OT!! 11/06 Chatter!!! | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); Goooooooooood  morning!!!  Cold and windy here today!!!!  Staying in jammies and under heated blankie today lol.  Besides...my infusions make me sleepy.  What am I doing up now you say if they make me sleepy?  Oh, let's see...I'm one worried Momma.  Danielle is flaring hard core.  Woke me up at 4:30 AM to tell me her wrists are hurting.  I got her some tylenol and she fell right back to sleep.  Another day home with the momma in bed with the momma for her.  We both have heated blankies so we will just stay under those lol.  I am also keeping our Katie company.

Everyone have a good day...stay warm and as pain free as possible.  Don't know how much I will be around as I will have my hands full with the baby and I will be drowsy all day. 

Yay for keeping me company! I feel cross eyed I'm so tired. Hehe

Justin has called me twice, just to say hi. Then he sits in silence for a while (its so cute) and then he asks me a few questions about the surgery, then says he's gonna go back to sleep. Hehehe Oh, and he says he loves his "pain button" LOL I bet he does!!!!

So all in all, he seems to be doing really well! Yay!


2 Hours left here at the hell...I mean hotel!

Katie- I bet Justin is having lots of fun with that pain button, they were a good invention

HELP!!! My bloody cat is running around the kitchen with ANOTHER mouse in her mouth. I have locked myself in the lounge, but my coffee and sandwich is in the kitchen where i left it in serious fright. The dogs are going beserk!!


At least it wasn't a ferret she brought you.

Opps bus is here!

Hi Joonie- Hope your daughter got the bus ok

Oh well... I am off to bed. Abi Kitty & I. Oh Abi Kitty has a new sleeping spot... my closet.

Liz...I am so sorry about Danielle...I hope things get better quickly.  Does she have some pred from her last flare left.

Lisa, sorry about the mouse.  I had one come into my house in the spring...came unglued too.  I feel your pain.  We were at Lakenheath for three years as well.  I miss our little house in Brandon.  I used to walk up to the Spar, and get groceries.  Loved it. 

Katie...hang in there and sleep as much as possible.  Lots of love to ou and Justin.  Glad the surgery is over...hope the healing goes quickly. 

Good morning Joonie.  How did you sleep.  Are you going to try to stay warm today.  Poor kitty sleeping in the closet with all them smelly shoes!

Well, my two day repreve from less pain is a memory.  Woke up at about 1am in a whole heap load of pain.  Then woke up this am for real and it is worse.  I don't see a storm on the horizon as far as the news goes...so, just stupid body and stupid disease.  Hate it.  Was enjoying having some energy and background pain.  GGGRRRRRR!!

I'm home from work today... I've got a cold, and half the office is snotting/sneezing/coughing.  I've got work I can do from home and I'd rather not participate in the office microbe exchange.


Jaz...so sorry that you are home.  Just take today to rest.  All of that stuff will still be there tomorrow, and you need to rest so your joints don't start protesting life.  Stay warm and well fed.

Katie...I just posted on the other thread, but want you to know that I am so sorry about your g-pa.  It sounds like his body is starting to shut down.  Also, I am glad for the successful surgery.  Now start taking care of you, so Justin does not have to do the reverse!



Jaz...so sorry that you are home.  Just take today to rest.  All of that stuff will still be there tomorrow, and you need to rest so your joints don't start protesting life.  Stay warm and well fed.

Katie...I just posted on the other thread, but want you to know that I am so sorry about your g-pa.  It sounds like his body is starting to shut down.  Also, I am glad for the successful surgery.  Now start taking care of you, so Justin does not have to do the reverse!


I don't feel too bad, so I'd rather save the sick day for actually being sick (or for something really fun!!!).

I would like some honest opinoins on us moving. Heres a little info on it.  Its a bigger house, by ALOT but it will be something that we can stay in for a while, and maybe buy down the road.  Its 4 bedrooms upstairs, a den, dining room and living room and kitchen downstairs.  Its an awesome house with so much history.  It was built in the 1850's maybe earlier but thats when the tax records stated that the house was built.

