humira and infection | Arthritis Information


I am taking humira and have had a sinus infection.  I can't seem to get rid of it and my joint pain is 10 times worse than it has ever been --does anyone know if this is normal or has it happened to anyone else?  I called my ra doc and he said he didn't think it had anything to do with my ra.  I'm am going to medical doc today

Not sure if it made my J/RA worse, was already doing pretty crappy at that time.

Sorry, was no help.

Hope you get some meds to fix ya up

Have you been off your meds is that way your joints are worse? Or did you mean your joints are worse since being on Humira?

No I have not been off my meds - no one has told me that I need to stop the humira----

I just feel like I'm aching worse than ever and just wonder if humira has anything to do with it when you have infection going on

Probably not. It is probably change of the season. Is it getter colder where you live?

I would question your doctors about taking it while you have an infection. That just might be the reason you can't get rid of it.

Some say their doctors don't tell them to stop their biologics but my GP & my RD always insisted I stopped the Humira the minute they noticed an infection.


My RD did not tell me to stop taking Humira when I had the sinus infection and RXed me antibiotics. He was old though. But I did stop taking the Humira myself as I knew you were suppose to, after reading leaflets with the Humira and the starter kit I was given with a booklet.

There's been much debate about that here. My doctors always have.

Once I was getting over a sinus infection and we were going to Mexico and taking all the kids. I did not want to be gimpy for our trip so I re-started my Humira & MTX before my doctor advised. I was ok on the trip but as soon as we got back I got really sick. End up having to be off my meds for about a month. It took three difference antibiotics and a round of predisone to clear up what they thought was pneumonia. Chest x-rays showed it wasn't pneumonia thankfully. During this illness I pulled a muscle in my back from coughing so bad. It was HORRIBLE. It taught me what can happen if I did'n't give my body a chance to heal.

No all doctors agree on this issue but in my case my doctors found I healed much quicker if I stopped the medication.

My RD even took me off MTX for a week last month because I had a cough that wouldn't go away. One week and a z-pack later it's gone. I had the cough/cold for weeks before I got treatment for it.

I stopped taking the Humira because of countless sinus infections, the last one caused an upper respiratory infection that lasted for ages. I was told to stop the Humira until the infection went.Always quit taking Humira if you have any infection anywhere!!  It can cause serious problems .... like death .... if you continue taking it while you have an infection.

I'd seriously question my rheumy if you brought up this infection and he/she didn't say to stop taking Humira.  Very scary stuff to play around with!

Sadly many GP's are not up to speed with these newer RA medications. It's always a good idea to have them working together with your RD.

Luckily mine was honest about that fact at first and her and my RD started sending each other note on my visits. She also studied up on the subject because I was her only RD patient. It made me feel good that she went out of her way to make sure she was able to treat me properly. She's overly cautious with me at times I think. BUt that's a good thing I guess.


My ra doc wouldn't let me start enbrel until my sinus infection was cleared up. They put me on a zpac and said I could start 2 days after I was finished with it. I didn't have any problems after that.

Personally I wouldn't take it with an infection. I am freaked about infections.
