PAM.....Where are you my friend? | Arthritis Information


Where's our Pam??? We miss you Pammy!!

Hope you're just busy getting Oscar back to school and you're feeling so great you don't have time to chat. Know you've been missed.

Hope to see you soon.


I miss Pam too.  I hope we hear from her soon. 

Thanks so much for missing me.  I've been checking in to see what's up, but I've been so tired, I have'nt really felt like posting much.

Started having terrible ringing in my ears again over the weekend, so stopped my Disalcid.  Then got  a terrible metalic taste in my mouth and could'nt sleep at all.  Spoke to RD's office yesterday, he said once again Disalcid overdose.  and not to take it until Thurs. and start at a lower dose and get blood check next week.  Here we go again.

Oscar starts school on the 6th.  He was doing really great with the Ibuprofin therapy (not much pain and no falling down).  He came to me last night and said his knees are really hurting again.  I'm going to wait and see if it was just a bad couple of days or if it persists. I'm not sure if that would mean he is getting worse or if the ibuprofin just is'nt working anymore.

I'll be close by, just in a bit of a "funk" this definately helped guys are so great!!

Lots of love,


Totally understand. We all go through that. Know I'll be thinking of you.

Hang in there. We love you.


Love you lots too Pam.  I have been having one of those down times.  If I wasn't on disability and had the energy to do anything else, I probably would not be posting either.  Stay close.  We will get through this together.  I hope Oscar feels better soon. 

Hope you get out of your "funk" soon and hope Oscar continues to do better on his ibu therapy.

Hope to see ya postin' again soon!


Hi Joonie Pie!!

Thankyou for thinking of me.  I have been keeping up on the going's on here and it looks like you're in a posting frenzie after your internet deprivation

Lovie and Roxy thankyou too you are all so dear.

Still really tired, seems like everything is hard at the moment.....just one of those slumps, I'm sure it will ease up soon things usually do. 

hugs to you all,


Yeah, I am in a "sleep funk" all I want to do is sleep. I had to make myself stay awake this morning. And just think I went to sleep at 5:30am, was watching Crossing Jordan and then realized I would like the movie that came on with Richard Gere. It was good. Then hubby woke me up @ 6am and then I woke up again @7:18am to get daughter ready for school and then went back to bed and Andrew decided he was going to wake up @ 8:45am and then I gave him a bottle and went back to bed and then he decided he was going to stay now i am awake and on