the same age and he used to get bullied in junior school, it all changed in senior school thank goodness.

Yes, his nose was actually turned up... just like a pig.. makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Reading all about this TMJ is worrying. My hair hurts too but I put that down to being hormonal... I might have had an hysterectomy but I've still got the ovaries and still get monthly boobs like rocks etc. I've had popping jaw when eating for a month or so... I think I'll have to mention this to the Dr. I dont want anything else falling off/going wrong at the moment. Why do these things all happen at the same time?

Will is fine. No more news about the YOB. As you can imagine lots of gossipy chit chat going round so I've told him if anyone asks if he's said anything he's just to play dumb and that as far as he's concerned its dealt with. I was just telling Jay that I cant comprehend how some people feel its OK to be nasty to someone they dont even know. Makes my blood boil.

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