Kinda Silly, But it worked for me! | Arthritis Information


I had been feeling down about how I was not able to accomplish anything in the house. I live alone and even though no one was complaining, it bothered me. Recently when I was having another one of my no energy days, I made a list of things I thought I could do even when I felt exhausted. I decided I would pick 2 things from this list to do daily and only work on them on commercial breaks while I was resting and watching TV. By the end of the week my house looked 100% better. Now, it wasn't clean by any means. But I felt better about myself as I was able to work toward something. I am now working on a list for flare days. My fatigue days usually don't conincide whith fatigue days. Its crazy. I can be dead tired with minimal stiffness and full of energy but can't do much because I'm stiff and in pain. Hi Caprice! Not silly at all, I use a similar strategy and set weekly goals. Sometimes I meet the goals and sometimes they have to be altered mid-week.

*LOL* it was my goal to sleep all night, yet here I am a quarter to four...however, I have finished up another goal which was to answer a letter from a friend and complete a very long and involved patient information packet for an upcoming doctor's appointment.

I am a person who needs a system, a list, a set of "rules" to accomplish much of anything. My husband tells me that has to do with me being a Pisces and always trying to swimming in opposite directions!

I think your routine is great and I hope your day is filled with sunshine and comfort.

Con brio, HappNot silly at all.  In fact, I thinks it shows creativity and great resolve to work around your limitations.  You are the one in control again, not your disease.  You've tweaked the rules a bit and made them work for you.  Way to go!!I have always been a big believer in breaking down things to do into "commercial break chunks".  That way I don't overdo it, and I have until the next commecial break (or the one after that) to recuperate.

Fabulous idea!

I'm going to start my a few days?!?!?

Ya got any systems for procrastination?


Pip - the hardest part is [QUOTE=Pip!]

Fabulous idea!

I'm going to start my a few days?!?!?

Ya got any systems for procrastination?



Procratination is easy for me, I just delay, put it off, make excuses, remember how diffiuclt it to find roundtoits, dither, dally, shillyshally,and postpone. Overcoming, moving around, getting beyond procastination requires another set of words, verbs which are more difficult for me to implement most days.

Procrastination is an art...or is it an artform?Not at all silly, Caprice.  I do the lists as for me!Caprice, I don't think that's silly at all.  I usually set a couple of goals for each day.  I find that if I think of the things I want/need to do specifically, I'm more apt to get them done.You may not get all three things done today, but it will help you to focus on what's important today.