Sunday 11-11 OT Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | Arthritis Information


Well, being on the East Coast and being up again all night attending a RA party makes me the lead again for today.  The urgent care clinic for my doctor's practice opens at noon.  Hubbie wanted to take me to the ER two hours ago and I refused.  I am in deep doo-doo with carpal tunnel in both hands, seriously deep trouble.  And I saw my primary Wed, we both forgot to discuss refills, I needed two refilled on Friday, which is her day off, and her partner only refilled the klonipin for my seizures, but not the pain meds.  I am dying here, because Aleve only goes so far when you are at your 10 pain scale.  I hope everyone has a good Sunday.  Cathy Hi Cathy, I am so sorry for your pain, I think you should go to the ER, Hubbie must be so sad watching you in pain, think about him and then tomorrow if you need to, you can see your Dr.  God Bless you, I hope your pain subsides, love Janie.

Edited by me, spelling, in too much of a hurry!
janiefx39397.159537037 little brother slept over last nights so that means that both kids are up before the sun....not fun!!!! Have to go meet my dad this afternoon to go over a few things before we move then to my aunts house for my 2 cousins bdays and my grandmas.........i just wanna go back to sleep!!!!!!!

Shannon, tie a bell to each kid and stick 'em in the yard. Go back to bed. If you hear a WHOLE lot of ringing, get up. Otherwise they'll be fine. turn on the tv and put a wiggles dvd in and go back to bed.  My kids knew never to get out of bed before 9 on a weekend and if they did they just turned on the cartoons and sat quietly turning into zombies.

We went to the coast yesterday, it was a rainy yukk day but sat watching the waves crashing and eating fish and chips. We are off to the travel agents tomorrow to sort our tickets for New York out.

Lorster gave me some good hotel advice and places to go, so its MACY'S here I come.I'm going to head out to the hospital and sleep some more there. That way when I do get up I can spend time with Justin. So I won't be around today! Like it matters, right?

It always matters Katie.  We miss you when you aren't around

Make sure you take care of yourself  or Liz and I will have to get you one of those nice white jackets. I'll come over myself and help her deliver it.

Lisa, I hope you have fun getting ready for your New York experience.


Didn't you get my PM  Lisa.  I sent you a whole bunch of links and stuff?Aw Pam, No I havent got it, I just checked again and theres nothing there.Lisa your PM box is full.  I just tried sending another one and it wouldn't let meI hope everyone has a good day. I have to work a 12 at the hospital and I'm
not thrilled. I'm going to try to get off at 3. Right now I really hate my job.
So much responsibilty, so many patients, so little time. Sorry, just down
today about this


arriscolwell - great idea with the bells, having kids though I know that you should only wake up and panic if you can't hear the bells. 


Lisa.....Your trip sounds like so much fun.  Are you going to be in NY over the holidays?  I know you said before, but I can't remember. could be worse, I mean, at least you don't have to pin one of those goofy nurse hats to you head.

Was it you that's a big Survivor fan?  If yes, how'd ya like seeing JR get the boot last week?  I was glad to see him go.

Hi all. I've never participated in one of these types of threads. Hope I can keep up.

Cathy, I hope you feel better soon and get some relief at the urgent care clinic.

Hi and Happy Sunday to everyone else! I have a quiet day planned son has a friend over and I am doing some stuff for work. Today is the first day of my diet and I'm trying to stay on track. I have 34 lbs to lose. Anyone dieting? Maybe I should find a dieting board. Anyone know any good ones?

Lisa, I LOVE NY! I used to go there every year in February for the Empire State Building Run-Up (a race UP the ESB). My 93 year old grandfather would fly in from Sicily to run as well. He was always first in his age group, LOL.

I'm not a survivor fan, but am addicted to The Office. Anyone else?


Well, back from the ER.  Mike had to be in at 5:00 am, so I was at the new hospital where my fantastic new woman primary for the past six months has privileges.  Things have improved, I was in and out in less than 45 minutes with a script for 10 vicodin, I was betting on cortisone shots.  I don't think I have ever had Vicodins before, and so far it has done nothing for the numbness, burning, tingling and swelling of my hands, but I am definitely stoned and falling asleep while typing.

Here's the best part.  The ER was empty - no six hour wait next to a dying AIDS patient with a bleeding port stacked up against you.  The ER doctor slammed both my primary and rheumy, saying I needed a pain control doctor and that I had the most diagnoses and troubles than he had ever seen, more initials after my name than his.  I told the check-in nurse, had an orange wrist band that says I cannot tolerate codeine-based pain killers, and he asked me too. 

