Newbie: Very Informative Board | Arthritis Information


I have been reading this message board for a very long time, I’m not much of a message poster, but thought I would introduce myself and at least set-up an account for possible future posting.

There are a lot of stories on this board that makes me so sad that we all have such pain.  This board is a great place to communicate, research, or even just to vent.

My Story:

This all started at age 21, currently 34.   The joint aches started after being bit by a tick and diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  I have seen many doctors and all agree that the tick bite has nothing to do with my joint pain; I’m not sure about that.  In the early years pain basically stayed in the hips and ankles and it’s now in the fingers and shoulders and for many years now I have that flu like achy feeling of RA.  At age 23, I had my left hip replaced and the right one replaced at 30, thank god for that as I can now spend more meaningful time with my wife and two young daughters.  I have taken many drugs, Vioxx, Methotrexate, Celebrex, Sulindac, you name it.  Nothing seems to work.  My official diagnosis is Seronegative RA and I recently added Enbrel to my Celebrex and Perceot and feel a 30%-40% improvement.  Hopefully science can find something to cure our pain.  Thanks for listening!


Good Day to ALL, Jason.Hi Jason, welcome to the board. If your arthritis was caused by a tick bite
you probably have Lyme's disease. Most people with lyme's disease can find
relief with antibiotic therapy. If you haven't already looked into this
treatment, you can get more information at
, or read The New Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry
Scammell. Lyme's is one kind of arthritis PROVEN to have an infectious
cause, so in a way you are lucky! The road back can help you find a doctor
conversant with treating Lyme's disease by this method.

Hey Jason....welcome to the board.

But back to the subject, you being here.  Glad you found us and that you decided to say hello.  I'm sero negative too, and I take enbrel.  It's worked well for me, along with MTX.  That's where the similarities stop though, as I am neither a man nor 34.  I don't have a wife either, although I've often thought I could sure use one

Look forward to seeing you around and hearing more from you.


Hi Jason...welcome!Thanks, I had a blood test with he CDC and tested positive for Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, similiar to Lymes, but usually curable and very rare to have long-term effects.  At the same time and twice since then, I have been tested for Lyme's disease and negative all times. Jason, I might be way off, but isn't Lyme's a tricky diagnosis unless you a: still have the tick for testing, or b: are freshly infected? Hey Jason. Glad you're here. Welcome!

The Great Lyme Debate -

Check out ILADS and

Find your self a LLMD - Lyme Literate MD.  They'll get you the IgeneX test as the CDC admits their tests are faulty!




Hi Jason...I am glad you are here.  I hope you find strength, comfort and insight while online.  I am glad you are gaining some ground.  I hope you continue to get better. 

Howdy Jason!

Glad you decided to post!  We're really happy to meet new members!

All-Thanks for the warm welcome!


Lyme Disease discussion continues……………

I’m not sure what brand of tests they used on me, except for the first one, which was from the CDC, the second test was done at the Cleveland Clinic and the third was done at Ohio State University. 


I did have a very long treatment of antibiotics many years ago trying to find a drug that may help, it did nothing for me; the arthritis kept progressing, with no pain relief. 


I feel that the cause of my joint pain mystery ended early this year.  I had shoulder surgery and the joint was found to be full of severe synovitis, which usually distinguishes Rheumatoid Arthritis from other forms of arthritis.  Who knows if it was a tick bite or I was predisposed to have RA (which I lean to believe).  The only thing I’m trying to do is find something that works for me and it seems since I’ve been through most everything on the drug spectrum that biologics were worth a shot.

Hi Jason.  I'm sorry to read about all the pain and trials you've dealt with at such a young age.  I hope we can be of some help to you and I'm glad you decided to make yourself known.  WELCOME!!

What antibiotics?

Jason - not trying to push - but a tick bite is a good thing.  If you were started by one you can get "CURED".  That's the gold standard of what we all want. 

There's a woman on the RB who isn't posting as much anymore.  By the time she finally figured out she had Lymes her RF was over 7400.  Last I heard she went back to work somewhere around 2000!  She fired 2 of the top AP docs because they weren't helping her and she started in with another AP doc (isn't it always about the doc/patient fit) and some natural antivirals and antibacterials and SHE GOT HER LIFE BACK. my soapbox now.


Hi Jason and welcome 


Hello, I took the Antibotic Minocin and one other???been 10 years I can't remember the name, or any of the doses.  My RF has always been normal and the Enbrel seems to be helping slightly better than anything I've ever taken. 

One thing about the Tick bite is they never found a tick or a bite, but since I tested positive for Rocky Montain, I absoulty had to have been bitten, my medical history has always been strange.

I'm on my 5th Remuy Doctor, he is great and has went above and beyond doing tests and he seems to generally care. Thanks! 

Dear Jason, welcome to the forum. this must be very frustrating. I'm glad you've found 'us' and that you will continue to post. This sounds like an unusual situation. I've never heard of it before. Thank you for sharing, Lynda

Well, I was hoping for you.  I don't know if Mino alone can do it for Lyme - I'm guessing not because of the posts I've seen - they tend to use multiple antibiotics.

Good luck in your healing!

