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I wanted to update you on what's going on. I'm having alot of pain in my hip and standing for just a few mins, will cause me to cry. Then on top of all of this, I'm flaring too. My smiles are few and I find myself taking long naps. My OA is causing most of the problems as my RA is undercontrol. Later this month, I'm going to my RA doc.

My biggest concern is that something else is going on too.  I'm not sure what it can be but all I know is that this pain is terrible. Will keep you posted.

Thanks for letting me vent.


Sorry you are having such a horrible time with your OA. Can you call your RD's office and get on the cancellation list? Hope you feel better soon.  Hi, yes OA can be awful too. I have it in my neck and it keeps creaking, and popping, also in my hands. I don't take anything for it. Do you? Sorry for your pain.Good luck with sorting all of this out. Lynda

Are you taking any NSAIDS already?  If you aren't, try taking four 200 mg. ibuprofen (over the counter kind), 3-4 times a day.  That may help you make it through until you see the doctor.  Also, fish oil supplements help get rid of inflammation also.

Sleeping with a pillow between my legs also helps with my hip pain.  I also use heat and blue emu creme to help with pain as well.  If there's anything else I can help with, feel free to PM me.  We can be hippy chicks together!

Aww...I'm really sorry to hear all this Marisa.  Glad you don't have to wait forever to see the doctor.  Feel free to vent whenever you want to.

Marisa, I can so relate.  My hip pain is horrible, and has been getting worse and worse.  I was just dx with OA from top to bottom of my back.  I also have radiating pain to the front and in the groin...of course from all I have read that may mean the hip joint is gone.  Well, all I can say is I share your pain and I am very sorry. 

I do much the same as Karen...I use pillows and heat.  I will also soak in epsome salts...when my knees will help me to get up.  Not right now though.  I cannot take NSAIDS, so I just kinda rest when I have to.  Sorry!!!

Shelly, I'm sorry about your hip pain also. I have had OA, scoliosis, DDD, etc in my spine for many years and some of the pain is quite hard to control.,

I was interested to hear you say that the hip pain radiated to the front and groin. I had never known that before. But I saw my PCP last week and was concerned about my left hip pain and especially the groin pain. He said the groin pain was classic for OA of the hip and then he had me lay down and moved my hip all around. It hurt like the devil, and also hurt my lower back. So I guess my hip has decided to get totally involved with the OA, along with most of my other joints.

Marisa, Sweetie, I'm so sorry you are hurting so badly! I hope you can get in to see someone soon. If nothing else than just to find something to ease the pain. I hate to think that you are crying from the pain! Do you have any pain meds? Take care, and I hope you get some pain relief very soon.

Be well, you are in my thoughts and prayers


Hi Marisa.  I can relate, having osteo too along with the other AI issues.  How lucky are we to have both?  I also think you should try Aleve or it's stronger version, naproxen.  They really help.  I hope you get relief soon.   
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