Wishful thinking | Arthritis Information


Thanks so much for your input.

I seem to be fine.  Just a bit of sneezing.

Perhaps I was just trying to avoid something scary for me.

Actually I just want to get this underway.  The reality will probably be much less frightening than the anticipation.

Another question.  I got the mtx and folic acid today.  What time do you take the folic acid and should I start it on the same day I take the MTX?

I want you all to know how much I appreciate your answers.  The infoemation I gathered here helped me realize I needed a second opinion.  I just hope waiting for appointments didn't take a toll.

I plan on becoming more involved in discussions when I get over this fascination with myself!

Again thanks.  I'll let you know how it goes.


I take them both in the morning, but I know others have diffeent instructions.

It won't be long before you'll be an old hat at all of this and you'll be giving your inputI was told to take the MTX on Fridays and the folic on all other days (BUT FRIDAY). Said not to take the folic on the day I take the MTX. Does that make since...trying to watch the Cowboys as I'm posting (hee hee). 

I started Methotrexate in January, and I did just enough research to be scared of it, too.  The only side effect I noticed was nausea, but that stopped after a few weeks.  I take the methotrexate in the afternoon, currently on Thursday.  (Some weeks I forget, and have to start on whatever day I remember it.)  I take the folic acid every day in the morning.

Unfortunately, the methotrexate has not seemed to help me at all, and I just started Rituxan last week, though the doctor wants me to continue the methotrexate also.

Good luck, try not to worry too much.  For me personally, I'll accept some unpleasant side effects if the drug(s) will help me in the long run.

I take my folic acid every morning.....I take my mtx every tuesday afternoon.

some doctors say not to take it on the day you take your mtx...some say it doesn't matter.   I've always taken my folic acid every day including the day I take mtx.

Did you doctor say what he/she wanted u to do?

kelstev39390.7878587963I take folic acid everyday but Rheumy said 12 hours apart on MTX day, so I take MTX in the am and folic acid in the evening.  All the best, Janie.  I take the folic acid with the metho
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