supplements | Arthritis Information


Just wondered what supplements people take.

I take:

2 x calcium / vit D (800 mg daily)
3 x 1g GLA (star flower oil) - can't take fish oil  - allergic
3 x 1 tsp Manuka honey with meals

Calcium is for my bones, GLA is for inflammation and Manuka honey is for my stomach.  GLA is also good for the brain - thank goodness!!

I also take an Epsom Salt bath twice a week which is also supposed to be good for inflammation.

anna_uk39392.5851157407I take One A Day 50+, calcium, fish oil, garlic tabs, gluc./chondroitin, occasional cranberry pills for UTI health and milk thistle.  Ugh!  Too many!!Hi Anna, there is some discussion about vitamins and supplements >>HERE<<.

I apologize about linking rather than a direct response...I take rose hip, glaucosomine, multi vitamin, iron,


 I take one a day 50+, Milk Thistle, and fish oil.

I am really bad in this dept. -I was taking a multivitamin and folic acid, plus a calcium supplement..but after a few months I (sorry this is kinda gross) felt like I was constantly burping up the taste of vitamins. Blah. I got to the point that I could barely stomach them anymore. I seem to have a lot of issues with medications and my stomach, however ibuprofen doesnt seem to bother me. At any rate, I am not taking any of them anymore although I probably should be.  I also was drinking a glass of tonic water every night to rid myself of leg cramps. Its crazy but it actually works very well, it has quinine in it.  I take b-1, b-12,folic acid, & multi-vitamin.I started taking the b1& b12 because my son was having troubl wtih cramps in the legs and I figured cant hurt. I actually was told by a friend that my hair looked better after i started them but i have my own issues with my hair. A multi-vitamin, B complex, acidophilllus, glucosamin chondroitin with MSM, SAM-e, and Cholest-Off (plant stanols and sterols).Hi guys
thanks for your replies, always reassuring to know what other people are doing.
CRUNCHY - excuse me for being opinionated!!! but I really think you need calcium - if you're +35 years - estrogen dipping and all that - you can get Calcium fizz with Vit D which is just like a fizzy drink and not like pills at all!