Hope everyone has a great day, I have some arrands to run today, grocery store, Walgreens, post office, so far I think thats it.  I love having the truck so i dont have to wait till hubby gets home to do all this then end up being out till late. 


Ok, so what would be the con or the not so beneficial thing about moving into it?  What about utilities...are they going to be a lot more?  I know that Kelsay has to move schools, but as long as she is meeting the benchmarks so far(and sounds like she is) she will be fine.  What about the neighborhood?  Is there kids for Kelsay to play with?  Is it closer to your dads or moms house that they will be living in? 

You do have to look at the financial end of having a larger house and the heating bills associated with it.  If you can afford this without added stress and it suits you better...then go for it.  It sounds like a darling house.  I would love to move into a different house, but I have come the the conclusion in "basement land" that we would have to build our sprawling one-level house.  I personally have a lot of trouble with stairs...they hurt my knees and ankles and I fall a lot on them. 

The utilities will be a little bit more but not a huge amount that we couldnt afford it.   It woud be closer to where my dad will be moving to as well as closer to my mom.  There are alot of kids in the neighborhood as well and she has her swingset over there as well and she could ride her bike in the driveway, the driveway here is gravel.  The cool part is that my dad will probably keep a good portion of the furniture there.  It will be a bigger house to clean but Kelsay is getting at the age to where she can help me.  Theres also a dishwasher!!! When we were living there before the stairs didnt really bother me, its just since we've been here that I have a hard time w/ them.  I admit to being just a tad confused--a not uncommon state of mind for me--about acceptable versus unacceptable off topic conversation here on the Arthritis Insight forum.

As others have recently expressed, it seems that a few moderators to delete spam, ban spammer's, and caution against personal attacks would eliminate at least some of the contention.

The dynamics of discussion groups is fascinating and a very real lesson in interpersonal communication.

I admit that I tend to avoid political rhetoric as it is so emotional charged, however I also recognize that enthusing about food and recipes is anathema to others. I have engaged in more than a bit of off topic posting, with pleasure. Like others I have wished there was a way to divide the truly off topic from the topical.

A separate category for general chat and one for political discussion and maybe even one for posting those lengthy cut&paste topics might, emphasis might, keep the "insight" part of the arthritis insight more topical while satisfying our human need to chat.

Until and unless an active moderating team is a reality, all that is merely speculation.

Oh, no, off topic again... ... ...

Shannon~  the house sounds gorgeous...I love those old house, have always wanted to live in one.  I think if you like the school district and it's in a safe neighborhood, go for it!!  Your husbands pretty handy, right? Sometimes old homes require extra upkeep.

Happ~  Hi there.  How are you today?  The topic of OT comes up now and then.  I don't get it.  If you want to take part in an OT thread, do, if not, don't.  Before we had a chat thread like this one, many of the threads turned in to chat anyway. Conversations go how they are going to, almost like having a life of their own. If their is an important topic being pushed down, it takes about 2 seconds to bump it back up.  I don't feel comfortable telling people what theyare allowed to talk about.  It's not like you my kids

Jas...too bad about the cold, it's whipping through my house too.  I somehow was spared which surprized me considering the immune suppressants. I think I spelled that worng, 2 s's?  Anyway, hope you get back to right very soon.

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I'm free at last.

I went to jury duty, watched a couple of dry boring videos about the judicial system in Connecticut, listened to a judge speak about how important our service is, and how most cases are settled before they even get to jury selection and told us we would be interviewed shortly.  Then nothing happened, we sat and waited for more than an hour; and then judge came back and told us we could go home, our service was complete and we wouldn't be called again for at least 2 years.  The cases were all settled before trial.  Yippee!

I'm so glad to hear Justin's surgery went well and a colostomy wasn't necessary.  I am sorry to hear about your grandpa, Katie.  I know it's hard on everyone. 

Link, your shoulder pain sounds awful.  I hope you can get some relief soon.

