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Hi It's been so long since I posted here that I feel like I'm new. I just love  this forum though. I went back to work full time and I only had the energy to read the posts and not say much.  I recently got the surprise of my life. I was having difficulty breathing and went for some tests - a very long story- and found out that I had severe aortic stenosis and before I could even digest that I had an aortic valve replacement. Has anyone else ever gone through this? Is there any connection between RA and heart valve problems?Hi Tiana, welcome back.  I don't have any information for you with regard to your recent diagnosis, but I'm sure there will be others who can help you.  I'm glad to thought of us when you needed some support and information.  We're here for ya!

Hi Tiana, Welcome Back!!!!

So Sorry you had so many troubles.... I hope you get to feeling better really soon!!!!


No info for you but welcome home.Hi Tiana...I think you must have been here and gone before I found this place.  Glad to meet you and welcome back!!

For those of you who have pets you'll know how great it is to have a cat who just seems to know how you feel. She has stuck to me like glue since I came home from the hospital - night and day.


Long time no see!! I sure have missed you!

I am sorry to hear about your recent health troubles.

I hope you continue to improve and get back on the Remicade soon.

BTW... How was the Remicade working for you before you had to go off of it?

Hi Joonie

The remicade helpd me a lot. I had a lot of pain without it. It will be interesting to see if the pain stops again. I had a treatment Friday,

Hi Tiana? Is that anything like a Mitral Valve? I had the 'repaired' in Dec, last year!! They said it was inherited? Hummmm. don't i wonder tho after being on mtx for 15 years???????

I've been through that heart operation and then no meds (because of healing), Finally in MARCH I was given 15mgs of prednisone, only that prevented the most intense pain you can imagine. Boy I understand.

I'll wait to hear what you had repaired. Lynda

Tiana, good to meet you.  I wish it were under a lot better circumstances. 

My dad had a lot of heart problems with his valves and such.  Direct corralation was never made to PA, but I suspect that was it.  He did not make it though, so I am glad you are still with us. 

Take care and rest up. 
