Remicade Update Again | Arthritis Information


Welp, called RD's office to check the staus of my Prior Approvals for both insurances...

Yes, folks shortest wait on the phone ever and I actually get forwarded to the billing lady within a min and... sailing along.... must be my day!

Then get the billing lady aka wanda... and she says "sorry... I had to send in more information to BC/BS & to Medicaid wednesday. We should hear something back next week. If you want I can give you a call when I accept them?" I told her "That would be nice." 

Here is a little secret for ya'll they do not know how to call me back for some reason. I have had a many of call me backs in to the office and the only time they called me back was to find out what the heck the new pain med I asked for was.

Let's just say.... It was not my day & Wanda SUCKS donkey ass!


Nice goin, Wanda.

Any chance you can get on the good side of the office manager?  Perhaps she can move things along???


So, call Miss Wanda...on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and just say you thought you missed their call!!! 

It might work, but I am sure they will get tired of hearing you call and someone will move it along.  I cannot believe they waited until WED. to send the approval out!  Gosh, sure glad we're not that inefficient feeding our kids!!!

Oh Joonie Im sorry that you are having such a hard time just keep on them maybe if you bug Wanda she might get on it so you would stop bugging her

well... it seems it is not her.. now, but the insurance companies.

I just like how the receptionist told me last week when I called to tell her what the BC/BS lady said and then she said "It is her job and I am sure she done it right the first time, because she does this all the time." Or something to that effect. Yeah... well apparently Wanda doesn't know Jack! Or maybe she has been hitting the bottle of Jack a little too much and forgot how to file PA's?

[QUOTE=Shelly41] So, call Miss Wanda...on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and just say you thought you missed their call!!! [/QUOTE]

Exactly. Joonie, did you inquire about an email address for your contact or at least one for the office? Did you ask about the possibility of the office having a 1-800 number?

Don't forget the power of the written word! If you truly feel that Wanda is incompetent write a complain and submit copies to the office manager, the physician, Wanda, and your insurance company.

Be your own advocate!

No, she said just to ask to be forwarded to her directly. That is how I found out her name.

How you find who the office manager is? It seems like the RD has the most power it is her own practice her and her husband own the building and all. I got that much info while waiting in the waiting room on first visit.

No they do not have a 1-800#. I have all their numbers. And Rd seems to HATE getting emails. She gets quite a few while in the room with me on my visits and she just ignores them and that is what slows her down too, because inbetween patients she answers those emails. If she's answering them, then she's not ignoring them! It's worth a shot, try e-mailing her once or twice, or 3 dozen times.

I am not even sure it is patients that are emailing her blackberry. I just bknow when she gets one she rolls her eyes and sighs and says she is ignoring it. And makes like annoyed sounds while reading whatever it is. For all i know it is one of her kids asking if they can have a fruit roll up for dinner.

Then what have you got to lose? I say nothing, e-mail her anyway! And don't do it just once. Or just twice. Make some noise for a change.