Always try Doxycycline in resistant RA | Arthritis Information


I was looking for a study to show erica, and I guess AI used to have
doctor's chats when it was a more active, moderated site, and I stumbled
across this quote from one:

"DrWaters> If no DMARD's help might not be RA. Try combinations first
like MTX + Arava or MTX + Enbrel. Also always try doxycycline in
resistant RA.
SOmetimes it works when others don't. Can use Imurran,
Cyclosporin, Prosorba, etc. in resistant RA, too. Never give up."

And I thought...well....I wish this guy was still around!

Here's a url to the chat archive:

Edited because url was wrong.
Gimpy-a-gogo39395.5524189815A well-known ped rheum, Dr. Lehman, who advertises on this site, too, for his book "It's Not Jusy Growing Pains" includes doxy in his treatment options in the book. It right up there with the usual suspects. Since the book is a few years old, I always wonder if he still uses it as much or not. I wonder if there would be a way to contact Dr. Lehman and ask??  Might do some internet investigaing here.

I like doctors who tell you not to give up ... its like a breath of fresh air!
