Humira side effects? | Arthritis Information


Hi all.  I don't post much any more, but I read (I used to post).  I've recently started Humira and I'm having significant muscle soreness and cramping (worst in the legs, but also my arms).  I'm also on prednisone again (10mg a day) for the last 3 weeks, so I guess it could be from that.  Has anyone had similar side effects from Humira or prednisone and do you have any thoughts on what to do or if it will go away?

 I have been on humria for about 6 months and have not had those kind of reactions.I would call  the humira hotline. They are very helpful at answering your questions.Wish i could offer more help,good luck...Hi Tia, you need to call your RD and talk with them.  I was having muscle pain - severe in arms, back and legs.  I did a little research on my meds and found that Actonel (bone builder) had muscle pain as a side effect.  I went off Actonel and within 3 weeks the pain has all subsided.  I'm also on Humira but that wasn't the cause of the muscle pain.  LindyI have been on Humira for just over 2 years now.  I have been getting cramps in my legs at night and never thought about the meds--it could be the Humira.  DON't call the hotline--someone earlier did and they notified the person's doctor and told them the person could not get the drug any longer.  Thanks for the feedback all.  I guess I need to do more research. HI Tia

I've been on Humira for about 6 years now and I have muscle tenderness in my legs too.  Doctor says "thats odd", I'm guessing its a rare side effect.
I've been on Humira for over 2 years and I've never had muscle soreness or cramping in the legs.  The only med that I got leg cramps from was mtx.