Jedi Mind Tricks: Week #3 | Arthritis Information


Well, I had my 3rd Traditional Chinese Medicine appt yesterday. What a doozy it was! I've been having a bad week for pain and she put a few acupuncture needles in my feet and I suddenly wanted no more accupuncture that day---I don't know why. She said what we are doing is listening to my body so she didn't put anymore in. She did have a laser acupuncture thing, for those adverse to needles, Joonie, so even the needle phobic can try it. She used the laser on my right wrist and later it hurt like h-e-double-hockey-sticksl for a while.

Because it's old school CM she leaves the needles in for a long time. They were in my right foot but I was getting all these sensations in my left foot from them. She said that's because my body is responding well to the accupuncture so it opens the corresponding meridians even without the needle (only not as well). I told her where I was feeling it and she said that was the meridian to my small intestine. PIP, you will be interested to know that she said my enteric nervous system was out of whack. I have never heard of an enteric nervous system but she said it was a nervous system that controls the digestive and gastronimical tracks. When she does Jedi Mind Tricks she sort of hold my wrist and "listens to my body" and she said my enteric nervous system wasn't talking to the rest of me. I asked what it was mad about but she said it was just having some disconnect. She then asked my enteric nervous system to communicate with the rest of my body. She does this by getting me to put my hands in certain places, breathing and tapping on my head and chest.

She also said for some reason my body was talking about my Mom. I told her that was no mystery because the day before my friend's Mom had died of the same causes that killed my own Mother 3 years ago and I had been crying about it and stuff. She then showed me all the grief meridians and yes, it was where I was having pain (the hands along my pinkies and the front of my thumb heel). So then she did some grief work and that was draining.

There were a lot of Jedi Mind Tricks for this visit. One trick she does is get me to hold a vial of external pernicious factor, which is an incredibly diluted vial full of what ails you (she doesn't know what's actually in the RA one). It sounds like homeopathy, but instead of drinking it you just hold it and she does some guided breathing and instructs your body to expel that factor. It's very What the Bleep Do We Know? If that actually works it could explain why I'm having such a crappy week, pain wise. Herxheimer, anyone?

I was really drained and shaken up after my visit, so she told me to take some Rescue Remedy.

Like all these RA treatments, it's hard to tell if anything positive is happening. Am I herxing or flaring? Is the effect placebo or real (and does it matter?) I have no idea but I'm gonna keep going until the insurance runs out! I will keep you posted.
[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] Herxheimer, anyone?[/quote] With a pickle and probiotic, please.

[quote]Am I herxing or flaring? Is the effect placebo or real (and
does it matter?)...[/quote]Nope: results are all that matter.

Gentle {{{hugs}}} and best wishes. Happ

Thank you for sharing your intensely personal experiences. I appreciate it...

You know, I can't get the link to the Wiki page to work!  Arrrgh!  It's my computer tho, not the link!

I find it fascinating she thinks its all connected.

Did I tell you the only Intergrative Med doc we've been able to find here does East/West Med?  Hubby is thinking about it! 

More later when I reboot to see if I can fix my IE connection.

