Another good idea from DEMS | Arthritis Information



Certainly we can afford another 50 cents per gallon for such a good democratic cause. Of course I'm sure our lawmakers have a government gas credit card paid for by the taxpayers with never empty pockets. Certainly won't affect them.

Congressman John Dingell Proposes 50-cent Gas Tax Hike to Fight Global Warming

Thursday, September 27, 2007

WASHINGTON —  Dealing with global warming will be painful, says one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress. To back up his claim he is proposing a recipe many people won't like — a 50-cent gasoline tax, a carbon tax and scaling back tax breaks for some home owners.

"I'm trying to have everybody understand that this is going to cost and that it's going to have a measure of pain that you're not going to like," Rep. John Dingell, who is marking his 52nd year in Congress, said Wednesday in an interview with The Associated Press.

Dingell will offer a "discussion draft" outlining his tax proposals on Thursday, the same day that President Bush holds a two-day conference to discuss voluntary efforts to combat climate change.

But Dingell, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that will craft climate legislation, is making it clear that he believes tackling global warming will require a lot more if it is to be taken seriously.

"This is going to cause pain," he said, adding that he wants to make certain "the pain is shared in a way that is fair, proper, acceptable and accomplishes the basic purpose" of reducing greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.

Dingell said he's not sure what the final climate package will include when the House takes it up for a vote. The taxes measures he's proposing, in fact, will be taken up by another House committee. And the Senate is considering a market-based system that would set an economy-wide ceiling on the amount of carbon dioxide that would be allowed to be released.

Hooray for our Congressmen for looking out for us peons

Thank yous, thank yous thank yous

They know that all problems can be solved with tax increases, they're so smart

Oh, one more thing, Congressman Dingell said that the price increase would deter the public driving as much as they do. What a nice guy, looking out for our better interests.


levlarry39396.4704861111Unfortunately, it's going to hurt the lower income people who are just scraping by.  Well-to-do citizens will continue to burn gas at an alarming rate because they can still afford to.  In theory, raising the gas tax to a painful level to try and force people to cut back on driving sounds good.  But people won't cut back enough to make much of a difference.  They still have to get to work, the doctor, etc.  They may cut back on their pleasure driving (which will hurt the various tourist industries) and maybe a few more people will carpool, but in the end it's not enough to really help and it will hurt lower income people.  In short, (too late for that you say?) it will do more harm than good.  Having said all that, what is the answer?  How do we force this country and encourage other countries to conserve fuel?  We HAVE to conserve.  It doesn't matter whether global warming is a true issue or not.  We're destroying our planet with all the pollutants and it has to stop.  Sometimes, these politician's are their own worst enemy's!! One thing I will say is that Dingell has made a lot of people take notice!!! I can't imagine thinking this would help the democratic campaign to make such a proposal so close to election's. Especially, when everyone is already complaining about the current gas prices and making them campaign issue.

This wouldn't just hurt the poor, it would hurt the economy as a whole and at some point EVERYONE will feel the affects! First of all, by deterring us from driving would take a heck of a lot of money out of the economy. If I had to pay .50 every time I filled up, I'd be giving at least 30.00 per week. My husband would be about the same. Remember, when the gas prices raise, so do our utilities!! So, we will be paying in so many more ways than just in our gas tanks.      

Imagine how much money that is when you add up all those people who have no choice but to drive. Plubic Transit System's aren't everywhere.   That's money that would have been spent in a manner that would benefit our economy. We wouldn't be able to spend like we do, the business would start layoff's and add to the unemployment problem, not to mention going out of business and filing bankruptcies. Farmers are already becoming scarce. Imagine how many more we would loose because the cost of running their equipment would be too much. From what I understand, farmers have a pretty tough time of it as it is!!   Our prices would rise dramatically on everything that's purchased in a store. Remember that everything is brought to the stores by Trucks and it takes money to run, upkeep and drive those trucks. Someone's going to have to pay them!!! So, to say it's only going to affect the poor isn't completely true. This would be a disaster to the entire US economy!!

What get's me is that the person that proposed this is an ELECTED OFFICIAL!!! And they call us, who have no choice but to live in the real world, idiot's!!!!!!

