OT: Study: MJ using teens function better | Arthritis Information


According to this large European study, Teens who smoke pot, but do not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, function better than teens who use nothing:

http://www.canada.com/topics/bodyandhealth/story.html?id=d 8b859d8-ffe4-44dd-b4af-b9dbfdc24389&k=60787


So you want us to believe that teens should be smoking weed? Maybe in your bong induced world you think this is a good idea? A quick goole search lists an awfull lot of Opinions, Studies etc that take a different view.

wwwboston.com/yourlife/health/children/articles/2006/01/26st udies_link_psychosis_teenage_marijuana_use/

6t5, don't shoot the messenger---I didn't write the article or the news report. Also, try not being so rude with your little bong comments. I may use MJ but at least I know how to behave in public.

Yeah ... Shia Labouf seems not to know how to act in WalGreens at 2am. Wonder why he refused to leave the store? Could not find the right size condoms? Was waiting for a stock person to offer help in finding the condoms he was looking for? I just KNOW it has something to do with trying to have safe sex.

Sarah, I know. It grows out of the ground, and it works well on a variety of
what ails you. If I wasn't an atheist I would call it "God's Medicine"Well I guess heroin is OK to you also. Afterall it comes from the Poppy plant. And Cocaine, After all it also comes from the ground. So you equate coming from the ground as anything goes? AS for the Govenator I would ask Well poison Ivy grows from the ground why don't people smoke that? It's the THC in MJ . It's the drug part that induces the effect Gov....6t5frlan....although I agree that MJ is very serious.  You are very rude to Gimpy...and I don't care if you agree with her or not...she is a person and deserves respect....you should be apologizing for the comments.  Shame on you!

yes exactly...marijuana, heroin, and cocaine are exactly the same.

uhhhhh sure.......

Shelly .....Just what are you talking about.....Bongs?6t5frlane, wow, you are certainly touchy on the subject. Why be rude to someone for a discussion.  After all, no one lit up in your living room, and I for one found the article very interesting.  If the discussion is not up your alley, pick a different topic.

Gaila...trying to promote drug use by minors by showing a " study " by someone who uses drugs. Maybe promoting your own drug agaenda is rude. Why even post this in the first place.   [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]

According to this large European study, Teens who smoke pot, but do not
alcohol or smoke tobacco, function better than teens who use nothing:
http://www.canada.com/topics/bodyandhealth/story.html?id=d 8b859d8-


Very interesting article gimpy, thanks for sharing.
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