OT Survivor | Arthritis Information


Anyone keepin up? It is going to get ugly before it is over. I'm glad JR went
but I also want to see the Feejee or what ever her name is..go...I'm really
rooting for frosty, todd or amanda at this point. I was thrilled JR left.  This is the first season I haven't seen all of the episodes.  I wish they had reruns, damn.....I was glad to see JR go too.  He thought he was so clever

In the previews for next week it appears he is starting up again.

Talking about Amazing Race!I thought this thread was going to be about survivors of all the "OT" posts. I still like the undertaker or maybe I just like his abs.

I like to watch the Race more than Survivor, it's more intense, and the personal conflicts are more explosive. I always wonder when relationships go so wrong what they were thinking in the 1st place signing up for that show. Stress doesn't always bring the best out in people.

Survivor is the one show I make a point to watch, except for 24 which is now not going to be shown due to the writers strike.  I actually, in all my total dorkiness, tried out for it once.  Obvioulsy fell short, they didn't pick me.
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