I am glad about one thing. We do need to start taking notice about our environment. Maybe he was just trying to get us to open our eyes a little and understand that we're in dire need of doing something to improve the protection of our universe. Without that, there's no economy to worry about. I believe we need to start urging all our politician's and wannabe's to start coming up with some kind of idea's to do that. Otherwise, at some point in our future, this kind of conversation will just be a waste of time.    


Do I dare bring it up again??? Ok.  I don't believe that humans have anything to do with climate change.  Their is way to much science that disputes that theory to just blindly believe it. But I do agree with your points about a gas tax hike and how it will effect the economy.


I wouldn't say I "blindly" believe it. Like you, I can provide ton's of scientific evidence showing that humans have a lot to do with global warming. Regardless, not everything has to do with global warming.   I believe strongly that humans have abused this earth and it's resources, in every way possible. We're going to run out of those resources if we don't do something about it, soon!!

I just don't believe raising the price of gas is the answer.


If you really wanted people to drive less, wouldn't it be better to ration gas?  Not saying that is a good idea, just saying that would be more likely to produce the desired effect.

And we could have a thriving gas ration black market, too.

Where I live, there's no way I could stop driving. I'm in the country. I work in the city. There's no transit system near my home so I don't have a choice but to drive. Rationing wouldn't work because everyone's needs are so different.

Gas prices are going up without the help of another tax. We won't have a choice but to spend the money, but to enforce a permanent raise of .50 on top of what it's already being raised to, would put us in a world of mess economically.


It amazes me that nobody seems to get fed up with being served more and more main courses of taxes. There are plenty of ways to save money but it is beyond a politicians mental thinking.

Remember the water protection bill that President Bush vetoed last week? Here's what happened. Our lawmakers went into house to vote on a 14 billion dollar water protection bill. As lawmakers do, they took a fairly decent bill and each added some spice to it and when they were finished they had approved a twenty five billion dollar water protection bill. What? Do any of yous even gasp anymore. Do you even get an annoying twitch? Or is politics as usual just to usual?


Below is a good article and shows how the government spends their money frivousously.

Click here: Government watchdog sees more tax dollars going to pork - Apr. 15, 2005
cut and paste:

I think that the problem is that people aren't that interested in what the government does. In today's world and with the Internet, there's always ways to make a voice for yourself. We have to somehow let this next group of politician's know that we aren't going to tolerate the mess we've been in for years and years. It's not a Dem, Rep, Lib or Cons thing, it's a political thing. People say they're fed up but we just keep on taking it, and it doesn't matter what political offiliation one chooses.

I have a feeling that reality will be that we'll all just continue to talk and complain about what is happening in Washington, but do nothing else about it.

The Constitution starts out with "We The People". That means all of us, not just a few. We can make changes if we really want to. Or official's are just an email away and the internet is a powerful tool. Check out the rallies and encourage other's to get involved. Then Vote!! In my opinion, anyone who doesn't vote, has no right to complain about anything.   "We The People" gave our politician's all this power, now it's time we start to take some of it back and let them know that "We The People" aren't going to take their crap anymore.

Sorry, I didn't mean to go on a tangent but when I see all this money being spent by people we put into office, and watch them throw it away like this is wrong in so many ways. My husband can't retire because I'm uninsurable by other companies and to keep the insurance we have would cost way too much money and that just plain ticks me off!!   I've become the caregiver of my MIL and am amazed at how our elderly are being treated and more importantly neglected. I actually caught her missing her med's because she couldn't afford them and didn't want to ask for help.   We need more Govt. sponsored Rehab facilities. I've actually seen people get turned away from a facility because it's first come, first serve. Yet, every politician claims to have plans to get drugs off our streets. As long as there is a demand, there will be drugs. People are asking for help but get turned away all the time. Teachers, police officers and firemen are terribly underpaid! Give our military their benefits back and that should be everybody's objective!! I could go on and on with ways to better spend our money. Thank God, Bush had the good sense to Veto this bill. It's a start.


PS: One more thing is if people don't think it affects them or their RA, then think again. Imagine what our researchers could do with some of that money to make our lives a little more tolerable not to mention the possibility of a cure. Who know's!! Just a fraction of the money our government uses to frivolous research projects could make a whole world of difference in the lives of those with RA and other autoimmune diseases.


