Iam missing my swelling | Arthritis Information


Iam starting to miss my swelling. At least when I was swelled my knees did not feel like they were popping outta place. This sucks.

only time my knees ever done the pop outta place was when i accidentally twisted them. now it does it no matter what... laying down, walking, sitting. UGH!!!

anyone else get this?

i think the joints are stretched from all my swelling and now i got extra room for it to move around. that is my thought about it anyways.It will probably take time for your muscles and tendons to adapt to the lack of swelling.  Maybe you should get out and walk a bit, in order to start strengthening those muscles and tendons!!!  Just a bit at a time... don't push it. i walked some today. my knees are still stiff and will not bend right. i have some swelling but not like i had. it seems the swelling is behind my knee cap. that sounds like my ankles oh man it just sounds and feels nasty its a constany cracking or popping sound with each step i take doc told me it was due to losing the cartlidge in both ankles i have none

Jasmine, that's what my RD told me - is how important it is to keep exercising, even though it hurts.  When we don't use our muscles, tendons and ligaments, they shrink and atrophy.  That makes the joints worse, because they are no longer properly supported by the muscles and tendons, which creates a viscious circle - you hurt more, so you move less, so you hurt EVEN MORE.

With winter coming and cold weather it will become even more important to keep our bodies moving, even though our natural inclination is to curl up in bed to stay warm.  It stinks, but it's true.

I hate every moment of exercise I do, never been one of those people that likes it, but I must admit, it really does help if you do it regularly.

Well, as evident by last week visit to the ER... When my knees are swelled I should not exercise. But before the Imuran I had a 6 month stint there of non-stop swelled knees and body parts.

I mean if walking around in wal-mart sends me to the ER... then rgular exercise would probably put me 6 feet under. I'm not really fond of exercise but I do like feeling better, and being in the pool is nice. It's sort of like being weightless, so your joints don't hurt, and you're all floaty. There's quite a few warm water pools in Vancouver...maybe there's one near where you live?

Also, afterwards you can go to the sauna. Mmmmmm.....sauna.

Yeah... I think there is one at the hospitals professional building.

I am going to wait to do anything like that, until after I start my remicade. I cannot afford to go back to the ER. That is why I have been stay home and not going to wal-mart. One ER trip was enough for me.


This same thing has happened to me!  Not to mention .... legs are easier to shave when they are swollen!  Less cuts! 

Can we change your name from Excuse Queen, to Whiney Queen?


You whine when you're swollen, and you whine when you're not!!

I have had non-stop swelling in my right knee for 6 months now and then POOF! 3 days after taking Imuran it was gone! Now... might be easy for you to adjust to such drastic changes, but... not for me.

But whatever. You do not get swelling... so you would not know where the hell I am coming from.

Girly, chillax. Sheesh.

I'm just pushin your buttons. But really, you should post happy things about not having any swelling. Cause it has been a long time with it, and one would think you'd be thrilled! I know I would be!!

I did a week back and only person who replied was Liz. Yeah...

I cannot be happy, happy. Because the pain without swelling is much more great than it was with swelling. You try walking around and catch the floor just a certain way and twist your knee and make it swell again. Yeah... that is where it post stems from. But when I explain the reason for my posts, I get "Why you always explaining yourself?" Well, because no one understands what I am talking about stems from if I do not give a background for why I made that post.

But anyways...
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