How Ya Be Doin’? | Arthritis Information


How be everyone? Anything new a happenin? Anyone doing better/worse/the same?

Ya'll post too much to keep up with ya'll.

Well... hope to hear from al me friends and even newbies!

Hey girlie.  I missed ya and your stange bid of humor.  How are ya feelin' I hope your doing great and just don't need us anymore.  I hope it is not cause ya have to go to bed with your druggie friends. 

Take care and TTYL

Have not needed the pain meds siince I got those shots, except the day after they wore off. Glad though. I hate them damn things. I have just been taking IBU.

Imuran has been working pretty swell for my swelling

So... doing better in joints that have been bothering me for a LONG time, but now... I have new joint pains and problems. Ya win some ya lose some. I am not well, well... not well enough to clean the house, but better.

I made a trip to wal-mart. Had to find the bench because of my left ankle & foot and then my right leg. But... I did get outta the house. YAY!!!

Getting outa the house is important just be careful. 

I think I am going to try to go back to bed.  Gosh...almost two am...who does a person have to pay to get some sleep around here?

Umm... for me it would be my son with cupcakes



take care

Hi Joonie~

I've been doing good one day then bad two.  Lacking in energy and modivation to do anything.  Hoping this improves soon!

Going to see the pain lady friday, so looking forward to that!


You can pay me!  Send money orders directly to my residence (no personal checks accepted, cash is always good) and I will promptly send you a good night sleep.

One full night with no bathroom breaks only 100.00

with one bathroom break regularly priced at 75.00 !!NOW ONLY 50.00!!

Hey, Joonie.

I had the weirdest pain last night.  In both arms.  It was really bad muscle pain.  Like a soreness, not a spasm.  It hurt in my forearms and in my upper arms between the shoulder and the elbow.  It was bad enough that I had to get up and take an extra dose of anti-inflammatories.  At first I thought I must be getting the flu, but other than the pain, I feel fine.

Anyone else experience this?

Kweenb, I get that pain, like somebody punched me in the arm. I only notice it at night when I'm laying there trying to fall asleep. Most of the time I can put Icy Hot on my arms and get past it, but sometimes I need a stronger pill than Tylenol PM.

Joonie, glad to hear you are feeling some better. I wonder if muscle relaxers would help the upper arm pain. I'll have to ask the Dr the next time I go in.I had my toughest night last night - both my arms and hands were solidly asleep (numb, pins and needles), so I didn't get much sleep.  Today at work, they both feel incredibly weak.  Typing is almost impossible.

Hi Joonie, I'm glad you're doing better and I can understand why you resist using the scooter, but it might be the best option for you on some of your worse days. 

I'm doing quite well except the day after my flu shot (not sure if there's a connection) my left side started acting up again and lasted for three days.  I know a few other people seemed to get some sort of flare after the shot but I'm not sure if that's what this is.  I sleep better now that the meds have kicked in and I really feel for those of you still struggling with that.  During my sleepless period I often ended up going into another room and turning on the TV to get my mind off of whatever was keeping me awake, (busy mind, pain, etc.).  It really helped me and by using the timer on the TV I didn't have to worry about it being on all night.  I know this might not be an option for everyone, but it might help someone, I hope. 

Hey Joon-bug!!!!

So glad you are doing better!!!! I am doing pretty good also! I can walk with only a slight limp now and I am so happy about that!!!!! Only us would understand that we would be happy about limping!!!!


Mekarres - Yep, understand that one. I hate it when it plays out that way and even hate it more when I "plan" on doing something the next day and then cannot do it, and lucky if I make it outta bed.

kweenb - Nope do not think I have felt that. Most times when I notice my arm sore like that IS because someone punched me in the arm or I ran into the door facing

Kara - Sorry to hear last night was soo bad. That numb/tingling stuff sounds awful. Kinda like you have Restless leg syndrom, except in your arms.

Jesse88 - Glad ya are doing better.

angytvjunkie4 - Wooohooo!!!

 Hey Joonie!

How is the recovery from broncitis going?


 The bronchitis is pretty good, but my nose and ears are stopped up. Especially in the mornings, I sound like a bullfrog and cough up a lung, feels like


Mo'Nana was a bullfrog, she was good friend of mine.
I never understood a single word she said but I helped her drink
her whine.
She always had some mighty fine wine.
Sing it Joy to the world...all the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishies in the deep bluesea and joy to you and me.

I woke up with a sore shoulder, pretty minor.  I had hoped I just slept on it funny, but nope.  It's just getting worse and worse as the day goes on.  It's been a few months since my shoulders felt like this.  I forgot how much they could hurt.  Well, "it" could hurt.  Thank goodness it's just the one.

Awwwww Linky Doodle!! I sorry your shoulder is hurtin

Oh & BTW... if I had I would send it to ya to get a good nights sleep w/1 bathroom break. Now... I ask does that include not being woke up by tubby hubby snoring?

 Thanks for the serenade Joonie

 Link I hope you don't have bursitis, it hurts like the devil!


Well... that is who amkes the most mess tubby hubby and son and sometimes daughter. Me... nope only room I mess up is my bedroom. The rest of the house is messed up from them 3!


Joonie, your house stays clean for two days?  That's pretty good.  I just yelled at my husband for once again messing up what I just cleaned 10 minutes ago.  This time it was cracker crumbs on the kitchen floor after I just vacuumed and washed it.  Then, he (again) sat down on the sofa and put his feet up on the afghan I am making for my daughter.  He's been told about that too.  I told him he has no respect for the work I do and I'm going to go down to his garden and start pulling up plants so he can have the "fun" of replanting them like I have the fun of cleaning up again.  Geeze!!!

No, 2 days is if I am lucky.


I'm tired and I keep getting more and more bruises  that won't heal. Also weird little sores that  get nasty and bigger and bigger and wont heal. Right this minute I have  8 on my torso   and they look like  cigarette burns.. and they hurt

also I keep breaking open a scab on my hand, because my hand is so weak I bang it into doors etc

And TMI... guys Look away.. I've developed a HORRIBLE discharge.. just lots and lots, no smell  and it sure isnt yeast. Its causing burns on  all my pink parts..

AND  my joints are doing poorly esp knees and toes..

AND   the cherry on top?? My DIL.. the kids "mom" diecided  to run away to Florida..leaving me to explain.. oh yes mama loves you shes  just going away for ...a...while... wonder why they both call me mommy now.


Just checked in for a few miinutes and I can see I am way behind on the boards already. I am on vacation. Thank goodness hubby has a bad cold and so we are both very happy to read, take naps, and relax. Don't remember when I have felt so relaxed and rested. Unfortunately, getting pain in new joints so I am taking all my meds and hoping for the best.



My arms get like that. I find a heating pad helps. Maybe it is fibro?


Hey joonbug! As always, when I haven't seen you post for a few days I start to worry.

What's been going on, and how have you been feeling? Any news on the Remicade????