No, no, no no,

It's because people follow like sheep. "They" keep us busy with the headlines put forth and so it keeps us from dwelling on actually doing something that will change the way of life for the good. Keep them busy with the Iraq war. "Keep them busy with global warming and we'll use it to increase prices and taxes, don't worry they'll follow like sheep." Even those that swore to pull out the troops, increased the funding. March in the streets to stop the war while the mother's son is shot down in the street. March to stop the war while another 43 thousand people die in traffic accident ever single year, oh yeah drive like crazy to get to your march on time, if you kill someone, don't worry about it, that's what insurance is for.


I'm not sure what your saying so I can't really respond.


Wow, Vicki,

You really made me think.

Thank you.



Everbody dwells on the few political issues that our politicians want us to follow. The iraq war, the dems say vote us into majority and we'll get us out. Talking is cheap, people follow like sheep even tho there is no where to go o o o. How many times will she fall for his lies, should i tell her or should i be co o o ol. I can name that song in eight notes. Get on the global warming bandwagon and they'll raise the price of the ride and raise the taxes, oh. You deserve it, I don't.

They keep us involved in things that we can't change or that we change and make a mess of things, remember corn fuel. Do you like paying so much more for almost everything because you all got on the ethonal bandwagon. You deserve it, I don't. Do you realize that the corn refineries are laying off and closing down due to lack of consumption?

All of these cows are walking towards this open pit. The one cow asks the other, "Where are we all going?" "Well, we're all going to that open pit and be buried after being shot because we have hoof and mouth disease." "Anyway we can get out of this?" Yes, wipe the foam off your mouth."

If we all started driving in a safe and courteous manner we would save more energy and reduce emissions more than has even been suggested by radical changes. Simple stuff, but we are to complicated to be that simple, and I really don't expect you to understand it.


John Dingell is an 80 year old Congressman representative from southeastern Michigan where he represents hundreds of thousand of auto workers. I don't think he wants to stop anyone from driving. He has been a longtime supporter of the auto industry.

He is considered by many environmental groups to be a "Dinosaur" on issues such as global warming.

His bill is considered to be a "faux" bill , not really intended to go anywhere.

Here's part of what he said in a C-Span interviews:

"Look, you want me to do something serious about global warming? Fine. I'll propose a cap-and-trade system accompanied by a carbon tax, since that's what will do the job. You'll quickly see that the American people aren't prepared to pay what it will cost to do this, the proposal will disappear, and I'll get back to my job, i.e., creating a bill that can get bipartisan support and pass the House."

Before everyone goes off ranting and raving about Dingell and blaming the Democrats (since he is a Democrat) they might study the facts.  It's easy to do with a little googling. 

Of course, it's always even easier to just swallow what Fox spoon-feeds you & not bother with the facts. 



I'm from Michigan. What has my wonderful dinosaur done for Michigan. The demacrats do help the auto industry and unions. When the auto unions laid off, the government extended benefits for an additional 52 weeks. The auto union workers make practically as much as a forty hour week after they receive gov't benefits and union money. They are allowed to not count the union money againsty the gov't benefits everyone else must count all additional money against benefits. The dems have to pay those that get them elected and what you posted was that dinosaurs backpeddling after even Michigan was calling for his skin. Tell me, what have the Michigan Dems done for us. Take your time, all the google time you need. If they spent even a small portion of time energy and money they've spent trying to embarrass and make President Bush and his administratin look bad, we in Michigan would be in good shape. 

About Michigan's trouble. Did you know that before the autoworker buyouts, the average union worker cost the company per hour and now after the buyout it is reduced to per hour? Did you realize that the gov't kept bailing out the auto companies? What company can compete in the nation let alone in the world market at those costs. Michigan shot itself in the head. A house that would cost 120 k in Tennessee would cost 275 k here in Michigan. What large company wants to invest in Michigan over the fear of quickly having the union voted in? Could you compete with Georgia or Alabama let alone Mexico?

Did you know that union workers do not use union electrician and plumbers and carpenters. Take a guess why. Yep, they are too expensive.

Anyway Sula, take your time but please, get back with me. What have my democratic senators done for us?


