OT:CHIT CHAT 11/09/07 | Arthritis Information


Morning! Gonna attempt to have a busy day today.  I made a todo list that I wanna try and finish, or get a good portion of it finished.  My bestfriend/sisters husband (it was their kids that were over yesterday) tried to fix my computer to make it faster but he is going to try and copy everything that I need and that I dont have the programs to download onto another computer and compltelty restore my computer cause there are a few programs I dont use that my stupid computer wont let me uninstall...I HATE TECHNOLOGY sometimes LOL  So Im going over there all weekend which will be fun.  My hubbys bestfriend is coming for dinner tonight (the one whose fiance cheated on him). 

Have a great day everyone!!!!


Hunny, don't get too busy that you forget to take care of you!  How fun to be around good friends all weekend.  I am so glad that you are there for your hubby's friend. 

I have to get a shower and go to counselling, and then I need to work on DD quilt or I will never get it done for Christmas.  Take care all, and have a great pain free day!

You too Shelly, LyndaA Blanche DuBois Moment: the kindness of strangers.

Yesterday afternoon the FedEx van pulled in the yard, as we were not expected a delivery I thought that the driver was going to ask for directions...I was more than surprised when she came to the fence with a long narrow box and told me, "This is an overnight package for you."

Knowing that I sometimes have difficulties with grasping packages, she carefully laid the box in my arms. Even if the box had not been marked with a "fragile flowers" sticker and the logo of an online florist it would have been obvious the box contained cut flowers. Their perfume wafted out of the box and fueled my imagination with what was nestled inside.

Flash helped me get the box open and what was nestled inside was a bouquet of roses, carnations, mums, greens, all arranged against a pungent backdrop of eucalyptus branches.

The enclosed card was signed: A grateful stranger

It is fair to say that I have been preoccupied trying to untie this mystery.

I hope that your day is filled with unexpected kindnesses and the comfort you deserve.

Con brio, Happ

Edited for an inability to format...Happ39395.3767939815Rockin'! [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] Rockin'![/QUOTE]
*LOL* yes, it is! I am having such a good time. *LOL* Nice, Happ!

Very cool Happ!  Gosh, I would love to get a strange package. 

So, I got the dreaded flu jab, and finally got my exemption to come through so they will stop bugging me for my MMR jab...sheesh! Military people are SO thorough!  Found out for them to jab me for my pneumonia shot I have to have a script.  Hmmmm! Strange!  I don't know if I need it my last one was in 1999. 

Went to counselling...hmmm, kind of just laying a foundation, but did talk a lot about sticking up for myself and my needs more.  Hmmm!  

I am tired, and hurting very badly...I think those second graders did me in, but they were kind of fun.  I look forward to seeing them on Monday.  I hope it is better, but I think we are going to start out with a chitty chat, about getting along. 

I need to make it downstair, but I am kind of putting it off.  Lost my balance by the front stairs and then my hip went out, so almost fell sideways...doesn't give me comfort to climb up or down stairs.  Oh well, I have meat marinating for fajitas, so I think I will go and sew. 

Turned in the application for the Handicapped Placard to my doctor.  I am hoping he just signs the dumb thing.  If not I will take it to the orthopedic surgeon who has seen the inside with his two beatty eyes!

edited for spelling!


Yoo Hoo!!!

Where is everyone hiding?  We haven't lost all of you have we?

I worked today. Well part of today. I had to bother doctor for thrush medicine. Then when i got that i stopped gagging. Had a fever and chill took an afternoon nap. But i am better and i did get threw it as far as work was concerned. Could have been better but was ok. Work at home so i can catch an afternoon nap sometimes. But i slept a little harder and longer than i wanted to woke up thinking is it morning already. Really i did not plan to nap. Just crawled under the covers for a minute and it sort of happened. But i think i feel better. Some of me does anyway. [QUOTE=Hillhoney]

Yoo Hoo!!!

Where is everyone hiding?  We haven't lost all of you have we?


Not lost, just misplaced!

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah. Someone's in the kitchen, I know. Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Strumming on the old banjo. Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o. Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o-o-o-o. Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o. Strumming on the old banjo OR...at the Abode an ol' guitar.


No not lost just quilting.  It has been a "not so great day".  I hope every one comes back....it has seemed desolate and lonely!

Please do not go downthose stairs when you feel like that Shelly. I am here. Just was reading and posting on other threads. Was maybe going to watch my shows but can do that later. If you are lonely. Anyway i keep checking back. Just was checking out the other threads. Heelllooooooooooooooooo

I am home tonight again. :)

JUSTIN GOT HIS NG TUBE OUT TODAY!! WOOHOOO!!! And and, he's gone "potty" three times, which means his bowels are all working again!! YAYS! He gets his drainage tube out of his side tomorrow, and we're going to "talk" about when he gets to eat soon.

He's feeling SO much better!!!


I wasn't going down the basement stairs...I was going down the TWO stupid front stairs.  I may be talking to the ortho for new hips sooner rather than later.  I hate falling down stairs.  Thank God hubby was there, but it scared the ever livin' padoodle outa him!

I used to have two stupid stairs to my bedroom. It was a nice big room but glad i do not have to deal with that anymore. My knees fold out from under me some times. Glad it's not the basement stairs. Dizzy swelling and stairs do not mix well.

