TMI Question | Arthritis Information


I was sitting here reading the leaflet for my meds and I was reading the one about Imuran. I got down to the Possible Side Effects section and it says:

"pale or fatty stools"

Now... I ask... what the hell is a fatty stool? Does it mean fat, like bigger than normal poopies? Or does it mean fatty, like greasey?

Told ya it was TMI, but once again not my TMI.

I think it means that when you take the Imuran there is a possibility you will turn into a big,fat, pale, turd.

Oh great! Well, hubbt all the time call our kids turds, so I guess the turds do not fall far from the turdlet

   You're a nut!

fatty stool

A stool containing excessive amounts of fat.

Thanks Kweenb!

But how would you know if there were fat in your poopie?

This is such an odd thread - leave it to Joonie! 

I think it floats.

well I dont know to much about having fatty stool but i hope this link helps you out in that area.

you crack me up joonie .... thanks for the laugh!

if you have more fat in the poopies, does this mean you won't absorb as much in your body so it will kinda act like a weight loss thing???


Oh Joonie, just what I needed after spending an afternoon with teenagers. 

Gosh, Celena...I would hope so!!!  Can we all have Imuran? 

Fatty poop = steatorrhea. And yep, it floats.


 on the other hand... it slides out nice and easy...


I surely hope you don't have to experience this lovely side effect, Joonie!

Thanks for the info & links guys.

Ok now, I am thinking I did not have "pale or fatty stool". Was kinda beginning to wonder there, but I guess it was because all I ate was cheerios and everyone knows cheerios floats... Kinda like hope floats. 

Joonie, you're a nut!



This is not a the thread I would bring up "crack" on. 

[QUOTE=Blessed]So we need to inform the government of a possible oil spill in the upcoming days? 


I laughed and my daughter asked me what I was laughing about.

No, no oil spills either. Oh and there probably was some crack involved.

RANana - Thanks for clearifying what "pale stool" was.