I don't think you read my post very well. I believe what I was trying to say was that people need to get involved. The link I gave you show's that waste in our government is all over the place, not always involving the gas and environment issues. I'm just stating that we need to get involved if they don't like the way things are being run. Yes, it would be nice to have everyone slow down and drive in a more friendly manner, but that's not going to solve any problems. Lot's more has to be done.

Don't knock those who stand up for what they believe in. Global warming and the Iraq war are real issues. There's nothing wrong with jumping on bandwagon's (as you call them) so long as everyone realizes there's a lot more hidden issues they can get involved in also. I still believe that if people would just educate themselves in all aspects of each politician, we would have a better idea how they feel about things. We need to hold them accountable about everything they do.   I think I should have a say so in what my tax money is being spent on, but first we have to educate ourselves on who is even asking for money.     Also, if you had read my post carefully, I made note that there are tools at our hands to get answers and send questions and letters of what you want without even having to start your car.

You may think that writing letters is a waste of time but I assure you, your dead wrong. I've had help from congressman Jim Wright when he was in office. I was having a problem with the school district and when I got no help from the school board, I wrote to him and not only did he get back with me, he met me along with the school officials in a meeting to get my needs met. So, letter writing campaign's do work. One doesn't have to leave their home to get their opinions across.

Don't be so ready to attack me. We both have a lot of the same views, I just don't get mad when other's don't agree with me. I've always been a registered Republican and I don't hate Bush. I am a true supporter of our troops and do believe in what we're doing in the Middle East. But, I don't think that my attacking another person because they don't agree or because I don't understand their views is going to get anyone to listen to what I have to say. There's a lot to be said about having a little class when you state your opinion. It makes people take you a little more seriously.   

There's a lot to be said about the way you correspond with people, Lev. Your mean!! Stop talking at people and start talking to them and maybe you would get a little more respect on your opinions, and others may take you a little more seriously.



Not being sweet should not be equated to being mean. Because i said that we are too complicated and we are doesn't make me mean, itmakes me honest. You showed how complicated you are. You said driving smart wouldn't fix anything. Absolutely if people that don't drive smart begin to drive smart it will fix more than a complicated person can imagine. If you don't drive smart and your vehicle gets 18 mpg, if you start driving smart your car will get 20-23 mpg. Not a big deal is it? Only 2-3 gallons of gas saved per fill-up or a savings of 10-12 dollars.The smart driver lowers emmissions from the vehicle by 20-25%. Now, let's say 25% of the drivers get on that bandwagon. What an energy save the planet miracle that would be but you know what the problem with getting that miracle to happen? It's just too simple and with-out much fashion. Go figure. Another thing, Vicki, don't you think it's time to start getting upset? No, let's keep pulling the weeds rather than digging up the roots. Sometimes some of the foods that are best for you have no sugar coating. In life that is how alot of things are. If I am mean to people, they deserve it. They just aren't used to someone standing up to them or for honesty.

Sure, I used to get mad like this when people made me mad:

I'm not like that anymore



I wholeheartedly agree with Vicki--attacking others is sure not the way to get your opinions across. You sound awfully bitter.  I am sure you know much more about Michigan politics than I do, since it's your home state and I'm from Texas.   I can google all day and not know some things you obviously know from experience. 

But Vicki is right when she said that you're talking at people and not to them.   I read her posts and even though I disagree with her on some things, she says it in a well-thought out manner and I pay attention.   She doesn't have to slam others to make her point.  That's how people with opposing viewpoints communicate and maybe learn from one another, if that's what they want to do. 

Anyway, I am not going to try to defend everything every Democrat has done in your state.  What I wrote about was let's please get our facts right as to a particular issue -- your original post made it sound like Rep Dingell was proposing legislation that would practically take people's cars away from them, when I'm sure you know that would be the last thing he would really want to do.  So readers get worked up, thinking this to be true, when it's not. 


I don't know about that Sula.  Our Michigan democrats love to tax us. 