Everyone else that has the sniffles and creeping crud, and double ouchies, take care of yourself!

Happ I'm glad you're a chatty type - I just wish some of our other newbies would feel comfortable about jumping into the chat thread.  We LOVE it!!!  It's so nice to make that connection with people and get to know them, beyond the medical issues.

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LOL!! I have to agree with Katie on this one Lisa…at least it wasn’t a ferret!!  I loves yas hunny!!!  Barry will be home shortly to rescue your sandwich lol. 


Ugh Link…I can’t sleep sitting up like that either.  Danny has a bad shoulder that is bugging him today because of the weather.  I’m betting he has a touch of OA in it since it was an injury that required surgical repair.  I had to prop him with some extra pillows last night to make him al comfy so he could sleep. 


((((shelly))) so sorry that dang pain is back.  Can you take it easy today??  It is a good day for laying around watching mindless TV or catching up on some reading.  Do you use ice or heat for your sore parts?


Kelly…I thought I was the only one to use the word “snotting” LOL!!!  How are the boys doing with walking to school without mom?  Ahhh how proud you must be but on the other hand, they are growing up…sniff sniff.  Take care of yourself today and baby yourself today!!!  Rest, rest, and more rest!!  Hot tea and mindless TV!!! 


Awww heck…it is cold and nasty in the Midwest…so hot tea and mindless TV for all of us in the Midwest today!!!! 


Shannon wooohoooo on the move!!!!  Take it slow and easy!!  But we have already chatted about this.  You are just going to love having more room.  At first you will be like….ok now what do I do with all of this room…then the decorating bug will bite you in the butt lol.  A far as cleaning a bigger place…what I did when we had a bigger place than what we have now is schedule out 1-2 rooms a day.  It kept the house clean and didn’t make me keel over in the process.  Kelsay can also help with the general pick up of the house.  You are a creative mommy and can figure out something to make it fun and rewarding for her to do chores.  


Happ…there was once upon a time moderators for this site.  Then the original creators and owners of the site sold the site to someone else and then there were no more moderators.  There are pros and cons to having a moderated site especially a site this large.  I moderate on a couple of other boards, but those boards tend to not get as heated as this one and they are not as large as this one.  This site might be a tad difficult to moderate considering its size and all of the different walks of life people come from that post here.  I do agree that it would be nice if the owner would just add a couple of new boards to the forum but good luck getting him to do that.  Bunches of us have been asking for that for awhile now.  Until then, the controversy continues on! 


My new cordless phone is all charged up and working!!  Woohoo!!!  The black phone looks so nice on my desk!  Now I have to wait for Arielle to get home to put everything in the memory lol.  She will have a FIT if I do it lol.  MMmmm Chunky Chicken and Dumplings Soup for lunch!!!  Man is it windy!!!!!  It is howling around the corner of my house and freaking me out lol.  I bet the waves are around 5-7ft. today.  Not going to go to the beach to find out tho.  All that flying sand stings!!! 

Thanks karen.  I took a vicodin and some ibu a little while ago.  I decided to avoid pain meds today, but I'm glad I didn't stick to it.  Shoulder still hurts, but only if I try to move it.  If I keep it pretty still it just feels like a shoulder.

Glad jury duty worked out how you wanted it.  And if Conneticut is anything like Michigan, you canbe looking for a check in the mail any time now.  I think I raked in 11.00 last time I had jury duty!!!

How is the disassembling of the ghosty ship going?  What will you do wityh all the materials?

Liz...it's really windy here too.  Have had my electricity knocked out about 12 times already.  Never for more than a minute or so so far.

That soup sounds really good.  Making my mouth water thinking about it.


Link, I'm glad you gave in and took some meds.  No reason to suffer.

Well now, Connecticut being the "wealthy" state, I will be making a whopping for my service today.  Maybe I will take hubby out for lunch with my earnings!

Ghost ship still untouched.  We took this past weekend off and didn't want to even think about taking it down.  We were all pretty burned out.  This coming weekend is when we begin disassembly.

