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Looks like Merz Mark is not listed as a member, but can post and 'open'. Do we have a moderator? me [QUOTE=Lynda M]Looks like Merz Mark is not listed as a member, but can post and 'open'. Do we have a moderator? me[/QUOTE]

There is a user profile... but it is Merz_Mark (with an underscore) < =text/>_popupControl(); There is no moderator and there will not be one.  There used to be moderators until the site was sold.  After the new owner took over the moderators were done away with.  Since we are all is up to us to moderate ourselves. 

The spam bots also make money for the owner of the site.  For each and every click on the spam link the owner gets a percentage. 

Just ignore what is obviously a spam bot. 

I didn't know spam made mone just by being clicked on.  Who pays?The advertising company pays the web owner for each hit. That is why there are so many ads here. On free host sites there are some ads that are there and that is why they let you make your site for free, then if you want to allow more ads and make money off of the number of hits they get you can allow more ads on your site. It is pretty hard to have a completely ad free site unless the owner is paying for the software and the web address, but there are ways to limit it is pretty open.