RESENTMENTS | Arthritis Information


The topic of emotional well-being has been brought up in the past as a component to the DIS-EASE process.  IMHO this area has been widely over-looked by doctors and patients.

At least 15 years ago when I was trying to find out the answers to RA, I read about negative emotions and what they do to the body but at that time didn't understand the impact.  Today having finally solved my DIS-EASE process I find this information very true. Retained negative emotions is like drinking battery acid and these emotions have an impact on the severity of the disease.

Here is a quote from one of my favorite juicing books:

"Arthritis is usually due to long retained RESENTMENTS, and to the result of the accumulation of inorganic calcium deposits in the cartilage of the joints. Because the afflicted cartilage has a magnetic attraction for inorganic calcium atoms, the blood deposits them in specific parts of the anatomy.  Once an arthritic deposit has taken root, it becomes progressively menacing until actual bone distortion may take place. "

"One of the most effective elements with which to help dissolve this inorganic, incrustated calcium has been found in grapefruit, in it's organic salicylica acid content. Thus, one pint or more of FRESH grapefruit juice daily helps to dissolve this accumulation of foreign matter. The canned juice has usually been found useless for this purpose."

"Oil of wintergreen has highly penetrating ethers and contains a high percentage of salicylic acid.  It is often used externally to help ease the pain which usually follows the cleaning and regeneration of the cartage and the joints."

"Dissolving the inorganic calcium however, is only the first step in the progressive course of this regeneration.  It is so difficult to acknowledge RESENTMENTS and to banish them, but this is the very first step necessary to improve the situation."

The best thing a very wise doctor once said to me, "Why are you so angry?" It took much reflection and work but it was the best thing he did for me.


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Bodak - I soooo agree with that assessment.  It's kind of what happened to me.  Just add in lack of sleep for years, an infection and voila - PRA!

LuAnn - I raided AF (shame on me) and picked up all the studies by the resident researchers back until June.  I want to go back until the first of the year...but the site is clunky and hard to operate so....maybe later.

Anyway, I reread all the psycho-neuro studies linking the onset of disease to actual physiological responses and was amazed at the connection. 

I'm organizing my files (yea, yea, yea and I've been saying that for how long, then I go out and get MORE :-) and I'll post some of the more interesting things here, OK?


If you ever attend any sort of 12-step recovery program meetings, resentments is a number one topic.  Alot on resentments causing you to be stupid and keep your cycle of addiction going over slights, fears, resentments.  Looking up the definition of resentment in the dictionary is eye-opening. 