How long can you stand? | Arthritis Information


I have had RA and Fibro less than five years.  I am on Humira which brought my numbers down so my rd is convinced most of my pain is from fibro, although I do have permanent RA damage.  My problem is - I can only stand maybe 3 minutes max, I mostly use a cane but am getting a wheelchair soon.  I worry about my bone density.  I do very little weight bearing which builds bones.  I still hope that maybe someday my disease will go into remission.  I can't give up hope but I know it cannot be good that I rarely do anything weight bearing, I don't think my hobble counts.  I just started Lyrica for Fibro which I am really hoping that it helps.  Anyway - how long can you stand and have any of you had to use a wheelchair and down the road - been able to walk again and not need it?No wheelchair but I have noticed that I can not Stand in one place very long. If I keep moving I can tolerate it better but to just stand still like wait in line I am constantly going from one foot to the other. (People might think I have to pee.)

I never used it again.

I'm on AP.


Yes, it is easier for me to hobble or walk with my distinctive "style"

Jay, I heard you had a weak one... bladder that is

Standing and walking and sitting are all very painful for me.  I have OA from top to bottom on my spine along with the PA.  So, I am not a great one to talk about length.  I do the hobbling and do what I can when I can. 

I stand an average of 8-10 hrs a day, which is no problem.  The problem is when I sit dwn and then try and get back up.  That is not so easy.  meme

  much rather hobble or shift  impatiently lol

 when I first got heart trouble  standing was the worst part of the illness, its exhausting.

Thanks for letting me know I am not alone.  RA can  make you feel very lonely.  I feel bad as dishes and cooking are so hard.  I have tried a high chair but still have difficulty reaching.  I do best sitting and cutting things and such at a table.  I don't like sitting either, the only position I am every comfortable in is reclined.  I would love to go back to teaching but I don't think it would be feasible in a reclined position

Miss Ginger...I know what you are saying about teaching.  I am subbing after two very long and tragic years in the classroom.  I don't know how I did it, but I know I was in a lot of pain then too.  We are slowly coming to the realization that I may never be in the classroom full time again....and that was my life's dream. 


why can't you walk or stand?  Is it weakness, damage or pain? Where is the pain that is preventing you from doing so?  Can you surgically repair any joint damage?  Are you doing physical therapy?  If you are not doing anything besides meds to change your situation the odds of you ever leaving the chair are slim because while you are stiing in the chair your muscles are atrophing.


I often push myself to stand longer, like to greet customers at work or for my sister's wedding two weeks ago, but I'm really only comfortable standing for 5 minutes or less.  I also do the foot-to-foot shift.  Walking is worse.

I have an electric scooter that I've used only a couple times on daytrips, otherwise for now I'm still trying to tough it out.  Last night I went with hubby to the Home Depot for one item and I thought I was going to die before I made it back to the car.

I never remember to ask RD about this particular problem either....brain fog is rampant.

I can't stand for more than 10 mins in the same place. now walking I can do forever...something about standing still I feel like my knees are locking up.  I am a shifter!

I also find it hard to stand in one place for more than a few minutes.  Luckily my job has me at my desk (or in a chair with my team) for most of my workday.  I do little typing on the computer, which is great for my hands.  If I stand for too long (more than 5 min), it's hard to get my knees moving again.

Am seeing my rheum on Thurs and will ask about the disability placard for those times when it's hard to get around.

It seems to be because I cannot handle my own weight.  My feet, ankles and knees.  When I hobble, it distributes my weight I guess but standing I just feel major pain from the hips down.  It worries me because I have done very little weight bearing and I have lost all my strength in lower extremities.  When I do exercise - it is swimming.  Not weight bearing.  Standing is the worse.Ginger, what about doing aquatic weight training?  Perhaps that would help build you up.  I am going to begin aquatic physical therapy after Thanksgiving.ginger is roxy people!  you know how dramatic she gets.  I don't believe Ginger is Roxy.
Hi Ginger!
And if I'm wrong, (but I don't think I am), hi Roxy!

I can stand for several hours, or for peace, justice, and sharing.

But I can't stand for lies, violence, and bullying!you need physical therapy [QUOTE=Shelly41]


Miss Ginger...I know what you are saying about teaching.  I am subbing after two very long and tragic years in the classroom.  I don't know how I did it, but I know I was in a lot of pain then too.  We are slowly coming to the realization that I may never be in the classroom full time again....and that was my life's dream. 


I'm so sorry to hear that you had to give up teaching.
I am very aware of how much it hurts to teach full time.  Right now I'm a first year high school teacher.  I worked my tail off to get through college without health insurance (we payed for what little medication I was able to get by working multiple jobs) and now that I'm teaching I wonder how long I will last.  Thankfully my principal is very understanding and doesn't mind if I sit periodically or go lie down during my prep.  Without that I probably wouldn't make it.

I hope that somehow you get to teach again.  It's worth every painful moment.
I thought too. The posting style is EXACTLY like Roxy. Wonder why she needs to names. To show her good side maybe? I don't care who Ginger is.  She is having trouble, and I am sorry to hear that.  I don't know what she needs, because I don't really know her, but I hope that she finds my suggestion helpful, and if not feels free to discard it.If you look back at Ginger's previous posts on AI I think you will be satisfied
she's not Roxy. Please don't agitate Ginger by pulling her into the quagmire
that is your feelings around Roxy.

But even if she was Roxy, Loxy and Soxy, she would still be welcome here in
my book!roxy says how mean you all are here and she does not get any support. she posts as roxy being the victim, but then comes here as Ginger for support she says she doesn't get. she's using everyone. i won't be used by her again. if you want to be used by her again, go for it. Ginger = 

I've been noticing more and more that I can't stand nearly as long as I used to. We went to Walmart today and I was so grateful my husband needed a haircut.... so I could rest on the bench!!

And now for something from out in left field.........

I'm so excited about Christmas!!!! I'm not allowed to put up the decorations until Thanksgiving and the countdown is on baby!! I've already started pulling out my tubs!!!

to shelly, amber and ginger....we had a teacher in my hs (who was amazing and feared because she was so tough, she teaches advanced history to first years), well turns out she has ra and has totally perminate disfigured hands. my sister had her and she told me that she writes all her notes on the blackboards (she has about 7 in the room) or has a student write them out for extra credit the night before, then she sits during class on a chair with wheels and uses a pointer and goes over everything and just talks about the 50% she wants them to know verbally. so don't give up on teaching there are  ways to do what you love!