We have offered many of the materials to the high school drama club, to help with their upcoming shows.  We are waiting to see if they are going to accept our offer.  We have accumulated a lot over the years, and have kind of gained the reputation of having a "unique" supply of props, so we will be loaning things out when folks contact us.  Other than that, we are saving everything for our kids - told them it is their inheritance!  That way they can continue the tradition in their own homes someday.  My son says he can just see them arguing over a box of bones!

< =text/>_popupControl(); Woohoo Karen!! No jury duty for you!!!  I really thought to myself and Danny even said...how in the heck is she going to sit thru a trial??  I am kinda glad you got your cash and were sent home.  Take hubby to lunch....you guys deserve it.  Heeeheee I love the thought of you leaving the kids the props!!  I bet they will continue the tradition too!! 

We have not lost power yet thank goodness!!!  Our storm windows are rattling...our downstairs door is rattling...it's just spooky at night lol. 

OK...I am off to snuggle for sure now. 

Good ideas for your props!!  I would think the highscholl would snap up as much as they could.

It is semi-offical son is sick. Not sick, sick... or sick enough yet to go to Dr., but runny, stopped up nose and watery eyes. He is not tooo sick as he wanted candy for breakfast.

Abi Kitty keeps going outside today. I think she is after the birds. She sits in the window and watches the birds.

OMG!! I am SOOOOOOOO COLD! I turned off the heater this morning, and now I cannot turn the knob to turn it back on.

The thermometer says it is 67 degrees in here, but it feels much colder.

I guess I am going to go lay down in my bed with the heating pad and warm up. Son is going to have to fend for himself until hubby gets home

I decided to call hubby... he blew me off. Saying something about gotta get done before they leave... whatever! *rolls eyes*

Then.... THEN... I call my mommy.... and she blew me off! She acts like I call her all the time LMAO! Well, I normally do, but up until last week, I could not as our long distance was suspended, plus I was not feeling up to talking on the phone.

Darn normal people!

Now I am stuck talking to son and Abi Kitty... like either one of them knows what I am talking about.

I would hate to be my own kid. Heck I do not even like being myself. I do not even see why anyone would love me or even want me around them. I mean I am a waste of space and have nothing good to offer to anyone anymore. At least before... I had something to offer. Even if it was not a clean house, but I was able to do more stuff.

Now I be a "Dear Valued Disabled Customer" ... which I REFUSE to be! Nope not riding the electric carts EVER!

No, does not suck, he needs to work.

It sucks that my mom does not work and she blew me off because she had company.

It sucks not to have friends.


He is home now I can talk to him. well that is kinda rude when you have company overJoonie...Stop. I know you are waaay more valuable to your fam than what you're saying. Aw Joonie, dont be so hard on yourself. I bet your kids think you are a wonderful mum and love you whether you run around and play with them or lay in your bed and just be there. I think once you accept you are a valued disabled customer and a valued disabled friend on here then you will feel better about you as a person. Think what you would do if you didnt have RA and see how much of it you can achieve with the RA. If you can so some of it then thats great, if you cant then rethink your life and make some major changes so you are getting a better quality of life. You have an amazing knack of making people on here laugh and thats a great gift.Well off to bed for me as its 10.30pm. Its been a good day with RA and the headaches have gone so now we'll see what tomorrow brings. Nite nite

Ok, so I am just going to say that today has really SUCKED!  I don't know if because I am inflamed and look like the Michilan man again...or daddy Jet puff Marshmellow...my colitis has kicked in or what, but man...I have used the bathroom and am all cleaned out.  Running with my poor feet and ankles...ALL day.  I am tired...and my head hurts and I want my MOMMY!!! 

Hubby just came in with my yogurt....hope that helps...so help me if one of them kids made me sick...I'll beat them!!!!!