Get to the 24-hour pharmacy, and you got it, Vicodin is codeine based, and the pharmacist said he had to talk to the ER doctor first.  Comes back five minutes later with the script filled and ready to be bought.  I said, its codeine-based, right?  Pharmist: yes.  Me:  what did the ER doctor say?  Pharmist: stop taking it if it bothers you.

Magic, doctors believe in magic.  Thanks for the encouragements.  Cathy

Juliah- Glad to see you posting on the daily chatter. I sometimes just read and not post as my time difference means i am posting when everyones in bed but i like to read and see how everyones days are doing.

Cathy- glad you went to ER but no so good about the vicodin being coedine based, what are you going to take now or are you going to carry on with the vicodin?

Linncn- We arent going to be in New York for christmas, we are going the second week in December for 5 days only as i have to get back due to family comitments, we are leaving the kids behind as they have work, college and school ( they have given me their shopping and it will be a nice break for hubby and me. I t was choice between NYC or Austria but I really wanted to go to NY. Next year we are looking at going to New Zealand for christmas if i can get on the plane for that long.Lisa - I will stop if I start barfing it up - lovely visual all you West Coasters now joining for Sunday coffee and donuts.  I am going to rest the day and lie down and see if the pain comes back.  I did some research on carpal tunnel and didnt realize how classic my symptoms are - I thought it was pain while typing or hammering all day.  But its at night, getting up, and shaking your hands to try to get them to wake up.  That isn't working anymore.  I will speak with my primary's nurse tomorrow to find out why her partner approved one of the two refills I needed.  Even if I had taken the maximum amount of the Ultram (whew, there's some power) per her script, I would have used up the script two weeks ago, so I am not overusing it and trying to get more faster.  Oh the games people play.  Happy Veteran's Day everyone.  I sent a card to my 86-year old father, a WWII vet, retired full bird Air Force Colonel, and got one from my hubby who was in during Vietnam.  Thanks to all our soldiers, patriots, founders, and leaders who have sacrified for us to be able to speak freely, without being censored, plus alot more.  I send each of you my very best thoughts for a comfortable Sunday.

Like Cathy, I offer a salute to all those who have have worn the uniforms of our Country and to the families of those who paid the ultimate price.

In about 45 minutes I am off to attend an hour of silent commemoration for all military men & women throughout history and to lay flowers on the graves of those who sacrificed their lives in Iraq.


< =text/>_popupControl(); Hi everyone!  I do not have time to read the whole chat thread or do too much posting because I went out for a bit today (the library and the grocery and yes I rode the scooter lol) and the warden gets on my case about resting in the bed after I have been out lol.  So with my other boards and this one, my time is very limited lol. 

I hope everyone has had a good relaxing Sunday and everyone and their families are well. 

Well, ok here goes, the weekly Packers score for us Packers fans.  PACKERS WIN AGAIN!!!!!  They shut out the Minnesota Vikings 34-0!!!! 

This football season has been quite joyous for me!!!!


Hello All,

No one seems to be posting right now, I hope I haven't missed everybody.  Hope you have all enjoyed your Sunday and are finding it to be a good day.

Today has been a great day I'd have to say.  I went to pick up my daughter Tori at her home this morning, which is about an hour drive each way.  While I was gone, a "crew" of angels from the school we are donating the wood from our haunted house to, flew in and did an amazing job of "striking" our set!  My family room no longer looks like the belly of a ship, it has a sofa, loveseat, tables, television, etc. all set up and looking "normal". 

I have felt so blessed throughout this entire process of building our haunted house, performing it, and now in tearing it down.  We have been shown such love and support, kindness and warmth.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  What a wonderful journey this has been!

One of the teachers accompanying the angels brought his two small sons with him.  They were so adorable - about 2 and 4 years old.  They were so cute I wanted to snitch em'!  They discovered a bit of the pirates treasure that was left over - some foil covered candy coins.  Their daddy told them they couldn't have any candy, because they would be going out to brunch, so I asked if they could just have a few "coins" to jingle in their pockets, LOL!  Of course he said yes, and they ran in the house and stuffed their little pockets full! 

Yep, it's been a very, very good day!

Best wishes to all of you!  I hope you have some angels swooping by your place too!


I didn't have an angel swoop by my place, but this was super cute.  My daughter and I were in IKEA today, making our way through the crowded isles (sp?).  This young family, mom, dad, baby in stroller and a little girl (about 3 I'd guess) were walking toward us.  Just as they reach us, the little girl jumps right in front of me smiling and gives me a really big hug.  She then turned to my daughter and did the same thing!  Her parents were just kind of watching, sort of smiling, with their jaws dropped.  Guess she doesn't usually do that sort of thing.  Anyway, who knows why the girl did it, but it sure made us all smile




Trey has come in and wants to talk...I haven't seen the booger all weekend

Goodnight Link and Karen, TTYL

