Female questions about the lovely test | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if anyone has had an abnormal pap test? I was told i have to go have another test done next tuesday and what is it that they actually do cause im not sure can anyone tell me if you dont mind.thank you

I had an abnormal one a few years ago.  They bring you back in, do another pap but I think they get a little more fussy about the second one.  Depending on what that comes back depends on what they do.  They did a freezing on me and then I had to have pap's every three months for a year after that.  not fun.  Good luck and I am sure all will be fine.i've had them in the past usually they just rerun the pap..most of the time its just a bad first test and the second is perfectly normal

Did they happen to tell you what the results of your first one was?  There are different levels of abnormality.  I had an abnormal one once.  It was classified as "atypical cells."  It just indicated abnormal cells that  weren't precancerous.  My second one came back the same.  It turned out the results were because I had polyps.  Once the polyps were removed, the results went back to normal.

Back a few years (ok its been 13 years) I had an abnormal one.  The doc found precancerous cells.  Went back and froze them off and have had normal ones ever since.  It wasn't enjoyable, but necessary.

I am going to  the  dr on Thursday for follow up on  an abnormal PAP.   They will take cultures check it and if it is again abnormal they do a more .. thorough test.

the vast majority of abnormal PAPs are  nothing.. an irritation in the cervix cells, from  intercourse, douches, infection,  even  bubble bath..

I had an abnormal pap back in 74..  decided then to go off  chemical BC..

I had an abnormal pap years ago. They had me come back in and froze some stuff off. I had to wear a mattress size pad because of "coffee ground" looking discharge. (TMI? lol) I was supposed to go back in 6mos for another check up, but ended up getting pregnant. After the pregnancy, the pap came back normal. I wouldn't fret too much about it. You should be fine.

Cervial cancer can be prevented if caught early.

I'm not saying that's what's going on here. Very often the second one will be fine....but it's the reason a yearly pap is so, so important.

I use to go every year just to get my BC refilled. I now go every year to make sure that doesn't come back. It hasn't; but I had to go about every three months then six months there for a while to be certain. My OB doesn't mess around with that stuff.

Sounds like yours is on top of things too. Try not to worry yourself sick about it. I'm sure it will be fine.


For the last two years, when I went for my paps, I had to go back and re-do them. No biggie, the second ones were fine


Let us know what happens with the second one.  I had two in a row come back and they actually had to do a cervical biopsy.  I was having a lot of trouble with my periods and so on, so that was no surprise.  Just don't let it go...it is amazing how many treatments there are for anything pre-cancerous these days! 

Not that you wanted another annual exam!  YUCK!

Okay thank you i was kinda freaking out cause this was the first time that i was a ""GOOD GIRL"" you know what i mean and it came back abnormal.  A year or so ago i didnt know that you should not have sex up to 48 hours before you have that test somthing like that and i did so the test came back abnormal but this time I was a good girl and still abnormal so i freaked a bit with all the stuff that i have been going through is all.  Thank you

Hi, I had a abnormal pap come back a couple months ago. It said endometrial cells. I called the dr because it was sent by letter and asked should I come right away or wait until my next appt in 3 months. They said it was nothing to be concerned about and just get another in 3 months which is coming up on the 19th of this month. I assumed thathave endometrial cells was the start of menopause?? I too had sex two days before and had come off my period 3 days before (TMI). Let us all know what happens.

take care

You might have just gotten a bad pap test or they didnt get enough "information" from you. Or it could be that the results weren't good and they want to just recheck to see if it was a fluke. I'm sure you'll be ok if it's just a recheck on the pap. Hopefully nothing else! Good luck!

My last two paps were abnormal. I'm not sure which level of abnormal, but bad enough that I had to go back in for a colposcopy (they take a biopsy of my cervical tissue to test for cancer) within a few weeks of each test. Neither time was fun but you must do what you must do. Luckily both times the tissue came back non-cancerous. It sucks to have to think about cancer when you're only 25 :(

i had one and they just scheduled me for a colposcopy where they look at your cervix with a high powered microscope.  my dr biopsied several spots which all came back fine, repeat the pap in 6 months, all was fine and well after a few rounds.  low grade changes are usually ok and can resolve themselves.  be worried about high grade changes and lesions and usually those can be fixed by some of the procedures people talked about already like the freezing or cone biopsy or leep procedures. 

good luck my dear
Well just got back from another wonderful visit they did do a colposcopy and know I have to wait 2 weeks for the results OH WHY DOES IT HAVE TO TAKE SO LONG.  Im going to go crazy waiting.  I just hope that everything comes out okay he did talk to me about the freezing thing and he told me about all the procedures and situations that may happen he wanted me to be prepared I guess.
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