 Joonie you have a ton of friends here and we love your incredible sense of humor. You know you are a good mother and we know you would fight to the death over your kids, never doubted it. Your kids probably think you are the funniest mom on the planet, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone...we know you are a jokester

Shannon, I've never had anything but great respect for you as a mom and a person, you know that. To be a good mother is your main goal in life. Remember a few months ago when your mom came to visit and got mad because you washed Kelsay's mouth out with soap? And how your dad sent you an email stating his disappointment. Do you remember we all comforted you because you were so upset and crying and devestataed?

Well you just made Joonie feel like a worthless mother and person and have obviously devestated her. You especially should know how that would make her feel. I don't know what the problem you have with Joonie is but you take every oppertunity you can find you snip at her. You owe her an apology and you need to back off.


Joonie...don't beat yourself up.  You are doing the best you can with what you have.  I have also stayed in bed all day.  There were many times when my babies were young that I stayed in bed to get warm or over the flu or whatever.  They are productive citizens now, and they also have learned that if they are sick they need to take care of themselves.  You are teaching your children more than you know about how wonderful you are, and the things you do do for them are even more appreciated.  Don't do this to yourself.  You have had a set back and you are cold today.  Bundle up and let your son play, and he will not be ruined, and your hubby knows exactly what is going on with you.  I am sorry that your mom couldn't come to the phone, and my hubby has to tell me good bye a lot of times...because he has patients.  Joonie you are a lovely person, and the world would not be complete without you...please listen to all of the wonderful people on the board. 

Shannon...I do agree with Mona...it does seem like you target Joonie sometimes.  She was already down, and sometimes a careless comment hurts even worse.  Please be careful what you say to people even if you don't like them much. 

no I just made a statement of opinoin about what she said.  God forbid if anyone else says somethin but when Joonie says crap like that its ok, we have to cater to her.  And just because I dont walk into her pitty parties Im wrong? Excuse me for stating my observation. 

Mo's right Shannon. 

Allrighty then kiddos.....

I go away to tend to the sick boy for a week or so, and I come back and you're at each other's throats! Sheesh!


I HATE TO SEE EVERYBODY SO DOWN HOPE EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL NIGHT AND WE CAN DREAM OF A PAINFREE DAY. LOL Oh Darrel, it's just the estrogen!  HOW'S YOUR BETTER HALF DOING.Katie loves butter??  I didnt know that.My other half is sleeping. Yay! And I managed to escape to the house for some ME time!!


Katie quit being so sensible, you're too young

Darrel we love each other like family here, and all family's have their ups and downs. I have a cold and I'm ill and whiney



"I love CANDY CORN!"

I love butter - fingers.  Oh, they are so good.  And they stick to my teeth, so I can save some for later.

Glad you're back in the house, Katie!  Pleased to see you too Darrel - you've been MIA lately!

It's almost time for Boston Legal, Mona!

I have a HOWLING kitten that I need to deal with. There's only one problem.....I have NO CLUE what the hell she wants. I've fed her, loved on her, and played with her. She's still yewoling. What's wrong with her??? Is she yelling at me for being gone so much?? LOL

 Yep thats me Katie

I thought Justin was cut....oh well glad he wasn't. You know what Katie, I was thinking what if that cyst had ruptured in his stomach? Would that not have made him septic and been fatal?

No, Mo...he was cut.  katie was being funny when she said that to him.   Geez, try to keep up, women! [QUOTE=arriscolwell]I have a HOWLING kitten that I need to deal with. There's only one problem.....I have NO CLUE what the hell she wants. I've fed her, loved on her, and played with her. She's still yewoling. What's wrong with her??? Is she yelling at me for being gone so much?? LOL [/QUOTE]

How old is she? Is she fixed?  Maybe she's looking for "romance"?

 aw crap Katie don't do that to me

Thank you thank you thank you Karen! I have missed BL two weeks in a row!

Kelly, she's just reaching 6 months, but it's not THAT kind of howl. She's a VERY VERY needy kitty, so I imagine that I have not loved on her enough, fed her enough food, or played with her enough. It's NEVER enough for miss priss. LOL

Sounds like Justin is one lucky guy!  Keep telling him that, he needs to know that!

