message to all RA’ers | Arthritis Information


I will try to be as succinct as possible, however, this WILL be a lengthy account, so if you're interested in continuing to read on, you may find it easier to read if you print it out.

My pain started in the summer of 2003 - first my arms seemed weaker than usual and they began to ache if I carried the least little bit of weight. When my wrists hurt and my fingers began to swell, I saw my first rheumy. He was horrible. Not only did he not adequately answer my questions, he hardly spoke. He said I had "connective tissue disease", tossed me some Mobic and said my symptoms would probably go away eventually. I never took the Mobic - being leery of taking any meds without a good knowledge of what was going on. (I'm a Scorpio & like to investigate). Over the next couple of months, my condition worsened. My arms hurt more. I remember crying in the shower because it hurt to raise my arms to shampoo my hair. On waking, my fingers were always swollen, sometimes my toes too. On walking, it felt as though all the bones in my feet were broken, they were that painful. I had to walk downstairs sideways to ease the pain. It was hard to wash dishes, tie my shoes, open doorknobs,...My knees also began to ache. Sleeping was a nightmare - I hurt just lying still let alone tossing & turning. At this point, I began taking 800 mgs. of Ibuprofen I had left over from a previous carpel tunnel condition. I lived by looking at my watch waiting for the next time I could dose. But the medication only took an edge off the pain - I was never comfortable. My life situation was further complicated by an unfortunate accident my husband had leaving him with a broken foot & ankle. It was frustrating that I couldn't be the best caregiver I could be for him. I finally made an appointment with another rheumy who diagnosed the RA, and put me on prednisone and methotrexate. I finally got some relief. However, 2 weeks later, when I had a bad cold, I had to hold the methotrexate. I immediately began to experience really distressing anxiety. I can't begin to describe that horrendous period. (I won't go into detail - that could be a whole other story). On top of it all, I was getting sores on my tongue one after another. [if anyone is experiencing this, I eventually found an excellent product called "Canker-Rid"!]. Disappointedly, this new rheumy seemed dismissing & impatient with my new problems. This did NOT sit well with me. Around about this time, I relayed to him that I noticed my pain seemed worse if I ate anything surgary (I was keeping a food diary and still do). I AM thankful that this triggered him to tell me about a blood test which indicated what foods I could ba sensitive/intolerant to,called Immuno One Bloodprint assay. Even though my insurance didn't cover this expensive test (0), I felt it was worth it. Results showed I was intolerant to 18 different foods. I began following the food avoidance program mapped out for me. Wow. In a week's time, my symptoms drastically lessened. I still had little annoying aches from time to time, but nothing that I felt I even needed to take an aspirin for! Most days, I totally forgot about my condition - it just wasn't evident! But I had to let this rheumy go - at the start, he insisted that even if I began the food avoidance program that I'd probably still need to take pred., meth., and in addition, he wanted to start me on injectable Humira. (He was wrong!). I found my present doctor - a traditionally trained rheumatologist who had evolved into a more holistic doctor. He thought I was on the right track with the food avoidance diet. He also turned me onto MSM. I presently take the following supplements: a no-iron multi; calcium/mag; vit C; MSM; Cod Liver Oil. And I try to include: hot shower massage every AM; walking down & back our long lane; chiropractic adjustment and therapeutic masssage every month or so. After being on the food avoidance diet for one year, I took the same blood test again - I was now down to just 9 foods I was sensitive/intolerant to. However, I couldn't help noticing they were the same foods people avoid when on a Candida eradication diet (sugar, yeast, beans,..) That got me to thinking: could I have yeast overgrowth and not realize it? I began to avoid all yeast producing/encouraging foods. (You can find this diet on the net). I would say my annoying symptoms, on most days, are 90% gone. Again - no meds, just the supplements I mentioned and sticking stringently to the diet. After a couple of months on the Candida diet, my doctor will prescribe an anti-Candida prescription for me to take for 15 days.

Now for the most up-to-date development for fine-tuning my treatment. My doctor suggested I consider replacing all 9 of my amalgam (mercury) fillings. There are a number of studies that site a correlation between mercury toxicity and chronic health problems. I consulted with a Biological dentist who safely removes mercury fillings & replaces with composite (white) fillings. He also feels strongly that I should have my root canal tooth pulled (& replaced with a bridge) and an old molar root tip , that was never successfully extracted, surgically removed. Again, there is research that shows these "dead body parts" to be instrumental in acquiring degenerative diseases. Unbelievable, huh?!

After I have these dental procedures in a few weeks, I will go through mercury detoxification.

I know this all may sound out of the ordinary to many of you, but for me, the bottom line is: it makes more sense, in combating a health issue, to take something OUT of my body (certain foods, mercury, dead teeth...) instead of putting something IN my body, especially certain drugs that I'm not willing to expose myself to and experience unwanted side effects. Even if the progress I've made so far doesn't last my entire lifetime (although right now I see no reason why not), I'll feel satisfied that my efforts have allowed me to be med-free for as long as I could.

