National RD conference!!! | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); It is that time of the year once again!!!  If you have a hard time getting in touch with your rheumy over the next week or so, they are probably at the National Rheumatology Conference in Boston. 

I was talking with my nurse about it today and they are planning some fun along with learning this year.  They are going to go to the "Cheers" bar.  I told her bring me back a tshirt and I will pay her for it when she gets back lol!

Well I hope they come back with lots of new info and what is on the horizon for us!!!


Let's hope they come back with more than just souveniers!!!  I would love to see what is new and up and coming! 

Maybe a cure!

I was at the Cheers bar many years ago with a bunch of fellow college students.. we were in Boston for the American Chemical Society meeting.

< =text/>_popupControl(); Shelly..they will come back with way more than me on this one lol.  I go to one of the top rheumys in the country lol.  I can't wait to see what is on the horizon for us!!! I am so excited!!! 

Last year I think it was Deanna that discovered where all our rheumy's went at once.  You should have seen the board...we were all wondering just where in the heck our rheumy's disappeared to at once lol. 




Wow, excuse me. Hi guys, my Rheumy from the Sunshine Coast, Australia was headed for Boston this week, I hope he comes back with some new ideas!!!!  Hugs Janie. Beat them to the punch. Go to and you can see all the abstracts.

The ped rheum side has me a little depressed. Old news drug studies (levlarry posted one here months ago). One that has me all snarky - they gave nine kids and nine parents Palm Pilots and had them check in three times a day about pain. Used this to deduce that parents influence their kids to feel worse.

Get this - the study says two were in remission, three were dx'd as mild, and five were dx'd as mod to severe. Um, doctors, that comes to ten....

And, um, why are kids you have dx'd as in remission having pain and missing school and activities??? Mommy's fault???

Why are they using their time and resources to study this??? So they can say, "My treatment plan works, these kids have their disease in control because of me, I am the world's leading pain expert, it is just the damn mom messing things up!"?????

Sorry. Told you I'm feeling all snarky.

What a shame those studies are.  How easy it is to blame us parents for their kids not doing well or feeling pain.  I would like to see someone do that to me to my face.  Despite my RA someone might end up with a punch in the nose. 

I don't know about any other moms out there with kids with JRA...but I don't influence my daughter to feel pain.  Who in the heck would want to influence their child to feel pain???  I don't want my baby in pain!!!!  I don't want to have to give my 12 year old pain pills!!!!  And ummm it is for sure not remission if the kids are missing school and activities.  Like I said...too easy to blame mom for everything. 

Some of these people doing some of these studies should be studied to see if they have any BRAINS!!!

Ugh I guess I am a bit snarky today too lol.  Maybe it has something to do with my baby flaring and then I read something like what Suzanne posted.  Gee...ya think??? 

Bah...I am going to go snuggle up with Danielle.

What a load of crap. Sorry but i have a daughter who has Osgood schlatters disease, do they really think I like to see her at 2am crying in pain. Did I go in to her room and tell her she is in pain. I tend to go to the other end of the spectrum and give out the pain pills with no fuss, I dont fuss over her and send her to school, if its that bad they will send her home and most of the time they do. Is that mums fault? Its not being horrible to her but i hate being fussed over when im in pain and so does she. I dont think any caring parent would influence their children to be in pain or take pain killers unless they were suffering form munchausens.


No, no, no, do not snuggle! Study would call that "solicitous" behavior!!!!

I'm s-o-o-o glad you don't have a Palm Pilot LOL. Making us moms look bad, with your....compassion....

Doctors, get busy on a CURE!!! We do not like to come to you saying our children need you, thank you very much. Quit trying to make it like you've fixed the problem and we won't let up. You are kidding yourselves.That's so typical.  Blame the parents.  I can't imagine the agony parents feel every time their child is in pain and are helpless to stop it.  There can't be many things worse than that.  Take heart, those of us who have children, whether ill or not, know that the parents are not to blame.  It's just too convenient to stick on that "enabling" type label, but it doesn't wash!!! GRRRRR.

I just have to say whatever physician who came up with that is very lucky my daughter is not one of his patients!  She wouldn't be any longer that is for sure. 

What parent would want to give their child an injection on a regular basis just to get "attention?"  Why would anyone want their child to be in pain?  That was really the reason they did the study??  I am sorry to get on a soap box, but that really makes me angry

Ok, this one is going to take me awhile to get over.  I better stop for now.  I'm with the two of you---that PR is off his rocker.