No problem Mona, I have to watch out for fellow Denny groupies!

 Katie I am so glad for Justin! Sounds great. My sister got peritonitis in her small intestine after a heart surgery several years ago. She came soooo close to dying it was a miracle she lived. The surgeon said if he could find 15 inches of live intestine he might could save her life. The cat scan showed no live intestine, but she had nine feet! She's been good as new for yearsYeah, with his last resection they took out about 2 feet, and now this time 30 cm (whats' that equate to???) so he has a lot left, thankfully. Now the goal is to find a good med that slows his disease!  Oh My Gosh...Denny Crane just fired a woman because she is fat! And told her! And had sex with her!Is it bad that I'm planning on not leaving the house until Justin calls me wondering where I am? Heh I really need some me time!!!   Heck no Katie, you need to stay home and rest...staying at the hospital and working like you have is gonaa get you down, then what good would you be to Justin when he gets home??? [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Yeah, with his last resection they took out about 2 feet, and now this time 30 cm (whats' that equate to???) so he has a lot left, thankfully. Now the goal is to find a good med that slows his disease! [/QUOTE]

1 inch=2.54cm.  30cm = about 1 foot.

[QUOTE=moana] Oh My Gosh...Denny Crane just fired a woman because she is fat! And told her! And had sex with her!

KATIE!!!! Awesome news about Justin! I'm soooooo glad he didn't have to have the colostomy! WOOHOO!!!

Now girl, you better get busy taking care of yourself! Were you able to get into your RD any sooner than January?

Hey Gale [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Thanks Kelly! I knew it wasn't a terrible lot, as the docs pretty much shrugged it off!

Yeah, I'm sitting here playing with the kitten and really enjoying it. :) I'll head out to the hospital a little later. :)

Trivia repository, at yer service.Hi Gale! I dunno, I haven't called them yet. I passed out as soon as I got off work, and didn't really wake up until almost 5. I only got up when Justin needed something. I'll give the office a call tomorrow.


Jasmine~ Denny Crane= Boston Legal...nothing you'd be interested in

Hey Gale! How are ya?

I'm so not kidding about this Kitten's farts. I'm gonna puke.  Why do kittens poot so much!?!??!? Hi Gale! [QUOTE=arriscolwell]I'm so not kidding about this Kitten's farts. I'm gonna puke.  Why do kittens poot so much!?!??!? [/QUOTE]

When we got TinyCat, she tooted for a month straight.  It was nasty.  If you picked her up too quick, she would toot.  If you scared her, she would toot.  If she jumped off the counter to the floor, she would toot.  If you tripped over her, she would toot.  And, of course, it was NASTY.  Because cats don't eat much other than meat... EWWW!!!  Eventually she grew out of it, but she still lets 'em rip from time to time.  To this day we also call her Toot-a-loo and TootyCat in addition to TinyCat.
I suppose it could be worse... they could drink beer and eat cheese with their catfood and then toot.

Nothing's worse than doggie tootsYes Mona, that's it, we "locked you out"  We all got locked out Mona, but things seem to be better now. [QUOTE=moana]

 What the flip is wrong with this web site? Or did ya'll lock me out on purpose?

Nothing's worse than doggie toots

I'll bet Link could tell some tales of exotic toots!

Hedgehogs are so cute

I always wanted either a hedgehog or a prairie dog.  Now you can't get prairie dogs as pets, which makes me sad!Oh man.  Armadillos and anteaters.  Nasty.  Just nasty.I used to sleep with a stuffed animal armadillo as a kid. That and a beaver that played music. I had a "Bernie Bernard"  when you'd pull his string he'dsay things like....awwww, are you in the dog house too? or....it's raining cats and dogs A toy with a pull string! Can you imagine what would happen with something like that today??? Karen, we used to have a prairie dog at work.  Digdug, that was his name.What Katie?  I don't get it.Oh good lord Link, people would let their kids wrap the stupid thing around their necks, then sue the toy company. I don't get it either Link.