Feel free to respond with comments/questions. Incidently, I have adopted the term " inflammatory arthritis" over RA. My doctor prefers this tag since it's more descriptive and carries less negative connotation.    My best to you, Rana


Hi Rana, I have had RA for over 2 years now and have been on Arava, methotrexate, remicade, humira. I was amazed at how bad I reacted to these meds. With the arava I had seizures and vomiting, with the methotrexate, remicade and humira I had extremely bad bronchial infections. I also have a disease that causes infection which leads to cysts and it made that disease so bad that I had to have major surgery to remove the cysts, scar tissue, and apocrine glands in that area. I am still trying to recover.

I have just finished reading a book about how foods and chemicals effect our bodies by inflammation. The main themes  throughout the book was to change diet to a vegan diet, cut down as many chemicals in your house (there is a reason that these chemicals state they are caustic) and not smoke. After reading this book I was shocked to see how many chemicals that is used in my house just to clean it. It makes since that all of these things including diet can affect our inflammation rate.

I have not started on the diet yet, but will be very soon (this week) and will let you know how it goes. I am becoming resistant to all meds now including antibiotics, so I can't risk going back on any of the RA meds that lower the immune system. I also wonder if I may have a yeast problem since I have to take a prescription medication every time I go on an antibiotic. I even get a yeast infection in my mouth and digestion tract!

Thanks for posting!




     Fantastic! You're on the right track now - keep reading about other forms of treatment and try to stick with the diet. I've found that the main culprits for my inflammation are: sugar, yeast (including any alcohol or anything with vinegar), wheat (turns to sugar fast), and beans. You'll have to get your protein from eggs, poultry & fish. I've been on this diet for a year now and it's challenging, but if you ask me, taking the RA drugs is 10X's more challenging!

     Like you, I also removed many cleaning products from my home. After I had uterine cancer 4 years ago (cured), I decided then it was a smart idea. They have very effective non-chemical cleaning supplies in health food stores. I also used to  wear lipstick - now I go au naturel!

     I'll be excited to hear how well you do once you've made the diet changes. I'll be happy to share with you any hints/tips I have on preparing tastey meals on this more restricted diet.


Keep me posted!    Rana


Rana, thank you so much for your offer of help on the diet or should I say life style change. I could really use some good recipes. Meat has always been the mainstay of my diet, so this is unfamiliar territory for me.

What the heck do you do with Tofu? I'm not even sure what it is not to mention how to use it. I'm from the south and down here we use meat or the grease from meat as a flavor enhancer in just about everything.So, needless to say - I can use all the help I can get

Thanks for the help


Sounds like you're interested in following a vegetarian diet. I'm not a vegetarian, although I do not eat red meat right now. (You're system works harder to digest red meat and I want things easy on my immune system for now. Also, most red meat in markets are full of hormones and antibiotics). But of course, that's up to you.

Meat-wise, I mainly eat: chicken/turkey (regular or ground), cornish hens, fish and veal. Even though veal is technically a red meat - it doesn't look red (!), and it's really tastey. In fact, one of my favorite meat dishes is ground veal burgers.

Tofu is made from soybeans. It's another good source of protein, but I rarely eat it. Some is fermented, which means there's vinegar involved. It doesn't have much taste by itself, but takes on the flavors of what it's cooked with.

At this point, I should make myself clear: I am not a vegetarian. I feel the best food protein you can get is from lean meat. However, I am following a strict Candida diet- which is to help eradicate "yeast overgrowth". Studies show that many health problems are a result of this condition. If you want info on this type of diet, you can search the web. Basically, it's avoiding all sugars (including fruit & fruit juices), no grains (breads, pasta,...), yeast (bakers & brewers - so no alcohol

Let me know if you want info on trying a Candida diet. I can fax you info, or (if I have your address) I can send it through the mail (it's too long to type out!).   Rana    P.S.- I just now got message from Salugirl!




I am glad you may have found a solution for your problems,but you must realize people with athritis can not be cured with a "miracle diet."   I have 3 types of Athritis, with hypothyroidism and Raynaud's disease.  I have read these books and I agree with some of the things they say, as to we all need to cut back on sugar, but hon I have seen my xrays and my joints, in various places, are deterioting and no diet is going to make them better.  I am on enbrel, mtx, bextra, and ultram, and am handling the meds very well.  Oh by the way, when you are on mtx it is advisable to take folic acid, this takes care of the sores in your mouth.   Also, I can not eat tofu, it blocks the synthroid I am taking for my hypothyroidism.  I can honestly tell you with the meds I am on right now i am doing better than I was last year at this time.  I have my bad days like everyone else, you see my hands are the major sufferers from the athritis, but I keep going.  As I said I am glad this diet is working for you but remember please it is not going  cure  us all.  Athritis is an autiimmune disease which gets progressivley worse over the years, you may at times have a remission, but it is always there. The Candida diet nor any other diet will make it disappear.  All I ask is that when you feel the pains again, which hopefully won't be for a long time, please promise me you will see a Dr.  Meme



