Recently diagnosed | Arthritis Information


with Arthritis.

Helpful GP said, "Probably something called Rheumatoid Arthritis, but I'll just refer you to a specialist, I don't want to tell you wrong" or help me at all...
Then, went on to point-blank refuse to answer any questions and declared that "I don't need painkillers".

Appointment with Rheumatologist on December 27th.

I was inclined to agree with my GP about the painkillers - generally the pain is tolerable. However (despite having gradually worsening problems for a year and a bit) the pain is suddenly a lot worse. My right hip, which I don't quite understand, because usually my left side is worse affected...
In any case, a lot worse, and so I took aspirin - didn't touch it.
By Friday, I was near tears just hobbling between lessons. Tried Ibuprofen - Didn't touch it.

It's back to normal levels now, thankfully, and I'm in that stage where I'm wondering what all the fuss was about (it's incredible how quickly we forget pain!) so I don't - really don't -  want to go and try to get my GP to give me pain meds, because it's a fight I don't have the energy for, and I know my parents don't think I'm in enough pain to need them (they don't understand that when pain's chronic, even if it's really bad you can still hide it, because you have no choice) so they wouldn't support me with it.

I'll see what happens when I see the Rheumatologist, but until then, have any of you found Over-The-Counter painkillers to be effective, and if so which ones?
Or any other kinds of pain relief if you know any.

Thanks so much!


You might call your GP and ask for a script for Prednisone. It is a steroid that works wonders for many of us. I was on it from my GP several times before he refered me to RD. Just a thought. If he does give it to you you may feel so well you might want to cancel the appt. DO NOT cancel. Good luck and keep us posted.


dear Clojio. Hi and welcome!!, can you possibly get an earlier appointment? Call everyday for the cancellation they aren't expecting, etc. Get on a list and be 'ready to go if called" That is way to long to wait.

I understand how you 'cover up the pain', it is terrible to be constantly telling people (except us here on this forum who UNDERSTAND, perfectly , what yu are going through. Usually the doc's ask on a scale of 1-10 what is your pain level? What would you say?

I'm not good a taking pain pills, just an asprin, now and then, and , like you, I found when my RA was realllly bad the over the counter stuff didn't help. If you body's attacking your joints you need it to be stopped with RA meds.

again, please 'bug um' at the RA office until they see you sooner!!

LyndaThanks for your (very speedy, wow!) replies 

Hi Clojio...welcome!

I've never found any otc pain meds really effective.  I'd make an app't with your family doctor and really lay it on the line...tell him/her how  painful this has been and get some pain meds to get you through to your app't in December.

Good luck!


Hello and welcome!  I did not find any OTC pain meds useful but do agree with Jay in that you might get your GP to give you some Prednisone until your appointment.  Prednisone should reduce the swelling and therefore lower your pain levels.

Take care

Welcome to the board. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope you are feeling better soon. Love and hugs, JuliaI just want to say and reinforce what has been said above.

If you manage to get on Prednisone it will make you feel great (it is a very powerful drug),
do not cancel your appointment with the specialist because you feel normal again.

If your do have RA, it needs to be jumped on ASAP.

Finely, welcome to the board and hope all goes well for you.
Hi Clo...First, wecome!  Second, I have never found an OTC pain reliever that has worked for the more difficult RA pain.  Personally, I'd get back with your doc and get something stronger.  I would do that with or without anyone's support.  I don't know how bad your pain is, but if it's anything like some of what I've had, their is no way I'd take no for an answer.  But maybe I'm a bigger baby than you are.try glucosamine hcl 1500mg with msm 1500ng it is over the counter any grug store have to take every day helps joints also try not to get cold stay covered up in the cold try asking dr for predazone or cordzone it helps for about 3 weeks Hello and welcome.  Like others here there were no OTC pain killers that helped.  Prednisone made me feel great, as though there was no RA, but like Bodak said, keep the appointment.  The pain came right back when I went off of them.  Ice helped some and a topical cream "biofreeze" helped a bit.  Good luck and glad you found us.  Welcome.....

  I have had RA for about a year now,and I have had alot of pain as well and nothing over the counter seemed to help,along with taking all the meds Im on.....but I have found a product that works for me it takes the pain away for awhile ..its called...BIOFREEZE,it comes in a roll on wich I use its easier than the feels cold at first and then gets pretty warm...but after that the pain is gone for awhile...I love it on my bad does smell really minty occupational theropist uses it ,she told me about it.....I bought a bunch of bottles from e-bay...its not something easily found in the stores...if you get this ,just make sure its the one that says BIOFREEZE...

    Emily P
I see that you were born in 1991. I would highly discourage prednisone at
your age. You have a long life a head of you and prednisone is a horrible
horrible med to take. it will ruin your health. Yeah, it may give you some
good euphoric moments, but remember you are so young, it is important for
you to make wise choices in your treatment plan. Prednisone is not a wise
choice at your age.