Not being sweet should not be equated to being mean. Because i said
that we are too complicated and we are doesn't make me mean, itmakes
me honest. You showed how complicated you are. You said driving smart
wouldn't fix anything. Absolutely if people that don't drive smart begin to
drive smart it will fix more than a complicated person can imagine. If you
don't drive smart and your vehicle gets 18 mpg, if you start driving smart
your car will get 20-23 mpg. Not a big deal is it? Only 2-3 gallons of gas
saved per fill-up or a savings of 10-12 dollars.The smart driver lowers
emmissions from the vehicle by 20-25%. Now, let's say 25% of the drivers
get on that bandwagon. What an energy save the planet miracle that
would be but you know what the problem with getting that miracle to
happen? It's just too simple and with-out much fashion. Go figure.
Another thing, Vicki, don't you think it's time to start getting upset? No,
let's keep pulling the weeds rather than digging up the roots. Sometimes
some of the foods that are best for you have no sugar coating. In life that
is how alot of things are. If I am mean to people, they deserve it. They
just aren't used to someone standing up to them or for honesty.

Sure, I used to get mad like this when people made me

<A id=link17 href="
avatar_6028.gif">[IMG]class=picture alt="free avatar" src="http://" border=1></A>

I'm not like that anymore



Lev, this little video pic is sick and i'm not sure it is appopriate. what
message are you trying to send?


I don't want to be lectured by you. As a matter of fact i prefer that you not reply to my posts. Generally the only time i get mad is when you and your ilk try to post a lie or as you did to my post try to make it like I twisted the truth when in fact, YOU TWISTED THE TRUTH. That Dinosaur had every intention of raising fuel tax by 50 cents per gallon. What you said that he said was well after even the Detroit dems and auto workers and automakers wanted his dinosaur bones in a museum. Only when you and your sistern are dishionest do I get riled and I have every right to especially when you try to make it look like I am being deceitful when in fact just like this time, you are caught in your dishonesty. It is just fine with me that you and your ilk post all kinds of opinions as facts and absolute falsehoods as facts on your liberal thread, if people haven't seen yous for what you are then eventually they will. As you will be able to read thru your liberal colored glasses, your dinosaur lawmaker also wanted to give tax brakes to those that buy the overpriced expensive alternate fuel vehicles, what about the middle income and poor that would like one but certainly can't afford one? Bump the po people, right?

Here you go, read it and let me hear your apology real loud so everyone can hear it. What you wanted us to believe he meant and said was well after this when he had to back peddle to try to save his dinosaur hideSo . From the Detroit Free Press, a quite liberal newspaper, but even they are only so liberal. You people are shameless, and just because Vicki doesn't see any reason for someone to get upset when someone trys to pass off a lie as a truth and that person trys to show that I am twisting the truth when I'm not, doesn't bother me in the least, Vicki's acceptance of me does not influence me or the truth.

Dingell unveils draft of gas tax

Diesel would get break from proposed increase

September 27, 2007



WASHINGTON -- U.S. Rep. John Dingell says his proposed plan for curbing greenhouse gases through higher taxes will likely include a "cap and trade" system for controlling carbon dioxide favored by several other lawmakers, and could give Detroit automakers an opening to sell more diesel-powered vehicles.

The Dearborn Democrat unveiled a draft outline of his proposal on his Web site today calling for a 50-cent-per-gallon increase in gasoline taxes and a -per-ton levy on carbon emissions from fossil fuels -- taxes that would likely generate hundreds of billions of dollars per year -- as well as a reduction in the tax deduction for home mortgage interest on houses larger than 3,000 square feet.

In an interview Wednesday, Dingell said he would likely make significant changes to his plan before he introduces a bill in Congress based on feedback from constituents, who can offer comments on the Web site. He also acknowledged the unpopularity of any tax increase among his colleagues in Congress, but said the problems of global warming will require tough choices.

"A carbon tax is going to carry with it a lot of pain," Dingell said. "Something's got to be done, and the only way it can be done is by conservation, forcing a change in people's attitudes and a change in the way the business of the nation is done. ... Changing the economic and personal incentives are the way you do that."

Many policy experts maintain that carbon taxes would be the most effective way to reduce U.S. demand for energy and emissions of greenhouse gases. But as Dingell noted, an earlier effort by President Bill Clinton to pass a carbon tax has been cited by many Democrats as the key reason the party lost its majority in the U.S. House in 1994.

While several lawmakers have proposed a cap and trade system -- where emission limits and credits are divided among polluters and traded on an open market -- Dingell has said those plans tend to be unwieldy and not as effective, noting that a system in Europe has failed to meet its goals.

