A Question About Muscle Spasms | Arthritis Information


I appreciate the responses I've gotten to my many questions over the last several months.  Since I have an undifferentiated type of connective tissue disease, I'm still slowly sorting through various symptoms so I can try to make some sort of sense of what's really going on.  Which brings me to this thread.  When I told my RD I get muscle spasms at various times over all different body points, but most often at or near the elbows, he thought I might also have fibro.  Even though I have no trigger points, he thinks it's possible fibro because of the spasms.  Apparently he doesn't believe muscle spasms are RA related at all, yet it seems to me that some people here who clearly have RA have in fact dealt with muscle spasms.  The RA drugs have been helpful, although I still get spasms occasionally and have painful, achy days, but unless I'm wrong, those drugs wouldn't help fibro.  Being helped by RA drugs makes me wonder if this is RA. Trust me, I'm not trying to convince myself I have RA, I'm just trying to figure out exactly what is going on.  I like definitive labels.  This "undifferentiated" business makes me crazy.  I can't feel like I have a true handle on it, whatever "it" is, if I'm not sure what it is.  Jesse8839396.6053703704

Hi, Jesse.

I OFTEN get muscle spasms in my feet, which my rheumatologist told me is related to my RA.  I'm not sure of the physiology involved that makes it an RA thing.  I've been on methotrexate since January with no discernible RA relief.  Just started Rituxan last week; the second infusion will be next Thursday.  I'm hoping that is going to help the RA, and maybe then it will help the spasms, too.  (I do not have Fibro, as far as I know.) 


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Forum Name: Rheumatology Topics

Question: Constant Muscle Twitching

Spark - Thu May 17, 2007 2:50 am

A muscle near my left knee will not stop twitching when I'm at rest. It pulses irregularly and constantly, and drives me absolutely crazy. I can't sleep, can't focus, and I seriously am going mad. This has been going on for at least a week.

I'm not much more stressed out than usual, and I have been doing the same amount of physical activity as usual.

This has happened before in other parts of my body like my calf or arm or back, but never for a week like right now.

Does ANYONE know how to make it stop? I've tried taking a hot bath, using an icy hot patch, taking Tylenol/advil/asprin, eating a banana, even drinking pickle juice.

I'm going insane here.
Marceline F, RN - Thu May 17, 2007 9:46 am

Hope this is helpful. It seems to me that i used to get muscle spasms after first starting either mtx or pred, not sure which one and not even sure if it was then, generally in my, i think, right arm and so anoying, my left eye lid.



OOOOOO what a good question. I don't know....all I can offer, is what happens to me.

The 3 most common places for me to twitch are : Face, Knee, and lower back. My face- eye lid, corners of mouth, cheek, and a few other spots - twitch when I am tired, aggitated(sp) or my jaw is acting up (ra related!!) My Knee twitches when it's swollen, near as I can tell that's from the swelling pressing on nerves. Also RA related! My lower back however, is a completely DIFFERENT kind of twitch/spasm. Actually, I think that would be the actual definition of a spasm, as it causes me to stop completely what I'm doing until it subsides. Where as the other ones, I can do what I need to without them interfering. There is a slight suspicion that I have Fibro, but it just never adds up in the end, so I would account all of mine to the RA.


*however* The idea that your body is lacking some type of electrolytes(sp) would make sense especially with my face twitches. Since they're when I'm tired or aggitated, etc etc, I'm sure there's a good chance I'm also low on something I need.

Cat:  Welcome!  I love your name, very clever.  So your doctor thinks spasms can be RA related...interesting.  I'm surprised your doctor hasn't taken you off the MTX.  I was told 9 months is the outside length of time to determine if it's going to work.  Glad your doctor is trying something else, though. 

Lev, that's a good site.  Thanks.  My muscle spasms started long before the MTX so no relationship there.  Sometimes it feels like a fluttering, especially right the elbow joint where I don't think there is a muscle, just skin. But it feels like a spasm sometimes too.  And it can be at the oddest places, like over the collar bone on my left side.  There definitely is a link to exercise or exertion in some way. So, back to the fluttering. Is that what inflammation feels like?  What does inflammation feel like to others? 

Katie, that's interesting about swelling maybe causing twitching, spasms, etc.  I wonder if that's true.  It makes sense to me.  I'm fortunate that these spasms, twitches, flutterings don't cause any pain, it just feels weird and aches a little sometimes, and doesn't stop me in my tracks.  You sound like you've got a more aggressive thing going on there.  

Thank you for your responses. 


Here is the link to the doctors lounge. Maybe it would be better to go there and search under your condition and then look for muscle spasm, and yes what a great site this is, others would do well to put it in their favorites, my opinion. Good luck.



levlarry39396.6725462963Hey Lev, I just took a closer look at the site and it has some great information there!  I put it on my Favorites list.  Thanks so much.

Whoops it looks like we were posting at the same time.  Yes, I plan to do a lot of research on that site.  Thanks again.

Oh, another thing about the exercise.  I'm not talking about anything major here or major exertion.  Any minor movement other than what I would normally do is punishable by spasm/flutter etc.  Also, I pop all kinds of vitamins and eat lots of bannanas so that narrows it down too, I think.  Me still thinks it has something to do with the disease process. 


Stange, you know,

Before I got this crazy disease, when i got a stomach ache, i had a stomachache. When I used to get a headache, no big deal, i had a headache, but now, every pain i get is a major worry to my mind, it's amazing the changes that this disease has made to my body, soul and mind. Let me just say that before getting this disease, i thought that my stomach was at the lower part of my abdomen. I don't know why i thru that in, oh well.


levlarry39396.6884722222No Lev, I get what you're saying. Before you're sick with something that seems to be all over your body, you don't really notice your body parts. Not like you do when you're sick a lot. But when you have to learn so much about how your body functions and such, you start realizing what aches and pains and illnesses "could be" and it makes the worry a bit greater. And you also learn a whole lot more about the anatomy!!! I know I have.So true.  And it's a fine line between being proactive, knowledgable and in control of our disease and becoming a hypochondriac.  But how do we know if we can safely ignore new/different symptoms (if they are symptoms; maybe they're nothing of concern) or if that new itch, twitch, ache, rash, etc. is the result of the disease(es) or of one of the lovey, toxic drugs we're forced to ingest?  Certainly we can be excused for being a bit of a worry wart, but for our own good and sanity it's in our best interest to keep the worries under control.  Easier said than done. 

Hi, it seems to me we have a lot of time to worry. We are 'waiting' for the drugs to work for us and are told it can be (6 months for me) or 3 months? Who knows. mean while we are in pain, stiffness, swollen , etc. Should we get a diff drug? (I was ready to give up on Remicade at 3 months! THIS isn't working, I tell my doctor) One more month he'd say, keep taking the prednisone to stay comfortable! Ya right!!,

So folks if you feel uncertain, you are worrying about doing the right think I believe you have every reason to feeeeel that way. This forum lets us sort all of this out on an daily, hourly basis.

be patient I was told over and over! I tried but it was very difficult! I seem to have made it a little bit. I feel better everyday, (except on the dumb days after mtx!! ...another story),

Don't be hard on yourselves, especially here! We are listening. Lynda

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