The answer is.......sarcoidosis | Arthritis Information


Yes ladies and gentleman, I am MOT just fat and depressed, that's right, Oh, I AM actually sick, pretty darned sick at that!! 

When I saw the dr last Friday am, she sent me directly to the cardiologist who sent me directly to the hospital, do not pass go, do not stop home for clean panties!!!! OMG! I don't know much about sarcoidosis, but I'm sorry you may have it. And I hate all those doctors who were telling you your problem was that you're fat (which YOU'RE NOT, BTW). Thanks god have finally been properly diagnosed, or at least have it ruled down to two things.

There's a guy here in Vancouver named Dr Greg Blaney who cured himself of Sarcoidosis with a treatment called the Marshall Protocol, if you ever want to look into that.

I hope you improve soon. Good luck.

I am sooo sorry you have that but glad that it means that you are finally getting treatment.  Let us know how you are feeling.  My thoughts and prayers are w/ you sweetie. 


I'm sorry Michelle, but I'm thinking Option C is


Michele, Hang in there. I am thinking positive. Like pip I pick option C.

I found this link for anyone wanting to understand the disease.
Oh pip, I didnt see your link.

I am sorry to hear that, Michele.... but glad they FINALLY found out what was making you sick. I hope you get on the road to recovery soon.

Much hugs 

But now the important thing is you, and your health, and then your marriage.  I am thinking of you all the time and wishing you the best.  Big, big hugs!

Sweetie; I know this is going to sound horrible to anyone that hasn't been around here and hasn't heard all of what you've been though but I'd like to say FINALLY! YEAH! CONGRATULATIONS!!

No, the news is not good news but you've known all along that something was really wrong with you. This proves it and I'm so glad that you are FINALLY getting some much needed answers.

Can I go with you when you go back and tell that RD that told you that you were just FAT eactly where he can stick it?

Are you just now telling your husband?

I'll be back in MI for the Holidays.  Can I go with you two?

<Insert Evil laugh here>


What a relief to finally be getting some real answers and some real treatment to go along with it.  I don't know much about Sarcoidoisis, really I've only heard of it.  But I will after while.  Going to google it now.  BTW...your doctor doesn't happen to be named "House" does he?

Michele, glad you got an answer even though it is a scary answer.  I am sure they will be on top of this now.  It seems like you will be following up a lot!  Keep in touch and take care of yourself.  I hope and pray it is sarcoidosis, and not cancer.   Love to you, shel

Will be praying for you Michele.Hi Michele, hang in there and let's hope that it's sarcoidosis.  I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis approximately 30 years ago.  I had scalene node biopsies and a liver biopsy that confirmed the diagnosis.  You're right about treatment being much like some of the ra treatments.  I was prescribed Prednisone 80 mg. tapering over a 6 month period and went into remission and have remained in remission.  I never gave sarcoid. a thought when I was reading your posts and I don't guess any of your doctors did.  Seems like your previous doctors should have found it on xray.  Stay focused on getting well and please follow the doctors orders.  Sarcoid can become serious but that's not likely with good medical care.  There are instances where one goes into remission without medical intervention or the convential drugs but that's rare.  Answers finally.  Lindy 


I'm so glad you are getting closer to a real dx.  Congratulations for sticking with it and getting to the truth.  I wish you a fast recovery and I hope everything else is going well.


Thanks everyone!!  Yeah, its a sucky dx to have but I do feel vindacated in some weird way, its like HEY, stupid asshole drs, I AM sick.  Its not like I WANT to be sick but I am so glad to finally be able to put a name to it after three years!  We should have a bash the dumb drs day and we call all gang up on them!

I think because I was on steroids for a year that it sorta kept it in check but now that I am completely off them, its growing and fast!  I REFUSE to go back on steroids long term.  I see they are now using remicaid, may ask about that instead of mtx and imuran as they both make me feel icky.

Will has been kept in the loop and has been nice but he had to work a lot while I was in the hospital, so I endured most of the procedures and news by myself.  He has been kind and we are both seeing our own counslers.

Very tired now, off to bed with me. 
Michele, I really like your attitude and completely agree with your evaluation of your doctors because its just so, so, so familiar to me and I can SO relate.  Congratulations.  We know when we are ill.  Now get to bed and rest and get better.  Nice work ~~ CathyWell if you have all the symptoms that should keep you from worring about the lab results. Sorry, but wow a dx. If your sick you need to know what it is. Sorry it took so long. Glad they are fiquring it out.

Michele, you say you refuse to go back on steroids long term, what do you consider longterm?  Steroids, Prednisone in particular is usually the most effective and firstline treatment for sarcoidosis. 

"I see they are now using remicaid, may ask about that instead of mtx and imuran as they both make me feel icky."

They're using Remicade for RA/PA, Cron's not Sarcoid.  Maybe I read incorrectly what you wrote. 

Please follow the advise of your doctors.  I know it's a difficult journey to get well; I've been there and back several times.  You'll make it through, even if you have to take Prednisone to get well.  Believe me none of us want to take Pred., am finally tapered to 8mg. after a 3 year battle.  Take care.  Lindy 

Bash Doctors Day?  Too bad its 364 days of stupidity, and then finally you get the ONE DAY a real doctor cops a clue.  I want to be there when you tell the one who said you were just fat - file a complaint with the Medical Board - that one needs to retire.  Oh Michele!! I want to squeeze you! 

< =text/>_popupControl(); (((((hugs)))) Michele!!!  In a way I am happy they are getting to the bottom of everything.  What a relief to finally have answers.  I am sad that the answers are what they are tho. 

Remember, you know where to find me if you need to talk.  I loves yas muchly!!!