I didn't feel like taking her shopping today, poor lil thing

OK, go ahead and email the pic to me and I'll post it for you. LOL

by "want me to post a picture" you certianly mean "let me email it to someone who can do it for me" Right?  Speaking of being a year old and of pictures...meet Bitzy

How precious Happ, is it a chihawawa?

Bitsy! Are those playing cards he/she's standing on??? What a TINY dog!! My cat would whoop him/her....hahahha Cute little pooch ya got there, HappYes, she is a Chi-wa-wah all two pounds of her.

This is Tiger's Lily...

[QUOTE=arriscolwell] Bitsy! Are those playing cards he/she's standing on??? What a TINY dog!! My cat would whoop him/her....hahahha[/QUOTE]

Tarot cards.Polly Pop-up

Either way, she's TEENY!! Hehehehe ...and Handsome Hoover

edited for inability to cut and past...phew, must be bedtime!Happ39392.9065740741 [QUOTE=arriscolwell] Either way, she's TEENY!! Hehehehe

Small of stature, large of attitude! So what attracts you to the rats on crack? Happ, do you know how to read Tarot cards?That's the attraction! *LOL* Pocket dogs: relatively easy to groom, I can (most days) pick them up,they are a reliable early warning system, and they like me!
[QUOTE=Brisen] Happ, do you know how to read Tarot cards?[/QUOTE]

I like to think I do!Very cool!

 Foot! Gale did you get my pictures??

This web site is KILLING me

Cute babies Happ but one little mouthy is all I can handle

How do you read tarot cards Happ? Do you do it for people as a hobby

Alright guys, I'm pretty beat, so I'm hittin' it early tonight.

Carry on though. [/QUOTE] Simplistically each card has a "meaning" and those various meanings come together to tell a "story".

I use the cards in relationship to a question and/or a specific purpose to gain insights on problems, to seek options about those problems, and for self-empowerment. Tarot is less a hobby than it is a avocation.

Edited cuz I can spell or I can type, but doing both at once is a real challenge for this burnout!Happ39392.9291666667

 No I didn't, it took like 10 mins and it said attachments sent

Oh well maybe next time, thanks anyway

Good night if your going to bed

Carry on though. [/QUOTE]

Sweet dreams!


Hollywood effect coupled with superstition and the power of myth.

The cards are simply tools that allow our intuition and intellect to join together with clarity and purpose.

 Thanks for explaining Happ, you made it simple and I have to have simple


Hi, Happ....your doggie Polly looks like my taco doggie (Lexie). Lexie has one white paw in the front otherwise they could be twins. LOLFlash (my husband) calls Polly "Elf". She has some truly endearing characteristics and does display some elfin behaviour---such as be very mischievous.

My fur-faced friends are a joy. Some days they are the only reason I get out of bed.

I have a friend whose great-grandmother was the a "healer" and midwife in a rural area of North-central Mexico who travelled with a dozen or so Chihuahuas. It is said that she used her dogs like heating pads for her patients. I have since heard other stories like this. As snuggly as they are it is easy to see the correlation.

Cheers! Happ

I call my chihuahuas my heating pads. They love to get under the covers with anyone who will lay down...and they are nice and hot. I wish I knew how to post a picture here..I would put a few on...but I always have pics up on myspace of the critters.

My husband just came back from work a few min ago cuz one of the cats stowed away in the bed of the pickup...lol..poor kitty cat!

We have trimmed our numbers back in the past few months and now are down to 2 chihuahuas, 2 cats, 1 hamster and 1 hermit crab...we did have 5 chihuahuas up untill a few months ago but the 2 boys kept escaping the yard and one never came home..we found a home in the country for the sake of the other little wanderer..and the 3rd one..she went to a friend that begged for her (I think they were just meant to be..they had a special connection). So now we have our 2 little dearies, both are more than just pets they are little people. My daughters little chi is named Kitty and my baby is Dixie. Both are under 3 lbs..but full of personality.

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