Health Net Sued | Arthritis Information


I'm not sure where to post this as it's sort of political but not a partisan issue, so I'm just posting it here. It's definately health related.

Lawsuit claims Health Net gave bonuses for policy rescissions

Health Net Inc., one of the state's largest health insurers, tied rewards and savings to its employees' ability to cancel policies based on misrepresentations in members' applications, according to documents in a lawsuit against the company.

The documents showed Health Net saved .5 million in "unnecessary" health care expenses for rescinding more than 1,000 policies between 2000 and 2006. At the same time, a Health Net analyst received about ,000 in bonuses for her work, which included exceeding company goals for policy rescissions.

Read more: BUCLT9JOV.DTL

Does this surprise anyone?  I don't think anyone would fault insurance companies for weeding out true fraud, but I'd be willing to bet that there are a whole lot of people being dropped who did nothing wrong and did not knowingly hold back anything.  I'm sure those vague application forms are designed just for the purpose of using them as a vehicle to drop any unsuspecting person who dares to actually try and use the insurance they've been paying for.  It happens in home insurance too.  I hope they get nailed to the wall.   As one of those people who falls between the cracks--not being able to afford the 0 USD/month commercial policies for "high risk" insurance, but failing to meet the criteria for insurance through the state, and not being old enough for medicare, I empathize with anyone who is denied reasonable health insurance at a reasonable price.

I can only thank my bean-counter husband who long ago set up T-bill account specifically for health care in our dotage...although how much will be left for dotage is debatable.

There ought to be a law.How do these people sleep at night????I'm sure there are ligitimate people who were dropped.  It's sad.  I can say though, there are a lot of people who put in fraudulent claims.  The system is the pits, but the idiots that abuse the system screw the rest of us in the long run.There are also many that just plain old abuse the system. Multiple trips to
the ER a week for pain control is a bit excessive. And I'm not sure if you
blame the doctor for not dealing with the patients pain or the patient for not
going to urgent care. As far as I am concerned...the ER is not for chronic
pain issues unless it is life threatening. Doctors should be making their
patients comfortable so the trip to the ER does not happen.