Glad Justin is feelling better!!!!!

Evening all!  Been kinda busy this week... too many meetings!  My right foot has something to say about every step I take, my left hip is being a righteous crabby bastard and my hands ache.  I had a bit of a bad belly earlier this week, so I haven't taken fish oil or naproxen for several days.  But I have a nice relaxing weekend ahead... gonna spend some time relaxing!!!





I'm doing alright.

Shelly, I'm a blind moron, I missed the entire falling thing. Milly said for you not to go down stairs and I was like "wtf??"

Shelly, just be really slow and deliberate about each step you take.  The idea of falling down the steps is terrifying, I feel the same way.  Another thing that scares me is walking on uneven ground, like cobblestones, bricks, or in the woods where there are lots of roots and rocks and the ground isn't flat and level.  Very unnerving!

Great news about Justin, Kate!

You know where I almost always "almost" fall? Going UP the stairs. I get confused really fast about which foot is on which step, and I always end up having to do the granny walk. Isn't that just strange??? I've never figured that one out. Oh, my son Dan falls up the stairs all the time! [QUOTE=arriscolwell]You know where I almost always "almost" fall? Going UP the stairs. I get confused really fast about which foot is on which step, and I always end up having to do the granny walk. Isn't that just strange??? I've never figured that one out. [/QUOTE]

My knees are usually bruised from falling up stairs.  I can't seem to walk up the stairs; always gotta run up the stairs.  And fall up the stairs.


I also see Justin is doing well? That's good news.  how's everybody else?

Where's Mo and Gale?No idea! Did you eat them?

Eat Princess Fatback?  What would that do to my arteries???

Alright i can see your drinking without me again. Princess Fatback has been run over with  Mack truck, please send donations to family, they are sad.

Came home Thursday from 4 days out of town, today he did 5 loads laundry, ironed his dress shirts, stripped and changed beds, got dinner, walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen,a nd let me sleep all day. What a guy!

Did everybody leave?How are you? :) Good for hubby, you know, making himself useful and all Oh and here you were just sleeping and cracking the whip on your "poor" hubby.

I swear she is hitting a hottie cabana boy I hope she's doing something fun like that.Nah, she's just off in a corner, eating lettuce. Oh my freind he called me back he is working be home tomorrow night. I will kick his rear. His blood clot is breaking up good news. Bad news something on his lung. Maybe part of the blood clot or a blood clot or ? And they wanted him to stay in the hospital. I said oh you want to retire without any energy or being able to breath. I said if you want to work listen to your doctors. He is getting MRI as soon as he gets back. I guess they have hospitals in other cities but come on.

I don't know if that's good news or bad news Milly.  I mean, it seems he's taking an awfully big chance.  Hope things go well for him.


I have to go to sleep now.  nite everybody.

I thought he was in the hospital and in entensive care and couldn't call me. Well i am worried and chewed him for not staying in the hospital. He said he was still working did not give me time to chew him out for not calling me last night. But i get his point i would have freaked last night instead of tonight. But i was really worried when he didn't call. He said so good news was and bad news was. I guess we did not know we would get good news. He just wanted to enjoy his good news before getting more bad news i guess. Hope it dosn't hurt him. Yeah, Gale is probably stuffing some tofu into a dessert recipe somewhere.Night Link! I hope she has the right ingrediants so she can enjoy her tofu dessert. < =text/>_popupControl(); What exactly is tofu anyways?Fake food? soy based isn't it just like mayonase in a different form? I do not always read all of the links they give me cookies sometimes. Not soy cookies but computer cookies. I am sick and have not been near any water but the bathtub..I haven't heard from Gale she is just lazy I think.

Hey it works with normals, might as well try it out on ya'll Your family is so understanding of my delema Mona. The poor family you tell i feel for them.Yippie for Justin and hopefully your stress level goes down some now Katie i know it has been hard on you. WOOHOO JUSTIN!!! That is such great news Katie...that boy is recovering by leaps and bounds! I bet he won't have to stay 10 day!Well it's already been 4 days, so yeah, I think he will. LoL I know it doesn't seem that long. It's been 4 days since his surgery, and 11 days since we stuck him in that place. Poor guy, he isn't going to recognize his poor kitties when he gets home.   Well Im not feeling so good, guess I'd better go lay back down. Hope I can be here earlier and talk to everyone tomorrow, I've missed everyone! Good night Friends Mona tell your family i could use a ride to the bank. I am without a vehicle and my dad can not see. He has parkinsonoism from years of physc drugs and his eye lids won't stay open. It is about the same as parkinsons he shakes all of the time. It keeps getting worse. We heard about maybe a nicotine patch could help? He is seeing the doctor tuesday. You will have to tell your family to wait a bit or give me a ride to the bank.Actually i am going to catch up on Greys Anatomy did not watch this weeks episode yet and go to bed. I should just go to bed. Then i have to work then my friend is coming over. I will put it on the list. I feel an attack of fatique coming on tell family i will get to this in a month or so.  Sweet dreams to all and to all a good night.

Welp guys pain med kicking in need sleep.

Night all.
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