 I you re-read my inital post, you will see that I have not said that I feel I am cured of inflammatory arthritis. I have stated that a particular strict diet has significantly reduced my symptoms. I am not kidding myself that this condition is no longer - I know I will have this for life. However, I am attempting to avoid the traditional meds for as long as I can. And I am under the care of a rheumatologist, who by the way is whole-heartedly behind my present treatment.  Thank you for your concern.  Rana


You asked for opinions and I gave you mine, it is wonderful your dr prefers using holistic and it is working for you, but please don't expect evryone to jump on the bandwagon of the Candida diet and removing items from your body for detoxing, is all I am saying.    Meme


Rana was simply sharing what works for her.  Somehow that seemed to trigger some sort of response in you, which in impacted me.

What is wrong with detoxing or experimenting with alternative therapies.  The research seems very clear that diet plays a huge role in arthritis- a huge role.  Have you tried fasting or a food rotation diet to identify allergies?  Are you willing to live by your quote- "Everyday is a new begnning?"  Also, you say meme that arthritis is an aut-immune disease that gets worse progessively.  Who are you to label and predict the future in such general terms- you have every right to label and predict your future but please refrain from casting negative spells on the future of others.  Remember that up until 30 years ago Lyme disease was auto-immune as was gout and psuedo lupus- now we know what the antigens are that trigger the immune response.  Western medicine has only partial answers regarding RA and he like.  What about the one and 20 or so people who totally recover?  What about those whose symptoms become stable and not progressively worse?  Healing on the physical level is not always within our reach as humans- I believe that is up to God/Higher power.  However, healing of the heart is always available to us, when we open ourselves to possibility. 

As for me, I have no idea which direction my inflamatory arthritis will go.  I could be totally disabled or I could fully recover- that is up to God- however, I will say that my heart tells me to try the diets to juice, to explore acupuncture and most importantly to look deeply into the psycho-spiritual dimensions about what this disease is about for me as a person.  Why did I get this?  What messages am I getting from it?  How do I live from this point forward?

Love and Light,

I am sorry I can't give my Opinion!!!!Thanks for all of the good info, Rana. I also believe that we can
help ourselves to some extent by seeking out answers to what
our body responds to positively. Diet is very much a part of the
equation. I cut out all flour products and processed sugar
several months back (I cheat sometimes ) and lost 15 lbs.
and feel much better! I know I am not cured of RA, but I do take
fewer pain pills, and seem to have more energy. Negative
emotions seem to make things worse, so if I feel angry or
depressed, I put on some music (Christian praise songs work
for me- also Andrew Lloyd Weber) and I sing. We are complex
beings, body, soul and spirit and have to treat the whole, not
just the physical. This is my personal opinion.   Anyway, thanks
again for your post!!


     I totally agree with you concerning the importance of folks consulting with their doctors about any proposed diets. Treatment is a team effort, but the doctor is (or should be) the expert on such ramifications of diets on their patient's known health concerns. I do feel that the food we take in is a huge component of our overall well-being, both physical and mental. And for the record - I do not "cut down" on sugar. I totally avoid all sugars.

     I'd like to clear up something I relayed previously. I had miss-sequenced (I know, not a word) my tongue sores situation. I experienced them months before I ever took MTX ( and yes, when I began MTX, that rheumy prescribed folic acid along with it). I beleive that the tongue sores are probably in indication of a weakened immune state (my mother-in-law also experienced them when her health was failing). And MTX further weakens the immune system - that's why we're advised to go off of it to help fight really serious infections.

     Incidently, I did not post my message "expecting everyone to jump on the bandwagon". I posted my message for folks to read and consider. I have a high regard for folks who do not act as lemmings, but who listen, really listen to what their body is telling them and who use their minds to intelligently think about many considerations when choosing what they believe is right for them.

     I appreciate your opinions.    Rana

P.S. to dana and slaphappy: Sounds like we're on the same wavelength!  Rana



VERY WELL SAID RANA, I am glad it is working for you.  take care Meme

Ps Slaphappy you are right there is also frame of mind that works into the factor of how you feel .  Like you when I have my blue days I do something that makes me smile.  Like doing a craft with my daughter. Take care all!!

I just wanted to chime in here because I can't resist a good argument.  These diseases are so baffling to everyone that there are no real answers - no clear path to follow.  That is why there are so many diets and miracle cures and medications out there.  The more we research, the more confused we get.  Everyone's body is different and reacts differently to things we put into it.  I don't think there is any one thing that will work for everyone.  And I get sick of the people who think they have all the answers.  We all must work to find what works for ourselves which is a humongous task that we are all faced with.  I am very happy for those who have found what works.  Whether it be traditional meds, alternatives, diet, whatever.  I hope we can all find the way to better health.


Hi All,

My RA was diagnosed in June of 2003. I have been using the antibiotic therapy and am doing well. Please read "The New Arthritis Breakthrough" by Henry Scammell, based on the research of Dr. Brown.

Thanks. Be well.
