Just sayin’ | Arthritis Information


Can we stop all the political BS? I mean, it's quite obvious that Gimpy, Lorster and JSNM are one in the same and they monopolize this board with their Bush-bashing, American-hating crap. Let's get back to the reason that brought us here, RA. AMEN Sister!!!!!!


Leave them alone. I love reading them make shameful fools of themselves. They are hillarious, leave them alone. Do you think that bias and predjudice isn't going to continually bite them in their butts? Leave them alone. Do you think that their necklaces of hate won't cut off their breath? Leave them alone. Do you think that they can run fast enough to distance themselves from the silliness they have posted on the worldwideweb? Leave them alone or don't, i'm just goodheartedly messing with you. Have a good night.




Honey, this is the same thing that Lynda was saying at the beginning of the week, and we are missing people to this day that said they would leave.  I even went into how this board was supposed to support people, but Lynda(and I presume you will be too) just got told not to read them. 

It is sad what is happening, but I guess there are no laws against free speech or what Lev was saying.  SAD but true.

I had mixed feelings about the political OT threads for the very reasons mentioned, RA posts being continually knocked down the line, giving a bad impression to newbies, etc. but then I decided to take advantage of the cons. and lib. threads to learn something here rather than search elsewhere on the net.  I thought it would be more convenient since I'm already here and apparently many felt the same.  But I feel differently now.  I just got off of the liberal thread and the relentless bashing far exceeds any intelligent discussion.  I won't be going back.  If I find the same thing on the conservative thread, I'm outta there too, not that anyone cares, nor should they.  I'm just beginning to think that maybe this really isn't the place for politics since it just causes a lot of hurt feelings and grief, and gives very little information in the end.  gimp/lorster/jsnm, you wanna say goodbye to another one?Copied from Conservative thread...

Ok Can we agree now...both political sites are garbage just like the Al Gore site. Only problem is now there are two of them....

Now do you all see what comes from your OT threads. Did we have to take it this far to prove it. As I said before...this is a RA Forum...to discuss RA. Can't the people who want to BS, PM each other? Take this crap somewhere else...
Or, ya know, since so many people on here LIKE the OT aspect (you know, being FRIENDLY and sharing in each others lives, having healthy debates etc etc) and since there's no moderator, and majority usually rules in cases like that...

The few of you that feel this way can all stop bitching and posting crap like this and either:

a.) Find a new board

b.) Make a new board


Somehow, I feel like a broken record. Hm, wonder why.
Here here

I think there's some room for the occasional OT topic that lets us focus on things other than RA and THAT is healthy, but most of the energy expended on those political threads was so negative and hurtful, it was doing more harm than good.  It's obvious that since there's no moderator, everyone is free to post and say anything they want, OT or not.  So there's really no point in going over the same thing time and again..."If you don't like it, dont read it; only RA threads should be posted" etc.  It's a waste of energy.  People will do what they want, no matter what anyone else says.  Save your breath.   

Somehow, I feel like a broken record. Hm, wonder why.

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