Picking up litter at the beach | Arthritis Information


Oh, I just went to our Beach, and my tennis friend was out there with 'one of those litter pick up' things,cleaning up the beach, parking lot and around the trash cans!! I'm going to do that tomorrow evening. The sun was setting, I could be doing a good deed, getting evening exercise AND enjoying the lovely sunset......OMG, I can't wait. California, ya gotta love it! Lynda


Which beach?


What a wonderful thing to do, Lynda! WTG GIRL!

Nothing I hate more is to go to the lake (here in IL) and have trash or fishing wire left behind. I always (when I was well and went fishing) would take a trash bag and my kids and I would pick up trash.

I was a girl scout leader for 9 years and one patch was to pick up trash around in our town. I started "Spruce Up for SPring" every April the scouts still get together and pick up trash around town. We plant a tree in the school yard and have a lunch provided by the community service club. I shouldn't say I started it there was many people involved and I am so proud that it is a tradition. Last year I was too illl to go but hopefully next year I can!

Can't stand it when  people litter especially parks and beaches.!

Once again, good for U!

Hi all, my first evening of 'litter patrol'. There is no shortage of litter!on our beach, filled a whole bag. It was nice when a young 'surfer dude' said, 'thank you mam for doing that'. 'Thanks for saying that and Every little bit helps", I said. This good deed stuff could get to be a habit. I think I walked a mile, too. Lynda

Wish I were there with ya, I'd help!  I love the beach....yep, would have to drive for miles and miles and miles to find one around here!!!!

That would be great fun, shelly, we could pick up twice as much 'stuff'. Lyndahere in IL people/organizations "adopt" stretchs of highways. They pick up the trash or plant flowers. There are signs along the road way that say "This street adopted by such & such". I think it's a great idea. Can't stand litter bugs!Sounds lovely, Lynda
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