anyone have problems with thumb? | Arthritis Information


My RA is the worst in my hands (where it began). I have been having a lot of problem with my right thumb over the past few weeks. Today it's extremely painful and feels like the thumb has slipped out of place or something (not sure how to describe this). I moved next week's rhuemy appt up to this Friday b/c it's really bothering me. Anyone have this happen to their thumb? What's the deal? What's the cure? thanks, julia

I've been having problems with my thumb as well. Mine isn't painful though...just looks like it's out of place.  My doctor suggested a thumb splint for now.  Maybe that would work for you? 
It's good though that you'll be seeing your doctor this friday...that way he/she will be able to  suggest something for you.


Ask to see a hand therapist.  If the x'rays show any problems see a hand orthopedic specialist as well

The thumb is a pretty common site for problems including OA.  I was just talking to my hand surgeon today about my thumb and he said even in RA thumbs he almost always sees signs of OA. ..interesting I thought

Anyway, a hand therapist can build you a special splint to help support the thumb

Hi Juliah! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems with your thumbs. You, too Kelly.

I'm sitting here typing very slowly because I had surgery on my l. thumb 10/26. I had surgery in April, to replace the joint at the base of the thumb, where it attaches to the wrist. The trapezium joint is the one that allows the many movements of the thumb, the movements that seperate us from the apes

I think you should try to see a hand specialist. It soulds like yours is starting to hyperextend, too. It is very painful and if it goes too far, can require a lot to repair.

 As I said, this was the second surgery on my l. hand. I had the trapezium joint removed in my r. hand 2 years ago and they replaced it with a piece of rolled up tendon. That repair lasted, at most, 6 months. It is now very deformed. My new hand surgeon is going to try to work out a new repair when I heal from the most recent surgery. Probably a fusion that would freeze it into a position like holding a glass.

So, in summary

I hope you can get it checked very soon! Please let me know what they say. In the meantime, I find that a heating pad made my hand feel better temporarily.

Hugs, Nini


My RA started in my thumbs, fingers and toes, pretty much all at once. It hurt to even hold a Coke can (and you all know how much that had to kill me!!!).  Typing, reading a book, doing just about anything with my hands was torture. thumbs is where my RA began.. I frequently hyperextend my thumb, but   the thing that gets me is  the middle joint isnt really a joint its just all thick all around it and it doesnt ben in the middle at all. 

it hurts all the time, and when someone holds my hand invariably they squeeze the thumb.. ouch..

Funny this thread should come up tonight.  My right thumb is gettin bigger and bigger and bigger.  Very painful to, although I don't know that I'd say it's out of place.  Just red and swollen.  Hope we'll all feel better tomorrow.


Juliah, I know exactly what you are talking about.  I am so sorry, because it is very painful.  I have talked to my RD about this, but as usual I have not gotten a whole lot from him...just it's a part of the disease.  I may actually try some sort of bracing...shoot...I am going to end up as the brace lady! 

I am so sorry you are in this much pain still.  Take care!

Juliah - my first outward symptom that could be observed was my thumb too.  Now both are all twisted up and funny looking and painful as heck.  And going numb.  And using use of them.  Kinda of a bleak post, but that's my reality.  Hope yours clears up, because it does stop and stabilize at times in my experience.  You know the only fingers that I DONT seem to have RA in, is my thumbs. We thought I did, but it turned out to be some nasty tendinitis. Which I can honestly say from time to time is WORSE than the stupid RA. The brace that I have holds my thumb and wrist in place, and REALLY eases the pain. I hope your doc can help you with something for it this week! No Juliah...I'm sorry to say I haven't had that real bad. However, that is what I am experiencing in my right big toe. I hope you can find some relief soon.  My first visual evidence of RA was my thumbs, my right thumb is like a barometer: if it is swollen, tender, or painful, I can almost make book or a flare.

Check, problems first started in my right thumb too. Now it is huge and I have a big nodule on it. I can't bend it and I constantly drop things and can hardly write unless I have a big pen. I go to rd on Friday and planned on asking about it. Been on humira going on 8 months and don't think it's working much because my thumbs/fingers/ wrist/neck/hip/feet all hurt like a b*tch and I sleep 12 hours a night or more. Heating pad helps me alot but I am constantly moving it around where my body hurts. I need a body size heating pad!