OT - Update on the boy! (and grandpa!) | Arthritis Information


Well..........surgery was meant to start at 1, but was a little behind. They got a 1:40 start on him. He came out around 5pm, so it was a long procedure.

No colostomy bag! No need for it! yay!!!!!!! The cyst was super easy to drain, according to the surgeon. He has an NG tube down his throat right now, sucking up all the drainage from it. Looks pretty gross! Hehe The surgeon said it was nothing short of a miracle that Justin wasn't septic, and was actually up walking around and living his life. When he got to the area of balled up diseased small bowel, there was puss EVERYWHERE. It was so seriously infected, it really was amazing he wasn't sicker. So the doctors are all confident that once he's up and eating again, it will be like having a whole new set of guts!

YAY! He is in a lot of pain right now, but ya know, he just had his poor tummy cut open, I would be too! He has a pretty good pain control plan though, a few shots he can have and he also has a little on demand drip of pain meds. (where you push the button when you need more) It lets him dispense something every 5 minutes if needed. They also stuck him in the PCU(?) I guess it's like a step above the ICU, and there's a better nurse to patient ratio. The surgeon said really he didn't qualify for that section, but they didn't have that many patients in it, and he wanted Justin to be able to get nurse assitance at ANY time, so that's where he put him. :) He's still really out of it, but honestly I'm glad. I'd hate for him to be up and alert and me have to be here at work. Hopefully by the time I get back in the AM, he'll be more with it.


***Now, for grandpa.

Momma says he was doing really well, but then his oxygen levels started dropping, and he was coughing a lot. The coughing was expected, and encouraged, however with each cough his blood pressure spiked. And it's already so out of control it became dangerous. Especially since he already had a heart attack. They still do not know how much damage was done to his heart. So instead of letting him cough on his own, and since his O2 levels were dropping, they were forced to put him back on the ventelator(sp) which means sedation again.

The cardiologist will not clear him for any kind of heart surgery, but at the same time he really NEEDS it. My mom went to work today, and she said she broke down several times. :( Basically, even though his mind is still here, his body is just not cooperating. And all in all, it's just NOT looking good. She has her bag packed and ready to go in an instant, and her job has given her the go ahead. Hopefully that won't be nessecary, but you just never know.

I am glad to hear about the little one.  I am sorry to hear about your grandpa I will be praying for them everything will get better.Me too Katie.

My dear little Katie! You have certainly had your share of worries and stress haven't you, Sweetie?

I'm so glad they got to Justin when they did. What a miracle that the timing was right and the infection had not done more damage. Please know that you and he have been in the front of my mind and in my heart! I know how close you two are and how much you love each other.

 I think with you both having chronic illnesses, you are able to empathize and comfort each other so well. And you also have a special understanding of what each other needs. Just be sure to take care of yourself, Katie. You have to be rested and strong to be able to help him and keep yourself from getting too sick.

Be well, Sweetie!

Gentle hugs to you and Justin,












Thank you Nini. :) Yes ma'am. I couldn't sleep much today, but now that it's over, I'm gonna sleep like a ROCK for the next two days. Hehehe And hopefully it will just be a nice recovery from here on out.

This may sound silly, but the most exciting part (to me) is that he's still so knocked out of it that he doesn't really know what went on, all he knows is that he's okay. So when I see him in the AM, I get to tell him all the good news. Hehehehe It's fun that he gets to hear it from ME, and not a doctor. :) I can't wait to tell him!

I'm so sorry, Katie, I'm very tired and neglected to tell you how sorry I am about your Grandpa. Have they completely ruled out heart surgery? Is he just not going to get well enough to have it?

That is another stress that you must bear right now, and also worrying about your Mom. Take care, Katie, you can only  push yourself so far. You know we are here is you need us! Please feel free to write me if you want to and just need to talk.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers,

Much love, Nini



Yeah, he keeps losing blood somewhere in his bowels, and they JUST did a surgery on him to try and stop it. It slowed it down alot, but he's still having to have blood infusions periodically. So he's either just not producing blood anymore (weird?) or he's bleeding somewhere. With his blood pressure so out of control, and the heart damage, they're afraid that if they do surgery and spike or drop his BP at all (which is pretty likely with him) it'll cause another heart attack, or just make the heart give out alltogether. So right now it's just a giant waiting game. :( Wait and see what happens. Hope that he starts breathing properly on his own, with good O2 levels, and that his BP can be balanced out. Then maybe they can talk about another surgery to repair his heart, or find the bleeding. Though I'm not sure they'd be able to do both. So that's a tough one as well.

Glad Justin is on the mend, Now its time for you to get some rest and recover from it all. With all that Justin had going on in his body, it is a wonder that he wasnt sicker, poor fella. I thought of you the other day Katie, we went to Lakenheath to see some relatives. I have never seen so many HUGE American cars in my life

Sorry to hear about Grandpa, I really hope he gets better, You are all in my thoughts

Hi Katie, thank God Justin wasn't any sicker, he must be very strong!  I will pray for you all and Grandpa, take it easy and don't forget to look after you!  Janie. < =text/>_popupControl(); Loves yas muchly and hang in there.  You know where to find me if you need me. 

Take care of yourself, and know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers.  Enjoy your sleep and make sure you have some ready made food, so you can shovel and sleep.  Love ya!

Arriscowell, I will keep you and Justin in my thoughts and prayers today. I'm glad to hear that all Justin's health issues will be over soon.
You both can use a break.   Woohoo!!!  Glad the pain button brings relief!!!  It always brought me nausea.

That's fantastic that your sweetie is doing better!  I hope your Grandpa does better soon too.

Too much stress for you tho, hang on!


Hi Katie, NOW it is doubly important to take care of yourself.

Be well, be wild, be wise! Happ

Katie, I'm so glad Justin is on the mend. Have they told you yet how long they are keeping him? Once he starts feeling better, it's gonna be hard to keep him downl.

I'm sorry about your Grandpa, hopefully his health will turn around enough for surgery.

Now for you young lady, sleep. eat. sleep, sleep, sleep!

love ya girlie!

Glad Justin is doing so well, Katie. Hope he improves fast.

Sorry to hear about your grandpa.

Much hugs & love.

So glad Justin is getting better.  Will keep you all and grandpa in my prayers.


Thank you everyone!!!!!!

Today we got Justin out of bed, and it kelped him WONDERS. The docs say the NG tube will probably come out tomorrow or Friday, and he can hope to be eating things like Jell-o, Popsicles, and soups around Sundayish.

No word from Mom, so no news with grandpa is good news!


Good, it sounds like he is moving right along.  I am so proud of both of you, and it probably felt good to get up and stand on his feet. 

He'll be home terrorizing you in no time at all!!!
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