The outline of Dingell's proposal calls for the carbon and gasoline taxes to be phased in over five years and be adjusted for inflation once in place. The tax deduction on mortgage interest would be cut based on a home's size, with the deduction eliminated for homes larger than 4,200 square feet.

Under his plan, the 50-cent-a-gallon fuel tax would not apply to biofuels or diesel fuel. A similar tax break has made diesel-powered vehicles the majority of new models sold in Europe every year, and Dingell said the up to 25% improvement in fuel economy from a diesel engine warranted an exclusion.

Such a tax increase by itself could have a severe impact on Detroit automakers, as car buyers shifted away from larger trucks to smaller vehicles that foreign automakers specialize in or gave up driving altogether. Charles Chesbrough, senior economist with industry forecaster CSM Worldwide, said that one automaker had estimated a 50-cent gas tax would cut the industry's annual sales by 400,000 vehicles.

By excluding diesels, the plan would give Detroit incentives to keep selling its more-profitable SUVs and pickups. All Detroit automakers are already planning to expand their diesel truck models in light of tougher fuel economy rules.

"People opting to stick with a larger vehicle would certainly choose a diesel," he said. "It would have an impact in the marketplace."

While the proposal calls for the revenue to be spent on a variety of programs, from expanded low-income tax credits to shoring up Social Security and Medicare, Dingell said he would make the final bill as "revenue-neutral as possible."

He declined to estimate when he might introduce a bill, but said the exercise was meant as a sincere effort to create a law that controls greenhouse gas emissions.

"My job is to put together something that will pass, not something that is ideal," he said.

Contact JUSTIN HYDE at 202-906-8204 or

So Sula,

Let's hear that apology for you trying to make people believe that I was twisting facts when in fact, you were twisting the truth. Shame on you. You and your "friends" need to look inside yourselves and clean house.


Shame on you. You still haven't explained that post about the Blackhawk people killing for no reason and that you know of other times that they have done the same many times previous. Either retract what you said or show proof. You can't keep playing ostritch and bury your head in the sand or hide in your liberal thread, either back it up or retract it. As far as the avatar, it's a watermelon with a frosting face. You say the avatar is sick and I say posting totally false acusations that you can't back up sick, the question is, which is sicker. Shame on you. Foul of a feather stick together. You will know them by the company they keep.




Ok, Larry, so what's your point? Dingell want's to raise gas prices!!!! I don't think it's going to go anywhere and if you don't like it then don't vote for him. He's your state representative, not mine!!   

With the attitude you have, you don't help your cause at all !! How's it feel to be laughed at all the time. That's what you make people do with your vile abusive comments. We laugh at you because your so easy to set off. Too bad because your obviously an intelligent person with some pretty good ideas. Too bad you don't have the common sense needed to carry on a constructive conversation!!

I'm Republican and you make me want to run to the other side!!!   You need some serious mental help.



This is my point. When posting on a serious subject, keep the post honest. Don't try to make someone a liar to try to prove a point as Sula tried to do with me. I wasn't mad when I replied to her shallow attempt to make me look like I just took the word of a newsstation and posted it and then she had to post the real truth. I posted the real truth. I really don't get mad. I post without the sugar coating and the shallow hugs and kisses and try to double check to be sure that what i post is accurate and true. When someone posts something that i don't like I don't try to find a way to twist it into something it isn't , I find that to be very unethical. I am neither republican or democrat but I am extremely angry with the democratic politicians and the democrats that support them because there is no doubt in my mind that because of the democratic politicians playing politics rather than working politics, many of our very brave soldiers lost their lives in Iraq, and I find that absolutely unforgivabe. Just because i don't march and get into every line that is fashionable, I care so very deeply for our soldiers and their lives. Talk and walk is so very cheap. Everyone should be upset just from what's inside them, not what's on the marchers signs.

Vicki, It really doesn't bother me that people like you and your PM buddies laugh at me. Personally I don't find that smiling in someones face and laughing behind their backs to be an amirable trait but I am sure that the "other" side will enjoy it immensly and you should fit right in. Honor and honesty aren't high up on your lists of traits and so once again, I think that you will be welcomed with open arms.

I posted this previously but will say it again, foul of a feather stick together and as a teacher of old said, "and you shall know them by the company they keep."

