Gout in hips and shoulders? | Arthritis Information


I am a female 42 yo. I have been having ongoing joint pain and swelling for about 3 years with painful and disabling flare ups every 4-6 months. It started in a knee and I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Then it was a hip, also diagnosed as OA, bursitis and tendonitis. Then a foot, diganosed as plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. Now, its my shoulders, arms, hands and hips. This time the Dr, said its gout throughout my joints. She says my blood uric acid level is high. Everything I have read says that hips and shoulders are RARELY affected. Does anyone else have gout in hips and shoulders? I have been in so much pain for the past 2 weeks and just started on Allopurinol yesterday. Earlier last week I was given a steroid shot, medrol dose pack and ultram. I had a bad allergic reaction to the steroids and the ultram left me weak, nauseated and unable to think clearly, so I stopped taking it also. The Dr. switched my pain meds to lortab but I can not take them when I have to work. I am completely miserable and looking for relief! Any suggestions?? This flare up is the worst I have ever experienced. I also feel like my Dr. has not taken me seriously. I asked for a referral to a rheumatologist but she doesnt think I need to see one. Thanks for listening!

I am very sorry you are in pain.

To be sure you have gout, you need to test the fluid in the problem joints for monosodium urate crystals. (It's easier to draw fluids from the knees; but more difficult from shoulders, arms, hands and hips.)  GPs are unlikely to be able to draw joint fluids themselves.  I wonder if you ask for it, your doctor may have to send you to a rheumatologist to have it done.

There is one thing critically wrong.  Allopurinol should not be started during the gout attack because it will make the attack worse!  (This shows the doctor is not very familiar with gout.)  One has to wait at least a few weeks after gout is gone to start Allopurinol, with prophylactic use of  Colchicine or an NSAID (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) to prevent triggering gout attacks.  More gout info can  be found at http://www.ICuredMyGout.org .   Take care and good luck.

PS: May I ask what is your blood uric acid level?

Thanks for your comments JYY1. I guess starting the allopurinol during an attack can explain why I am feeling worse instead of better! I was told my uric acid level is 7. From what I have found out online (and sadly NOT from my dr.) is that the upper range for a female is 6.6 so I am not very far outside of the range. To be honest this is the last straw with this doctor. I am going to find me a new one. Most of the time when I have gone to this one with the flare ups, they just want to give me a cortisone shot and that maybe be why now I have developed the reaction to steroids. Basically all my current dr told me was to take the meds she prescribed and go online to find a gout diet!

I believe your gout flare is getting much better now.  A steroid shot plus medrol dose pack is a strong treatment for gout fares and work very well for most people.  But I would avoid them if possible due to their side effects.

The blood UA level and gout are not well correlated.  Furthermore, depending on one's estrogen level, the UA level can differ by 1 mg/dL or more.  It's very unusual to have gout flare in hips.  Hope you can get a rheumatologist to straight things out.  Take care.

I have the same pains and have been told everything you have. I spent the day in bed...I should be better Monday. Because of a kidney problem I can't take things for the pain...sometimes I cheat.

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Is it available in the net?...

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